Most Underrated Game Ever

I always thought it was a shame Terra Nova seemed largely overlooked, but I believe it got fairly good reviews at the time, and was great fun to play. Also, Toonstruck had a similar problem I think, solid reviews but no sales. I liked 'em both.
I'll say it, Mafia, for the PS2 is the most underrated game ever. This AWESOME game got not fucking love, and I don't get why. Great story, great missions, excellent cutscenes with good voice acting, and fun to play.
NjNakedSnake said:
I'll say it, Mafia, for the PS2 is the most underrated game ever. This AWESOME game go not f****** love, and I don't get why.

Well, you did mention the PS2, and the PC version of the game is was way more well-recieved than the console versions. I think it was IGN that said to go buy the PC version and not the console versions because it ruined the game.
I tried to play mafia, but it just didn't click for me. I thought to myself, why play a GTA imitation when i could play the real thing? At that point i brought the game back and popped in some GTA.
NjNakedSnake said:
I'll say it, Mafia, for the PS2 is the most underrated game ever. This AWESOME game go not f****** love, and I don't get why. Great story, great missions, excellent cutscenes with good voice acting, and fun to play.
I agree Snake Mafia was a great game to play.Tons of different cars to choose from and a great storyline.I mean it was kinda like The Godfather but it sure as hell beat the game lol.But in a way it was kinda like Millers crossing also.
It was a tremendous game for sure. Excellent cars, good gunfights, great story with AN AWESOME ending that I did not see coming. The bank heist was a good ass level, better than the heist in GTA vice city and SA. Most of Mafia's levels were better than GTA levels. Great characters too.
NjNakedSnake said:
It was a tremendous game for sure. Excellent cars, good gunfights, great story with AN AWESOME ending that I did not see coming. The bank heist was a good ass level, better than the heist in GTA vice city and SA. Most of Mafia's levels were better than GTA levels. Great characters too.
I never seen the ending.:( lost my disc.
Damn I gotta find that game again,never got past the part were you had to kill that one guys brother by blowing up his car.I never knew how to do it.:(
Geez you suck! You know that's like a 4 step process right? You end up killing an innocent woman with that car bomb and have to kill the guy in a trainyard, fairly difficult.

I was just kididng about the You Suck part, I'd have to see you play to judge.
I was good at that game but everytime I planted the bomb his body gaurds caught me and alerted him and he got away.
That is the most underated game of all time well that,Legend of the Dragoon,Chrono Trigger,Xenogears,and Ogre Battle.
You and me both, buddy. I think I should go spank some ladies right now. Why will no one play this game? I guess it's just too sophisticated for some people.

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