LOST: The Final Season [SPOILERS HERE]

malakian said:
So I actually cried. I'm not the most 'manly' man at the best of times, but that episode tugged my heart strings a little too hard.

Dude, everyone cried at that episode. If you didn't, you have no heart. And most of us cried again when Hurley started bawwwing, and then Jack cried in the sea.

Also in a podcast, one of the writers casually mentioned that We never saw Frank die. Now this is either Grade A trolling, or will lead to the greatest FUCK YEAR! moment in television.
Not really sure why Lapides is so popular with viewers. Is it sort of as an inside joke sort of thing? Because he's a pretty useless character.
Yeah, I love you forever and I will never leave you were in korean.

And Jack will be the new Jakob Im guessing, with Locke being the new MiB.

Jacks had some lines Jakobs had in earlier seasons, and Lockes just an ass.
keepithowitis said:
I try.
Really though, I've never watched Lost and don't have the patience to try and catch up to what any of you guys are talking about soo

soooo why are you even in this thread?

used44 said:
Not really sure why Lapides is so popular with viewers. Is it sort of as an inside joke sort of thing? Because he's a pretty useless character.

I agree, his character would be much better if he round-house kicked every bad guy in his path.
used44 said:
Not really sure why Lapides is so popular with viewers. Is it sort of as an inside joke sort of thing? Because he's a pretty useless character.

People like him because he's become the voice of the viewer.

In most stories, the reader/viewer has an instant connection with the Protagonist. In most cases he's your average guy fromt he real world trying to do good; someone relatable. For the first few seasons, this was Jack. He's a good guy who hasn't had the best of luck (something we can all relate to). However over time, Jack became part of the mythos. He became someone special and thus not of this world. The other characters, while likeable and enjoyable, also began to experience this change, having gone through time, or experienced something out of this world.

Thus, Lapidus comes in. Throughout his return to the island, he's been the voice of the audience. He's this average guy, just trying to help his friends, wondering why everyone is acting so normal when a smoke monster is killing everyone around them when there shouldn't be such thing as a smoke monster.

The reason I like Lapidus is he has become me in the show. In last week's episode when the sonic fence turned off, I said "Uh-oh." Which character said "Uh-oh" just as I did: Lapidus.
Looks like more spoilerific discussion is to be had.

So Jacob and the Man in Black (which oddly enough still wasn't given a name) are brothers. Their mother died by the candidate chosen to watch over the island. She killed them so that one of them could become the new candidate. Was she the first? She said she had a mother who died but she lied to them when she said there was nothing out there but the sea and the island was the only source of land...

And the man in black died but his spirit lives on as that black smoke? And he gained the power to transform into people who were dead on the island? How??? [edit] after discussing this with a friend of mine I've discovered that he didn't turn into the smoke monster. He died and the smoke monster merely took his form. Just like how it took the form of Jack's father and John Locke[/edit]

Hmmm, I dunno it seems they left out a lot of stuff. Like how can Jacob leave the island and select six candidates at different moments in their lives? And when was that huge statue built/created and what does it represent?

The women claimed the "light" on the island was inside all of humanity. So how can that turn the MiB into the smoke monster?

Lots of questions from that episode that "answers the questions to the island". I know the shows not over so we'll probably get some of them answered but you'd figure if they were to be answered, it would've been in that episode since it was Jacob's story.
That episode topped all others as The Worst. That was seriously some Sci-Fi Channel bullshit. Pretty pathetic. There was finally some good shock, and some hope for the show, when it was revealed that Jacob and MiB were brothers - but then they fucked that up pretty quickly with all the cliche light vs. dark junk.

Just yuck.
Obviously they threw in a bad episode so that you'll go into the finale with low expectations and be blown away.

My prediction; all hope will seem lost and then Vincent will jump to the rescue in slow motion. It'll be like that part in Independence Day where millions of New Yorkers are being oblithered but you just really want that dog to make it! Then after Vincent saves everyone Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Hurley jump into the air and freeze frame on a group high five. Cut to Black. LOST title appears.

But seriously, Vincent got shafted! He never hooked up with his beloved master Walt, he got stuck with Rose and Bernard, the two most useless characters on the show, and he never even got his own flashback episode.

This one's for you Vincent!!!
*Put on some sad music while you scroll down. this should work*








Dearest Vincent, your story may be over but it will never be forgotten :cry:
True story: Vincent was written out of the show because the dog who played him was stung by a bunch of bees and died.
^What?! I cant find anything on this...

Also, was this episode bad by sci fi standards? I havent seen it yet because my torrent is SO F'ING SLOW :'(
Just saw it. I dont agree with the 'the smoke monster took his form' theory - the smoke monster wasnt there before him so obviously he became the smoke monster. She did say you'd become 'worse than dead' if you went in there, so obviously he's just massively evil now.

Also I guess that that's what she meant by 'too much' of the light, as a small bit is inside everyone apparently.

Didnt like the way he just announced he'd built a machine that could 'channel the light' and would let him leave just by making a big hamster wheel.

I dont know whether anyone's considered this, but obviously desmond has been prepped to survive a 'catastrophic electromagnetic event', so will he be becoming a smoke monster?
malakian said:
Just saw it. I dont agree with the 'the smoke monster took his form' theory - the smoke monster wasnt there before him so obviously he became the smoke monster. She did say you'd become 'worse than dead' if you went in there, so obviously he's just massively evil now.

Also I guess that that's what she meant by 'too much' of the light, as a small bit is inside everyone apparently.

Yeah, MiB = Smokey. He can just assume his old form since his old form is dead.

malakian said:
Didnt like the way he just announced he'd built a machine that could 'channel the light' and would let him leave just by making a big hamster wheel.

They also didn't explain "Who actually built the wheel Ben and Locke used?" Unless it is to be assumed that more people came to the island, Smokey had them build him a wheel, and then he killed them.

malakian said:
I dont know whether anyone's considered this, but obviously desmond has been prepared to survive a 'catastrophic electromagnetic event', so will he be becoming a smoke monster?

And Desmond is "special". But no, I think Desmond is the bridge between the two worlds. What that role means, who knows.
I think that while Jakob is the Light, he doesnt get a special form. MiB's body died, but it was Jakob who killed him, so he wouldnt really die. It's probably because of that that he became the black smoke monster, maybe a representation of all evil? And just because it was bright, doesnt mean it was the good in mens hearts- it could also be the evil, and MiB falling in gave it physicality?

I dunno, Im rambling now.
I would agree with you guys, but my roommate pointed out some things that suggest the smoke monster became jacob's brother, not the other way around.

First is the obvious; jacob's brother died and his body has been on the island all this time, the smoke monster takes the form of dead people on the island.

Second, after jacob's brother is knocked unconscious he awakens to discover everyone is dead, the well has been sealed up and his body has been pulled to safety. Brother says it was mother who did it but I don't think she has the power to do all that. She said herself that she came from her mother which means she's also human. How could one woman kill an entire tribe of people? This episode takes place long before guns or any advanced weaponry was created.

Third, how do you explain the MiB seeing his real mother? She told him the truth which filled his heart with hatred and eventually lead to him killing his foster mother. The smoke monster is a master at manipulation and could very well have manipulated him into killing her, the first protector of the island before it went to jacob.

Fourth, when the smoke monster takes on somebody's form, it takes on it's memories and feelings. It was able to tell Ben what was going through John Locke's head as he died FFS. So when he's telling his story to Kate about how he once had a crazy mother, it could very well just be the MiB's feelings/memories that he is using to manipulate Kate into not wanting Claire to meet Arron.

Fifth, I know this is just a TV show.

I also just don't like the theory that the smoke monster isn't evil incarnate but instead merely a dude who got sucked into a bright light and gained super powers.
Wicked, I agree with your thoughts on Smokie. Jacob's brother died when he was sucked into the pool and his body rests in the caves where the survivors lived. Either his spirit was released in the form of the smoke monster or the smoke monster is something separate and was released when MIB was taken in.

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