The N Word

So what is more important, context of the word being said in the modern day, or context of the word as a cultural aspect of racism?

I remember a TV show attempted to wrestle with what the word actually means for people of numerous backgrounds, but it didn't go further than just having kids talk about it and why it's appropriate for some, inappropriate for others.

In the end, the answer is too complex really to grasp any form of consensus. Even if used in context, saying nigger is always derogatory, even if it is a part of their own vernacular when they speak, context be damned.

The real question should be exploring the word and its history, and how the use has changed over time. Does that make it ok? No. But it does give us insight as to why it is thrown around the way it is.
What link said. Creating a "Force meme" will not solve the N-word issue or any other racial/ethnic offensive language problem. Instead, study the word and respect your neighbors. Better to have friends who respects you then enemies you tried to forcibly convince.

And FYI, typing the N-word in the GR forum = "minority friend of mine".
That word, and the weight attached to it, are based on the context.

There are few instances where you can use it an not have it referencing a minority needing to "know there place". Use of it usually implies subjugation of some point MANY TIMES without even knowing the person you're using it to refer to.

I've known white people to use that word around me, no biggie - and I've known white people to use that word AT me - Big fucking problem. Context matters. On the other hand, I don't think people should lose the anxiety around that word because it amounts to forgetting history - History that people would like to ignore.

Its interesting to see the many ways people are finding ways around that word though.
My father works as a prison sergeant in a prison. A black prisoner once yelled at him "You cant make me do this, Im not a slave!"

His reply was "Slavery was wrong, Now how are we going to move on from it?"
What state is your prison in?
-I agree with the statement "you can't make me do this".
A Prisoners' punishment is being separated from society not turning them into slave labor. Now if they volunteer to learn a skill while inside then sign them up, but forcing them to work on a chain gang or other stuff is above and beyond the terms of their imprisonment.

My brother is a corrections officer in Rikers..
It was in Illinois. He just retired but he always said the prisoners had alot of respect for him after saying that. He once even had a guy go into a fake seizure and slap him upside the head and while the guy was freaking out on the ground(The prisoner thought he would be tackled or beaten) My father just says "Calm down its officer *last name*" The inmate apologized to him later. It really is proof to just how much progress can be made by treating each other with respect.
Mod-Chip said:
The N word is a superficial element on top of something far more pernicious. I think concentrating on that one, very myopic aspect of structural inequality rather than what's really wrong with the system is far more perturbing.
Obvious point is obvious. But this word is legend online. Who would've guessed online anonymity would take that word into uncharted highs and lows? This only proves the word is deserving of the gravitas when handled still to this day. Honestly, there's no other obscenity on par with this word, though, hey-hey, I'll admit that's subjectional.
An interesting look from BlackStar was what I was actually noting. Yes, it's just a word, but damn does this one have legs.
Optimus-Crime said:
Mod-Chip said:
The N word is a superficial element on top of something far more pernicious. I think concentrating on that one, very myopic aspect of structural inequality rather than what's really wrong with the system is far more perturbing.
that's subjectional.
An interesting look from BlackStar was what I was actually noting. Yes, it's just a word, but damn does this one have legs.

You mean subjective?

Sure it's subjective and sure online anonymity gives what 4chan calls btards the freedom to abuse it, but that's not where the so-called "legs" for it come from.

The reason the word nigger has so much negativity and taboo associated with it is because it is just the tip of the iceberg (i.e. the visible part) of the oppression it carries forth with it. In finland, the word nigger (neekeri) doesn't carry the same weight because there is no historical/social/cultural context to go with it; it just means black person.

I would argue that any other word that serves as a similar "tip of the iceberg" has an equal amount of gravitas associated with it, such as faggot, cumdumpster, kike, whore, wetback, and my favorite, sand nigger . Except these words are okay to use IRL and we don't have to substitute them with an acronymic preface. Nobody calls kikes the "K word". I suspect this has to do with the fact that the level of oppression towards jewish people (if any in the united states) is extremely low.

To sum up, more oppression = more taboo.= more gravitas = less attention paid to the reasons why the word has reached its corresponding level of explicitness.[/b]
ahh fuck. I'd forgotten how pedantic this can all become.

Mod-Chip said:
I suspect this has to do with the fact that the level of oppression towards jewish people (if any in the united states) is extremely low.
There's a good point. American's influence. What's the black populace like there in your town?
There's no K-Word because Americans didn't roll with 'Kike'. They went 'Jew'. Colloquially satisfying to the palette, I suppose. We like our hate words to dance off the tips of our tongues, springing bits of dark magic into the air. Kike has too much 'kuh' in it. Not a good word for slander. [see: bitch to cunt comparisons for further review]
You'd know if it were popular here in America because they'd be saying Kike in your neck of the woods, no matter where you live and no matter the Jewish population there, just as they say nigger today given, perhaps despite, those same reasons. Fun with hate words.
MattAY said:
Let's see if we can get IntotheRain in here...make it a three-way battle.

Nah I'm outie, I forgot what a nigger cunt kike wetback faggot Optimus-Crime can be. Oh sorry, I meant the N-word :roll:
1. you've exceeded the curse word limit for one sentence which is somehow an even bigger fail considering you've used them ironically.
2. we're not looking at BlackStar's point from the same point of view. We haven't from the start. While I thought it was an interesting, humorous take on the word you went all socioeconomic-geopolitical, which, despite the tone you may be reading this in, I'm all for, but we're playing to different crowds now. The "Drug Use/Religion Thread" doesn't play around here no more. also, not everything has to be~~DrAmAaaAAaAA~~~`k thx u gais
3. "The 'N-word'? Uh, I want to hear from the two spics!" That's probably not what MattAY and crumpet-ny were looking for. So...rap battle?
Optimus-Crime said:

Mod-Chip said:

BlackStar said:

Mod-Chip & Optimus-Crime said:

MattAY said:
Mod-Chip said:
Nah I'm outie, I forgot what a nigger cunt kike wetback faggot Optimus-Crime can be. Oh sorry, I meant the N-word :roll:

Sooooo tempted to make this my sig..

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