CYOA: The Liquid Just Got Wicked

**** THAT!!! Dive roll in and empty ten rounds of pistol into wall behind first guard you see from across the room...

Like a Boss
I'm just genre savvy enough to know that Bret + CYOA + Macho = death, and I liked HK before I was HK and he was always cool.
Part 11

"I got this, Snake." Wicked climbed that ladder like a boss. He started crawling through the vents when he heard someone grunting. Remembering Meryl, he sped up...only to find that it was actually the guard with diarrhea. If there is one thing that video games can't properly convey, it is smell. And the dude smelled horrible. Wicked surpressed his gag reflex. When he turned, he realized that Snake had already gone ahead. So he headed off in the same direction...stopping to admire Meryl...and continued to the next.

Drop in and join the scene

Let it play out without you
Guess I was wrong. Drop in and join the scene sounds sexy, assuming you gone past the ruined toilet.

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