Dinner For One

Optimus-Crime said:
It wasn't about you or I, into, it's about Gunner and his proposal, and you never stopped to give that a moment's thought.
Our good intentions and "great advice" should always take a backseat to the actual situation, and advice should remain just that--advice--but not something you should turn into a plan of action.

This whole Breakup 101 thing is on a downward trend. Following any advice online is amateurish at best. You're giving women too little credit by doing so.

But whatevs, this being a video game message board and all the sort of advice given here is hardly uncommon and more likely par for the course.

or you take what you've learned from the past and try to help a guy through a tough time.

you said all women are not paint by numbers, if you love her go after her. blah blah blah.. he did, she told him she was with another guy. shocking. so if he'd just followed the advice given he wouldnt have said i love you only to be kicked in the nuts and be told she was cheating on him. looks like the advice, almost unanimously agreed to be great advice, that i gave, wasn't so bad afterall. because most women are paint by numbers.

MOST women are the same and MOST relationships end similarly.

i to this day have not seen a woman break up with a friend out of the blue, pre meditated, when another guy was not the reason. maybe when i do, i'll start to believe they aren't all the same.

which is fine, it's the way they're wired.

all men are the same to.
Mod-Chip said:
Thanks for hijacking gunner's thread.

If she were a summer fling, I'd be inclined to agree. This was a woman he was soon to propose to, his words. That's not someone you just let go without at least some closure, if only for your own well being.

Gunner, you did the right thing here. Not knowing what could've been with someone whom you were serious with is the stuff nightmares are made of, fueled for the next 5 - 10 years. Now that you know, you're where you need to be without any of that regret (even though it must not feel like it right now).
Well I feel unwelcome here...

Gunner, being in bed with you is a little creepy, but I'll let it slide. I'm serious, though -- it seems like you have a good group of friends to take you out, but if you're ever up to being a lamer and staying home, forreals I'm down to talk and watch anime into the night.
Sightless said:
Well I feel unwelcome here...

Gunner, being in bed with you is a little creepy, but I'll let it slide. I'm serious, though -- it seems like you have a good group of friends to take you out, but if you're ever up to being a lamer and staying home, forreals I'm down to talk and watch anime into the night.

Sorry if that comment was creepy was just trying to make a joke not intended to offend.
lol No worries, Gunner. I wasn't that serious.

BlackStar, I don't think that would bother me. Just dudes doing their thing, right?
The only thing I can really say is that you have to decide how it goes from here on out. I mean, if you never want to speak to her again you can stipulate that and ignore her, but who knows what the future will hold.

It's not an easy decision, basically. So don't stress if it is, well, stressful. For now, ride it out and see where it goes.
OK, what's done is done - rehabilitation begins!

GAMING MARATHON - which games? Crash Bandicoot?
ANIME MARATHON - Perhaps a Ghibli Marathon?

Constant beers in a cooler next to you at all times is key. Along with snacks.

I can also help in the sending of Asian women in the post. I'd have to ask you not to lose any of them.
Im really sorry to hear that. breaking up sucks. My 2 years separation for my divorce is finally almost over. It's been a hard time but just be glad you didn't get married. It's a lot of hard work going through a divorce!! I can't wait for it to be over! The hardest thing is having to keep in touch because he owes money and for the divorce. So if anything, get a new number, delete her off Facebook, go on a holiday, get drunk and have fun. Single life is the best!

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