Most beautiful game???

I would have to say Bioshock.That game just took my breath away.The lighting and water effects is beyond words.It truly is a beautiful game.

Twilight Princess is really nice too.I just love that game.
Lord_Sesshomaru said:
I would have to say Bioshock.That game just took my breath away.The lighting and water effects is beyond words.It truly is a beautiful game.

Yeah, amazing water in Bioshock. A friend of mine was playing Bioshock for the first time the other day and he got to the part where a piece of the plnae slices through the tunnel/walkway and the water rushes in. He was like, "Jeeeeeesus..."

Amazing water. And all of the textures look wet. Cool shit.
I agree with almost all of the suggestions and I'm surprised more people aren't mentioning GTA IV. It as a whole just blew me away in terms of graphical achievements.
BionicSlingshot said:
Bioshock does take the cake of recent games but donkey kong (snes) was an eye opener

Good mention!

Donkey Kong Country had amazing visuals and lush environments that really stood out at the time, and made the game stand in the front of the pack, along with really fun gameplay. The mine cart portion reminded me of "Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom".
TheNesMan said:
I agree with almost all of the suggestions and I'm surprised more people aren't mentioning GTA IV. It as a whole just blew me away in terms of graphical achievements.

WTF? I musta gotten a different version of the game...

I'd say half-life 2 for the PC set the bar pretty high for it's day, of course now it has been beaten but the disparity between it and other games of its time was ridiculous.
BigZell2020 said:
TheNesMan said:
I agree with almost all of the suggestions and I'm surprised more people aren't mentioning GTA IV. It as a whole just blew me away in terms of graphical achievements.

WTF? I musta gotten a different version of the game...

I'd say half-life 2 for the PC set the bar pretty high for it's day, of course now it has been beaten but the disparity between it and other games of its time was ridiculous.
Have you flown the helicopter through downtown at night or during the day? It looks so magnificent.
TheNesMan said:
BigZell2020 said:
TheNesMan said:
I agree with almost all of the suggestions and I'm surprised more people aren't mentioning GTA IV. It as a whole just blew me away in terms of graphical achievements.

WTF? I musta gotten a different version of the game...

I'd say half-life 2 for the PC set the bar pretty high for it's day, of course now it has been beaten but the disparity between it and other games of its time was ridiculous.
Have you flown the helicopter through downtown at night or during the day? It looks so magnificent.

Yea, it looks amazing until you look closely. Get up on a building and you'll quickly realize that the "cars" you are seeing on the street are red and blue dots that are moving randomnly as opposed to where the actual traffic is positioned.

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