The Office anyone?


I've never seen anyone on GR talk about The Office, do you guys like the show? I love both the UK and the US versions, i've seen every episode :)

The reason I bring it up is because Steve Carrell is leaving :( Micheal Scott is my favorite character with Dwight being a VERY close second so it's sad to see him go.

But has anyone been watching? What do you guys think of Will Ferrell replacing him? So far it's been hit and miss for me. I see alot of classic Ferrell and I find it hilarious while at other times he feels awkward and out of place.

Anyways, the season finale is going to be epic, with cameos from Ricky Gervais, Will Arnett, Ray Romono and Jim Carrey. I can't fucking wait! ... ice-181202
Meh...I used to watch and love it, but after Jim and Pam got together it really destroyed the appeal the show had for me. I loved the awkward sexual tension between the two. So since then I've stopped caring really.

Plus Micheal got SUPER annoying to me.
I agree the show isn't what it used to be but it's still funny. I mean, something had to happen between Jim and Pam, they couldn't stretch the tension forever, lol.
I haven't watched any of this season. I think the quality has gone down. Community and Parks and Rec has been keeping my attention lately.
danielrbischoff said:
I also read he wants to focus on making movies. He'll never be a movie star.

The 40 Year Old Virgin and Little Miss Sunshine were awesome. Carrell was also great in Anchorman, lol.

I hate that he's leaving but it kind of makes sense. The show has declined in quality and while I still enjoy it, it's better to burn out than fade away. Seinfield had the right idea, leave the fans wanting more instead of sticking around forever like The Simpsons and having your fans turn on you.

And to be honest, I think this stunt has gotten me more interested in The Office in a really long time. I haven't been this hyped up for an episode since Jim and Pam's wedding

Is what you really should be watching.
WickedLiquid said:
Seinfield had the right idea, leave the fans wanting more instead of sticking around forever like The Simpsons and having your fans turn on you.
Yeah, definitely wish there was more Seinfeld but the final seasons of that show really suffered too.

I kind of think that The Simpsons is creating a brand new fan base at this point. There are kids now that never ever saw the best of the Simpsons and don't feel like their missing out with the new episodes coming out now.

I sat my gf down two summers ago and we watched the first thirteen seasons straight through and showed her what good Simpsons was.
danielrbischoff said:
There are kids now that never ever saw the best of the Simpsons and don't feel like their missing out with the new episodes coming out now.

That's pretty tragic. But I guess it's still better than kids saying Family Guy is better than Simpsons without even knowing DENTAL PLAN, Lisa needs braces.
Green_Lantern said:
game of thrones

Is what you really should be watching.

I watched the first episode and for some reason it just didn't interest me, I don't know why. When Boardwalk Empire aired I absolutely loved that show and got into the whole "anything HBO I'll check out" phase and when was excited for this and honestly I was bored...

The Office is one of my favorite shows right now, I started around the 2nd season a (though I wish I was there from the beginning) and I've been following the show since. Yes the show has lost a bit of it's luster over the years but what show that has lasted this long hasn't? Obviously there are a few but I think it's still enjoyable. It's sad that steve is leaving which makes me mad because if the new guy isn't good the show might not last. But I understand why carrell is leaving and I hope the best for him, talented guy he is.

When I was in middle school I watched the simpsons at every time it was aired, on every channel. Didn't watch the old ones but I really enjoyed the one's I saw. In my opinion they peaked at the movie but someone somewhere still enjoys the new ones so... But I saw a old episode of the simpsons (one written by conan) and wow haven't laughed that hard at the simpsons in a long time. And to the whole family guy vs simpsons, I love both shows and followed both but I think and can't really compare the two because they use two different styles and types of humor. One uses cutaways and dark humor while the other is, well I honestly don't know how to describe the simpsons but you know what I mean.
steve carrell is my favorite comedian and yes I love The Office. I can't see the show surviving without him at this point. There are a lot of great characters on the show but Michael Scott is the glue that holds the office together. He supports the other actors.

i think people naturally think a show gets worse the longer it runs, i personally have no issues with The Office.

The garage sale episode with the magic beans was classic. The first Will Ferrell episode was terrible however.
They're not "magic beans", Rain. They're miracle legumes...and they weren't even supposed to be out there.

80% of the show is Michael Scott's relationship with the different members of the office. Sure a couple of them have things between each other, but they're trying to replace the centerpiece. A new boss isn't going to have established quirky relationships...I'm remembering mean, black boss.
Bret, that's why I think they should "hire from within." Make Daryl the new boss. Craig Robinson can carry the show. Bring née characters in if needed, but not in the main role.
Delorean88 said:
I watched the first episode and for some reason it just didn't interest me, I don't know why. When Boardwalk Empire aired I absolutely loved that show and got into the whole "anything HBO I'll check out" phase and when was excited for this and honestly I was bored...

Someone's never read the books...Keep with it, the story only picks up steam from the beginning.
WickedLiquid said:
DENTAL PLAN, Lisa needs braces.
WickedLiquid said:
DENTAL PLAN, Lisa needs braces.
WickedLiquid said:
DENTAL PLAN, Lisa needs braces.
WickedLiquid said:
DENTAL PLAN, Lisa needs braces.
WickedLiquid said:
DENTAL PLAN, Lisa needs braces.

I don't care for The Office anymore. I stopped at around season 6, when there were too many misses, and I realized they didn't know where they were going with the show. It lasted too long, the Brits were right to make it short and sweet.
The British version was/still is brilliant. The American Office has had its moments but now they are few and far between. I still watch, but at this point it is just filler to help get me from Community to Parks and Rec.

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