Dark Souls

I think that is what happened, though. I shut off the console when I thought it was safe. It wasn't.

Take that as a lesson. ALWAYS quit to title.

And Dan, I don't think many people get made fun of more than me.
I'm having a harder time with this game than Demon's Souls. But, then again I'm choosing to play it offline because some of the messages other people would leave (although helpful) spoiled/saved me from having a heart attack.
I don't think there is a WT. I think it's more geared towards Covenants and Humanity. But I have only just started.
I guess my real question is, does dying screw over your entire game, stopping you from getting certain weapons and such, like in Demon's Souls?
Well, considering the difficulty hasn't started increasing when I die and return to the bonfire, I would say there is nothing to worry about... And I have died many times. I tried to reclaim my humanity twice and died both times.. no change. You reclaim all of your health when you die, rather than a soul with only a piece of health.
De-Ting said:
I guess my real question is, does dying screw over your entire game, stopping you from getting certain weapons and such, like in Demon's Souls?
Nope. Dying doesn't hurt as much in this one. Hell, there's much less reason to be human as well.

Anyway, I started over. I'm 14 hours in now (a good deal of which was idling while I waited to be summoned), have gotten to Blighttown, and am using a +6 Zweihander that is just pimpin as fuck.

And for your entertainment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsybgFMrcTU
I haven't played in a day or so, so I'm still in the Depths....I hate that place and the damn curse frogs.

I'm also still mad I had to kill the dude who upgrades my pyromancy flame.

Thinking about starting a knight or something like that too sometime, but it may be best to stick with my one character for a while longer.
I'm finally making some progress. Made it to the beast that casts lightning spells, near the blacksmith with the long beard. That demon looks pretty goddamn scary though.
StudioTan said:
I'm finally making some progress. Made it to the beast that casts lightning spells, near the blacksmith with the long beard. That demon looks pretty goddamn scary though.

He's very easy to beat though. Don't worry. Just killed him today on my 3rd try. :D
If you just run around him, you can run out to the forest. It's MUCH easier than taking on the Demon.

He's not super hard, but still.
Yeah, he's pretty easy...So is the Moonlight Butterfly which you will run into pretty soon if you keep going that way.

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