Movies you finally saw and was like holy crap this is bad


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I'm watching The Time Machine (2002) and hoooooooly craaaaap. I understand now why this flew under my radar. Not even a "so bad it's good" larf. Just awful.
Oh god, Guy Pearce. I like you but your accent is all over the place here.
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines.

T2 was my favorite film as a kid, my all time favorite movie EVER MADE! I even collected T2 trading cards.

Then 10 years later when I heard they were making a third I couldn't understand why. The second movie had the most perfect ending ever. So I put it off for years and then saw it around the time T4 came out and yeah... it raped the series.
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Made even worse after reading the graphic novel.

Connery did a good job, but besides that it was balls awful.
S. Darko. Essentially they took a Donnie Darko fanfic of the most terrible nature and made a movie. DD isn't exactly Shakespeare but this was about as contrived as BS can get.

Also, the Time Machine was just awful. HG Wells books always seem to get butchered.
The Birds

I know it's a classic but it was just plain boring. I appreciate old films and understand that people scared a lot easier in the 60's but I don't even think it was scary for the time.

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