I lost my virginity to a 34 year old MILF

danielrbischoff said:
I think BlackStar passed out from exhaustion after this lengthy business plan.
To be fair, this is all under the assumption that I'd be doing hard labor, or work of any sort.

That's a foolish assumption to make.
Pasta, pizza, fried chicken, burgers, wings, and steak.

And beer.

Man food except the pasta, but pasta is just so delicious. And we'll make it all spicy and shit.

And that, I will not believe.

Outside the store, Biggie was being pumped to the swirls of Chris and the ingenious networking of Urban.

Inside the kitchen, turmoil erupted! Nobody wanted to work for Ugh. And Ugh was too busy telling everyone he knew this thread wasn't about a MILF.

The delivery men were waiting for orders to send to Omicron Persei 8 when Rain said "I'M A COOK!" So he went into the Kitchen to get shit moving. Meanwhile Sourdeez got behind the wheel and drove into a tree. De-Ting called him a retard and he was pulled off delivery service and was transferred to Joker's assistant. Which was great for Joker since now he had someone to scrub toilets for him.

Bret failed at making the menus but luckily C Nate had him covered. Used couldn't get Moose off the brain and MattAY surprisingly turned his film crew into asian lady boys.... wait he did what???

While Dan and Wicked were doing Parkour out back they wound up in the hospital with broken spines, there was no management and everyone looked at Ugh at what to do next. Silos was getting orders left and right due to Links review in Pretentious Magazine Weekly and there was a line up of people out side who could dig what Urban was preaching.

But Ugh was screwing around on Twitter and Rain was doing all the cooking he couldn't keep up, there was no leadership. The pizza place was in disarray and Icepick wasn't about to deal with unhappy customers. And to make things worse NICK GOT ME NON ALCOHOLIC BEER! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?

People! You've got to make this work!
Pasta, pizza, fried chicken, burgers, wings, and steak.

And beer.

Man food except the pasta, but pasta is just so delicious. And we'll make it all spicy and shit.
You can't eat pizza and fried chicken at the same time though, thus the majesty of chicken and waffles.
intoTheRain said:
jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with my phone. definitely shouldnt have got an android.

Do what I started doing: when you post from your phone, rather than pressing the back button till the window closes, create a second browser window so you can close the window with GR in it then you can back out of the second window no problem.
Green_Lantern said:
intoTheRain said:
jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with my phone. definitely shouldnt have got an android.

Do what I started doing: when you post from your phone, rather than pressing the back button till the window closes, create a second browser window so you can close the window with GR in it then you can back out of the second window no problem.
MattAY said:

...FUCK!! Tylzen, I know you're attached to the beard but shave it a little...
No, you know what - it'll work, I'll make it work. People have something to HANG onto!
Maddy, I told you the curls in the hair look fucking shit in the light, you dont cut it - I WILL! You run a nice ass though boy, keep it up.
And fuck Wes, you're going to have to crouch to stay in frame. I mean how tall ARE you?! The legs are dynamite though buddy.
Dobby, you are nowhere near naked enough - lose the cotton! But keep the gelato.....OOooooh yeah! Gelato pizza specials!

OK, that's as close to asian chicks as were gonna get! LET'S SHOOT!!
Dobby - first scene, you know what to do. the rubber gloves are over there.

hahaha OMG GR has gone crazy!

And I nominate GL as our IT guy.

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