Ricky Gervais and the Golden Globes


So Ricky Gervais is getting a lot of heat for his monologue at the Golden Globes.

http://tv.gawker.com/5735192/watch-rick ... -monologue

I thought he was biting, sharp, witty, hilarious; I mean what else do you want?

Television and film has only become more crass and crude since the turn of the century. But Hollywood is still so serious about itself when it comes to their award shows, and meanwhile Jackass 3D is the top grossing film of all 2010. Well, not really. But fuck, it may as well be.

It took one decade for all entertainment to change and yet we're still holding these celebrities up to a God's platform when they're nothing more than aggrandized circus clowns! And I mean all of them. They're just kids playing in front of a camera. Go dig the Panama Canal, Johnny Depp. Do something worthwhile. Oh, but you can't talk to Mr. Pirates of the Caribbean that way! And that's what I hate about the Oscars, that's what I hate about every award show.

Celebrity is such bullshit to begin with, but awards for these clowns? these slackers? playing in front of a video camera? Fuck off! I can't believe Gervais was banned from the Golden Globes for taking his craft to a higher plateau! Isn't that what awards shows are all about?

Not knocking Johnny Depp. I bet he takes this stuff like a champ. His press agency probably shit their pants, but who cares about them anyway.

What buffoonery.

edit: okay so apparently he wasn't banned. still everything else remains true. The Awards, the pay should all go the the writers and producers. The actors? please...
I saw the intro, is that all he did. No inbetween bits?

It was a comedy bashing. Nothing wrong with that! Get over yourselves damn people and go roll in your piles of money - you'll get over it!

Being a cameraman at awards shows is quite stressful I imagine. I remember at one point during the show, someone commented on plastic surgery, and the camera went straight to Meryl Streep! Then jetted away again, as if the director went, "SHIT! Move it! MOVE IT!"
It was the perfect balance. Without him it'd be an awards show of crocodile tears, ass kissing and phony speeches with a host who panders to it. Gervais kept the awards show grounded and in check, while reminding celebrities they're nothing special. It also made it worth watching. Take notice Academy Awards.
You know how much crap these celebrities get just for showing up to these events? $100 Gift certificates to restaurants, expensive clothing, gift baskets with stuff worth more than an average paycheck, FFS, it's ridiculous. If these celebrities can't handle someone taking shots at them then they're what's wrong with the world.

Oh boo-hoo, Ricky just roasted me, time to go back to my MANSION and eat my LOBSTER (Frank Grimes FTW).
He seems to be getting less funny as time goes on, old Ricky. If I EVER see an appearance of his again that isn't 20% talking about atheism I'll quite likely explode.

As for this, well he didn't go nearly far enough. If you're going to push it farther than most others would, why not go all the way?
Considering the Golden Globes itself was an unfunny joke, I have no idea why they're complaining about the funny jokes.

Maybe they're jealous.
Longo_2_guns said:
Considering the Golden Globes itself was an unfunny joke, I have no idea why they're complaining about the funny jokes.

Maybe they're jealous.
Sort of related to the general lack of humor, aren't these shows so ridiculously awkward? From the silences that follow an awful joke, to the fake laughter that follows an awful joke told in a charismatic way, it's all just so fake and... bleh. Cringe worthy if anything is.
I was talking more about how The King's Speech got completely shafted and the whole thing was a massive sham in other regards, but that too.
The Hefner joke was beyond funny, fuggin' loved that De Niro was losin' it.

I'll miss Ricky workin' these celebs every year.
Ricky Gervais is a comedian, do you expect him to not to roast anyone? Of course not.
If I do say, this is bologna.
Yeah, I wasn't a Ricky Gervais fan until his Golden Globes appearance. He comes off looking a lot better after this showing. Some people are naturals at stand-up, and some are pushed for only god knows why. He's the latter. I've always thought he was someone who may be good at situational comedy but was horrible at his job. But now I'm actually interested in his routine, which is everything. I never took him for an idiot, I just didn't like his comedy. It lacked everything.
He pretty much took this hosting gig as an opportunity to rebrand himself, and it payed off brilliantly. Ricky Gervais, a gambling man; who knew?
I don't think you guys understand, celebrites are better than you. They don't have to be made fun of if they don't want to.
Christian bale's reaction is the best...

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