F*** feminism, be a proud man


funnyjunk hotlinkage, my arch-nemesis, we meet again.
i miss out on 9/10 images this way. curse you, bandwith pirates!



So i left my job, not because I made that guy shit his pants, rather because I met a feminazi, and she has friends. She comes in screaming about that rape case in the states, and how the media is blaming her. Now, all I said was "it's not a good idea to get black out drunk anywhere you go" and even clarified by saying it still doesn't excuse what happened, but that set off cunt mode. Her and her army of friends started berating me, explaining why men are inferior, I pointed out I felt rather superior when I was sticking her friend among the group in the ass, and as a result I was written up again

Already have a new job on Tuesday though, so I guess I broke even, maybe a little ahead as this one has a slightly higher rate of pay and there's only 7 people I'll be working with. Stay tuned for the next episode of "chauvinistic man", same phallic time, same phallic channel
Butt sex with a co-worker, leaving your job on a whim but finding a new, better paying job all within the same week? With the possibility of new co-workers to butt sex? I just realized the American Dream BLOWS! I want to live the Canadian Dream!

Dunno what the hell Lethean was thinking to come here. BlackStar had the right idea all along.

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