Duck Dynasty, Storage Wars Texas, Moonshiners

Anyone else watching this? It's the male equivalent to Basketball Wives, but that's what makes it soo goood! I haven't gotten into sitcom television in years, not even the well written ones. But this Discovery Channel, A&E stuff...there was a show about an animal vet that I fell in love with. But am I the only one, because while everyone else is talking about the season finale of The Office, i'm searching the channels for reruns of Call of the Wildman, you know, the turtle wrangler?

did you see Mankind: The Story of us All mini-series? awesome.
Billy the Exterminator's pretty good too. Then they cancelled American Chopper.
Girls and House of Lies are coming back soon. Must watch.

The cable shows are so much better than the stuff on network tv. Anyone have any good leads on the stuff I'm missing? I'm pretty much watching it all, it sounds like.

btw, Mary from Storage Wars Texas? Cute to the max.
Well, i mean... sounds like you're missing out on a bunch of tv then. How are you gonna watch tv?

Suggest some Australian shows to me, too. I'm looking for stuff from eveywhere. Didn't like Chris Lilley's last show...kinda sucked.

what's 21 x 2?

Still hoping for more seasons of Kenny vs. Spenny. Don't care that it's fake, or childish, or stupid... I miss the characters. Any word on new Kenny vs. Spenny, Canada?
Kenny vs Spenny was awesome. The lsd episode is priceless.
Please note, never dose someone without their permission

"Ok hes is pissed at me because I slipped him 4 hits of acid, its revenge for grade 9 you slipped acid in my sandwich"

"That wasnt me! it was Blake!"

"Oh really? Shit."
I just like how Kenny schemes to win every episode, and what a sadsack Spenny is. It's like the Odd Couple, but with challenges.

"Hey" can mean yes.
"Hey" can mean maybe.
"Hey" can mean no.
"Hey" can mean next week.
Si from Duck Dynasy is the best character on television right now, bar none.

Come at me.
It's totally real, and I've met Spenny. He's a total dick in real life. Told me about his crabs (I didn't even come close to asking). I haven't met Kenny, but apparently he's a huge pervert, which doesn't surprise me.

I don't think there is any more coming. There is a show that Spenny made called Single White Spenny, which is probably the worst television show I've ever seen. It's like, the Room bad. So bad its good but still so bad and hard to watch, that you don't understand why your watching it, because it's so bad it's good or that you can't actually believe it's so bad.

I don't care for Storage Wars Texas, but I love the original.
Rakon said:
It's like, the Room bad.
That's bold. But I've heard the same. Heard Kenny's show about those 2 guys was pretty bad too (can't recall the name right now).
That sucks that Spenny's a dick irl. If anything you'd think it'd be reverse, that Kenny would be that guy. Do you think he was in character when he met you? I just don't want to believe that guy is an ass, because he makes for the perfect loveable loser.

I've never really sat down to watch the other Storage Wars, but I should because I've really fallen for SW:T.
I met him too and he wasn't an ass. He wanted to steal my wallet for the who could commit the most crimes episode but his crew were telling him it can't be staged crimes lol. I was upset they didn't use it in the episode!

He just seemed really nervous like he hated having to do this. Which is why the show ended.
What are the odds you'd both meet Spencer? Pretty cool. I'm a fan of those guys, and I'm not a fan of many actors or those types. Had I met him around town I'd probably ruin the run-in with some obsequious comment. I always wondered if the people in their town realized how big they were becoming internationally, because they seemed to be cool with going the guerilla cam route for recording, and that must be a pain when you're in the process of becoming famous.

I'm reading they're both down to do another season, it's in the television studio's hands now.
haha I said I met him before on here, you guys just tune me out. :P

People are always filming in Toronto. You'd be surprised how many times in a movie Chicago is actually Toronto .

It's always an Easter Egg treat for me when watching a movie like Kick Ass and seeing a Tim Hortons in the background.
I grew up in Illinois. Its no wonder no one would ever want to film in Chicago. Ive hated every time Ive been there. Chicago is to Southern Illinois what LA is to northern California. I used to live in both southern Illinois and Northern Cali.
duuuuude, i ran into Moe Prigoff earlier today (from Stroage Wars: Texas). Pretty trippy. I guess this stuff does happen, Wicked, Rakon.
As I thought would happen, I was pretty excited about running into one of my two favorite stars from the show. I tried playing it cool, but the guy could read my face to see I was gaga. Shook his hand, told him they're my favorites, the only reason I watch (true story) and it was a pleasure. He said thank you and flashed his famous congenial smile.

Now if I could only meet his partner Mary and somehow make her my qtp2t. BlackStar, can you use your love machine to hook this up?

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