Win an autographed copy of StarCraft 2

Daddio said:
Kinda sad that it isn't the limited edition signed by all the devs ... odd that it wouldn't be.

As for all this 'type' of video game chick geek she is .. it's kinda given away by the title of her so called 'show'. If she feels the need to out right tell everyone OMG ITS A GIRL RUNNING A YOUTUBE VIDEO GAME SHOW! .. then yeah. That being said, I didn't find her overly annoying actually, but what got to me was her constant editing. Couldn't go more than a sentance without the scene being cut.

Longo, you forgot type D) She's decent at video games, doesn't give a s*** that she's a chick playing video games. She actually enjoys them and it's not always the first topic she starts a conversation with.
Wait, is GR really getting up in arms about "Kate" (if that's her real name *nefarious laugh*) offering a signed copy of a game? Pretty lame, guys.

Give it two years and this site's going to be full of Chris_Crime Clones. ;)
Anyway, if any non-douchebags want to win a free awesome thing that I am giving away out of the goodness of my heart, please do enter. I'm sure the rest of you are an absolute delight.
I didn't use Chris because I dislike him, I used him because he's the preeminent troll of GR. How can you dislike someone who remembers Showbiz Pizza Palace (although it was called Pistol Pete's Pizza in Arizona).

And thanks, by the way, I admire the fact that you're getting Child's Play a copy too. Props.
StalfrosCC said:
Longo_2_guns said:
It only took about 5 minutes of watching to determine without a doubt that she's an A, with a little B sprinkled in here and there.

It's not something to be ashamed of, it's just how s*** is.

That's because you are young my dear boy and you think there are only a few types of women because that is all you have met. You will grow out of that one day, pup.
There's obviously more than three types of women. It's just there's only three types of gamer girl. Just like how there's only three types of people with a goatee: hipster, douche, and evil twin. Like I said, it's not a bad thing, it's just how the world works.

You see, women are a simple breed who cannot understand our complex video games. It isn't their fault they're more suited for things such as secretarian, nurse and dominatrix positions, and not as suited for the pure manly power that is video games. That's just how things are.

Also, HI KATE! Welcome! You should stick around for a while. Any friend of Stal's is a friend of mine.
for what reason did this topic become a flame war? it seemed fairly legitimate to me, even if the creator of the videos made an account here (and then posted a sweet .gif), there's no reason to get up in arms. this is the first girl on GR in almost a year! Longo's woman pic doesn't count.
Hey, I live like 10,000 miles away from the United States. Do you do overseas mail?

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