CYOA: The Liquid Just Got Wicked

Part 7


"Herro? [ok, I'm sorry, imagine her bad accent, I can't do a whole dialogue like that.] "This is not Snake, who are you?" "I'm Wicked Liquid. And you gotta help me! I'm at the helipad and there are a bunch of guys and they're about to kill me!" "Hmmm, and you called me? This reminds me of a movie, I believe you Americans..." "I'm Canadian," Wicked interrupted. "Yes, sure," she continued, "well, the movie was Taken. A girl called her father for help and he barked a bunch of commands, but the one thing he let her know was that she would be taken...also I think she got raped a lot. Does that help?" Wicked paled, "not remotely." He disconnected from the call and was about to run for it when one of the guards said, "hey oranges!" Wicked froze. The guard opened the box. "What the hell is this," the surprised guard asked. "Umm, orange you glad I'm not a trained soldier," Wicked said weakly. "Get up now," the guard said as he trained his gun on Wicked, "Bob, get over here. You gotta see this. It's some guy in a bathrobe. BOB...Bob?" With a sudden flash Snake was there. It all happened so quickly, first the guards gun dropped to the ground, next his neck snapped, and then before he knew it Wicked was getting hauled to his feet. "So. You're the tag along."

Hug snake

Show him you're no bitch

Find a way to help
After that Taken reference I was going to go for showing Snake that WL ain't no pussy ass bitch, but looks like it's a bro hug.
Part 8

Wicked jumped over the dead guard and pulled Snake in for a hug. For the briefest moment, Wicked sweared that Snake started to relax, but the moment was short. "Get your damn hands off of me!" Snake shook his head, "Who sent you? What training do you have? And what intel have you gathered?"

Tell him everything

Play it dumb

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