You've GOT to be kidding me...

Wheres the straw man? I didn't address the issue? Analogies help people wrap their head around your point. I don't mean to do it to divert attention from their argument.

Longo_2_guns said:
Honestly, I wouldn't mind having a policy where having a third child requires a thousand dollar tax. Just something so that lower class people who couldn't afford that wouldn't have another kid, and would go through a bunch of preventative methods after two. Meanwhile, it's small enough that middle class people can pay it if they want to have more kids.

You know I'm not opposed to this either, but this is dangerous ground because its obviously discriminatory against lower income households which are majorly minorities. Good luck getting that through.
This whole topic makes my brain feel sad.

Firstly, re: the whole Church having to provide birth control thing: This has been all over the news, and I haven't heard anyone say the most obvious thing. The people covered under the law aren't being forced to take any birth control, so if they choose not to, the church doesn't have to pay for any birth control. And if they do? Well, maybe the church will have to come to terms with the fact that most women (97%, I read in the paper) use or have used birth control.

And a sex strike: ahahahhahahahahha. haha. ha. If there is one thing the Church, chastity ball organizers, Planned Parenthood, the Chinese, health teachers, and concerned parents have all found out the hard way, its that you can't stop people from having sex. So don't even try.

Affen said:
Dobby2244 said:
ps and this might sound bad, but a lot of woman put themselves in stupid positions, like walking down a dark street alone with a short skirt on.

Didn't a statement like that start the whole slut walk thing?

Oh, come on. If your house gets robbed did you put yourself in a stupid position by owning nice things?
GiftedMonkey said:
Firstly, re: the whole Church having to provide birth control thing: This has been all over the news, and I haven't heard anyone say the most obvious thing. The people covered under the law aren't being forced to take any birth control, so if they choose not to, the church doesn't have to pay for any birth control. And if they do? Well, maybe the church will have to come to terms with the fact that most women (97%, I read in the paper) use or have used birth control.

yeah, shouldn't the church be confident that its own employees follow its beliefs? All this issue has done is show that the Catholic Church has begun to realize that it has lost much of its power in terms of American politics, and is desperate to make itself relevant again. Unfortunately, it picked an issue that really isn't that divisive among women, and can only hurt their brand in the long run.
GiftedMonkey said:
This whole topic makes my brain feel sad.

Let's see how depressed I can make that brain.

DUN H8 A PLAYR H8R! u no wut i think bout wen i b mackin dem hoes? i b all lyke shee-it gurl dat bby ain't my prob! ROFL LMAO
UrbanMasque said:
Wheres the straw man? I didn't address the issue? Analogies help people wrap their head around your point. I don't mean to do it to divert attention from their argument.
Mostly the whole toxic waste thing. I understand the point, but they aren't really on the same level with providing birth control.

UrbanMasque said:
You know I'm not opposed to this either, but this is dangerous ground because its obviously discriminatory against lower income households which are majorly minorities. Good luck getting that through.
This is the big problem with it. Not that it's racist, but everyone will say that it is.

As for the Slut Walk, while the whole "asking for it" part is only a small truth, for every one girl who actually did get raped there are plenty who gave themselves up and then just felt guilty about it and called it rape. It's sad, really.
I find it strangely ironic that urbs is championing the minimum wage when in fact it was put in place to screw black people out of jobs in the 30's and 40's because of union protectionism.

Urbs, if Chuck roast is 9$/lb and Prime Rib is 9$/lb, which are you going to buy? Min. wage laws increase unemployment and decrease overall wages, just like big labor. :) ... fects.html

Fun times.

But weren't we talking about vaginas? You know who is having a population crisis because they're xenophobic? Japan. Let's get over there and populate!
Japan is having a population crisis for two reasons. One, because the men are realizing women are bitches and whores and going fully into their digital waifus (as we all should) and two, because women are working until they're like 30 and don't even consider marriage before then.

Though I was told the other day that if I got a Japanese girl I'd be happy forever. So that's something.
Longo_2_guns said:
Japan is having a population crisis for two reasons. One, because the men are realizing women are bitches and whores and going fully into their digital waifus (as we all should) and two, because women are working until they're like 30 and don't even consider marriage before then.

Though I was told the other day that if I got a Japanese girl I'd be happy forever. So that's something.

Quit talking to mattay so much, that's how we got in these world wars, talking to brits.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
I find it strangely ironic that urbs is championing the minimum wage when in fact it was put in place to screw black people out of jobs in the 30's and 40's because of union protectionism.

Urbs, if Chuck roast is 9$/lb and Prime Rib is 9$/lb, which are you going to buy? Min. wage laws increase unemployment and decrease overall wages, just like big labor. :) ... fects.html

Yea... and the Republicans freed the slaves..
UrbanMasque said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
I find it strangely ironic that urbs is championing the minimum wage when in fact it was put in place to screw black people out of jobs in the 30's and 40's because of union protectionism.

Urbs, if Chuck roast is 9$/lb and Prime Rib is 9$/lb, which are you going to buy? Min. wage laws increase unemployment and decrease overall wages, just like big labor. :) ... fects.html

Yea... and the Republicans freed the slaves..

Straw man again! Don't be silly. what's the obsession with repubs vs. demos? I have no love for such simpleton politics. When will it ever get to you GRians that my issue is with Government, republican or democrat. They both want MORE of it. To choose what you do when you do it and how you do it. Fuck that.

Lol, Al gore's dad, a man Bill clinton considers a "mentor" and Sen Byrd all filibustered the civil rights act of 1964, which more republicans voted for than democrats. So I guess they did.
Jesus Christ, this all happens while I'm not checking the forums obsessively?

I still don't understand what this issue is about. I read the posts in this thread, but they're a bit confusing/not exactly clear, and I'm not entirely sure what to look up on the internet. Pointers?

A lot of what I've read here makes me quite upset, but it also seems off topic of ... sex strike, or whatever. So yeah. WHAT IS THIS?
The sex strike thing was a silly stunt to draw attention to some employers not wanting their insurance policy to cover women's birth control because god.

The arguments here are focused more on abortion (and how sometimes women are asking to be raped by men who just can't control themselves darn it) because that's more fun.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
UrbanMasque said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
I find it strangely ironic that urbs is championing the minimum wage when in fact it was put in place to screw black people out of jobs in the 30's and 40's because of union protectionism.

Urbs, if Chuck roast is 9$/lb and Prime Rib is 9$/lb, which are you going to buy? Min. wage laws increase unemployment and decrease overall wages, just like big labor. :) ... fects.html

Yea... and the Republicans freed the slaves..

Straw man again! Don't be silly. what's the obsession with repubs vs. demos? I have no love for such simpleton politics. When will it ever get to you GRians that my issue is with Government, republican or democrat. They both want MORE of it. To choose what you do when you do it and how you do it. f*** that.

Lol, Al gore's dad, a man Bill clinton considers a "mentor" and Sen Byrd all filibustered the civil rights act of 1964, which more republicans voted for than democrats. So I guess they did.

You've missed my entire point with that statement. (So further off into this tangent I go).

While what you said about unemployment may have data to back it up, you are totally leaving out other variables at play that cause the rise in unemployment during the same time as minimum wage hikes.

Minimum wage has ALWAYS gone up, and never down. Have we seen a steady increase in unemployment rates since 1938? What HAS happened is what you are able to buy with your peasants earnings has decreased due to inflation. So, using unemployment rates as a reason NOT to increase min. wage is not fair to everyone struggling to survive because minimum wage doesn't increase along with inflation.
(Do you want to go further down the rabbit hole?)
If you say minimum wage hikes cause inflation - I will virtually slap you.


Now back to the surface for some air and to my original point.

Organizations don't get to dictate what it will and won't do, while it operates within a government's territory. Governments tell the orgs what the standard operating procedures are within ITS boundaries ( and I used things like Lunch breaks, min. wage, CIVIL RIGHTS and health care options as examples of ways gov't has stepped in to improve the individual's quality of life against the private sector's and the free market's inability/desire to do so).
I have too many thoughts about this crap. Basically, everyone's stupid, The End.

The group hosting the Sex Strike is incredibly dumb and extremely offensive, as I think everyone here agrees. First, it's kind of shitty that this is heterosexually oriented against men, further asserting/enforcing that they are the ones in power; second, this "if I can't then you can't" attitude is bs; and... fuck it -- just look at the first thing I read on their FAQ page:
No Access Sex Strike said:
The only reason that American men can enjoy their customary free, regular and safe sex with women is because those women have access to the contraceptives of their choice.
Holy. Shitfuck. My brain.

I actually first went to their facebook page to try to learn more, as google search news articles did little apart from highlight internet reactions along the lines of "y u no in kitchen". I didn't find info about what exactly they're threatened by. That's when I went to their website, and I'm currently browsing through their section under "Attacks". I admit that I didn't want to read ALL of them, so upon their advice, I read a Top 10 Why Shit's Crazy list by The Huffington Post.

What the shit. First of all, news writers, if you can, please link to primary documents. At least read them. The Bills that I have read aren't as bad as the articles about them claim (granted, there have been some revisions made, in some cases). Some even appear to contradict them. I have specific comments for each of the ten points, but I'll spare you the rant. In overview, no, no one's saying that you can't have an abortion even if you're dying. Why does anyone think that this is happening?
Contraceptives (as contraceptives): I don't think women have a right to them, nor do I think they have a right to make other people pay for them. It's nice if someone will, but if they won't, then go buy some yourself, or be otherwise responsible. I don't think that they're necessary in order to live a healthy life.

Religious freedom & employment: I would have to know more about the systems in place to make a better judgement on this, including provisions for employee's rights and protection from discrimination. For now I'd like to say that I regard this as a non-religious issue, granting a company the right to offer what they want, and if you don't like it, don't get into it. There are various plans that may be offered, aren't there? This is a variant. IF a company chooses to ask for medical information/verification of prescription birth control, I would like it if they had to advertise it well to potential employees. It looks like this was actually removed from one of the bills in Arizona, and I'm not sure whether or not it was adequately substituted with some other requirement of notice. Having women pay for the verification is bullshit, though, unless it is not a unique fee.

Abortion: I want to be guided by science. Everyone's crazy about what constitutes a person, right? This whole zygote business. I'm not comfortable drawing a line. I agree that after some months (20 weeks, in the bill in Georgia), it's probably too late to have an abortion. If you're using a morning after pill, though, that seems far less murderous. Somewhere in between there is a gray area. I sympathize with those who are asked to make a decision about this.

I think those who are protesting a mandatory ultrasound in order to request an abortion, which may possibly entail the use of a vaginal ultrasound, are being too sensitive. I see it as part of a medical procedure, and if they want an abortion done, then they better check on the thing that's being aborted. It's not rape -- if they call getting an abortion a choice, then they must accept the whole procedure as a choice. If they don't want a device in their vagina, then don't get an abortion. The doctor probably wishes he/she didn't have to do it, too. How do they expect someone to get rid of a thing when they can't even properly tell what that thing is?

The only really valid point I saw on that Top 10 list was in Texas, a women's health program/organization is being excluded from funding. That's pretty terrible, and they should be raising hell about that. I'm not saying that there aren't movements that attack women's rights and all that. I just think that there are far better ones to go after.

Eyebrowsbv31: There wasn't always a choice to have sex, right? Screw being pro-abortion; what you are is anti-life.
With regards to gender selection, I'm a little surprised that the reasoning for the abortion is so important to you. How would you determine which types of abortions were occurring?

For the record, I'm pro-choice, but would never encourage anyone to seek an abortion.

I'm not a fan of the Slut Walk, but I do find "They were asking for it" opinions to be disgusting. As Longo said, there -are- women who consent and just feel regret afterwards. There is also a level of precaution that should be expected from people in certain conditions (being alone, or in the dark, or in the middle of nowhere, or all of the above), for general safety reasons. However, asserting that a person's attire then makes that person responsible for the rape is ridiculous. You'd be saying that the rapist was rendered incapacitated, unable to do anything but rape. Well, we're all in trouble then.
Fuck! Reading walls of text at work is just not gonna happen. All I will say is:

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Quit talking to mattay so much, that's how we got in these world wars, talking to brits.

Do NOT listen to this man. Marrying a Japanese girl is the dream *o*
I'M SORRY. I HAD SO MUCH TO SAY. And I'm really tired...

I'm available. I've also been known to wear skirts at night, so you know I can provide.
UrbanMasque said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
UrbanMasque said:
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
I find it strangely ironic that urbs is championing the minimum wage when in fact it was put in place to screw black people out of jobs in the 30's and 40's because of union protectionism.

Urbs, if Chuck roast is 9$/lb and Prime Rib is 9$/lb, which are you going to buy? Min. wage laws increase unemployment and decrease overall wages, just like big labor. :) ... fects.html

Yea... and the Republicans freed the slaves..

Straw man again! Don't be silly. what's the obsession with repubs vs. demos? I have no love for such simpleton politics. When will it ever get to you GRians that my issue is with Government, republican or democrat. They both want MORE of it. To choose what you do when you do it and how you do it. f*** that.

Lol, Al gore's dad, a man Bill clinton considers a "mentor" and Sen Byrd all filibustered the civil rights act of 1964, which more republicans voted for than democrats. So I guess they did.

You've missed my entire point with that statement. (So further off into this tangent I go).

While what you said about unemployment may have data to back it up, you are totally leaving out other variables at play that cause the rise in unemployment during the same time as minimum wage hikes.

Minimum wage has ALWAYS gone up, and never down. Have we seen a steady increase in unemployment rates since 1938? What HAS happened is what you are able to buy with your peasants earnings has decreased due to inflation. So, using unemployment rates as a reason NOT to increase min. wage is not fair to everyone struggling to survive because minimum wage doesn't increase along with inflation.
(Do you want to go further down the rabbit hole?)
If you say minimum wage hikes cause inflation - I will virtually slap you.


Now back to the surface for some air and to my original point.

Oh dear. So because a 32 inch flat screen TV costs 300 dollars in today's money as compared to a color TV back in the day for a couple thousand. Deflation happens as well Urbs. That's why on a "peasants wage" the average person in poverty in america owns a car, cell phone, appliances, a TV, some form of computer and a decent living space be it a small house or an apartment. That is the benefit of a free market. What if back in the early 90's the govt. MANDATED that everyone HAS to have a cell phone? You think we'd have the smart phones of today, with the companies being forced to dole out a cellphone for free or as cheaply as possible? Oh look, another article by Williams (that you won't read) about...inflation! Gee, economists do know something. ... page/full/
"nflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon, in the sense that it cannot occur without a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.â€
Eh, I'll still be around when you're done. This is my corner.

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Eyebrowsbv31: There wasn't always a choice to have sex, right? Screw being pro-abortion; what you are is anti-life.
With regards to gender selection, I'm a little surprised that the reasoning for the abortion is so important to you. How would you determine which types of abortions were occurring?

I'm not anti-life, I just see abortion as a horrific tool some people have to use for whatever reason. If you're referring to rape, which is what always happens in these debates, is that rape doesn't make up 95% of sex, and it's always another horrific and special case. Jesus. And gender selection is still wrong.

So you're pro-life, but cool with (the necessity of) people violating the baby's rights? And you didn't answer my question about how you would determine cases of gender selection as opposed to your common "I don't want you (no sexist)" abortion.

And I didn't mean to use rape as a big deal, except that you said "The choice is to have sex; not whether to keep the child or not."

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