LOST: The Final Season [SPOILERS HERE]

I loved it, it was a fitting end.

Sure, not everything was explained (like that damn statue) but LOST was always about the characters. And if you didn't feel anything when each character remembered their life then you have no soul.
God, I never really cry but hardcore tears were shed throughout the final 90 minutes of that show. Each character remembering, followed by the end, oh man the end. What do you think happened to everyone?
I really loved the ending too. Cried when everyone reunited, FUCK YEAHed when Lapidus was still alive and the "You were a great #2"
One thing that I don't get...
If they were all in purgatory then why was Kate, Sawyer, Hurley and Ben still alive?

And did anyone see the Jimmy Kimmel special? LOL @ snakes on a plane 2 and The Sopranos spoof.
WickedLiquid said:
I loved it, it was a fitting end.

Sure, not everything was explained (like that damn statue) but LOST was always about the characters. And if you didn't feel anything when each character remembered their life then you have no soul.

Exactly how I feel. The *only* thing I felt wasnt addressed that should have been somehow earlier in the season was the continued dharma drops. Unless i'm stupid and missed it.

However, it was amazing. I'm so so so sad that something of this amazing calibre is over :(

I feel like i've lost a loved one! I've LOST a loved one! Get it? Forget it.
Mala: They never explained the Dharma drops. Considering Eloise had access to a Dharma installation, one theory is that The Others on the mainland were delivering supplies.
I can accept that a few things were never explained. And while I absolutely loved the finale, I'll never be happy that the statue wasn't resolved. When I re-watched the show with my roommate who started from the beginning, I noticed the giant foot was first revealed at the beginning of season 2, and it wasn't mentioned again at all until season 5. It makes me think the writers just thought it would be a cool idea in season 2 and would worry about what it meant when they got there.

Then again, if I'm to believe a wooden ship was able to destroy a 50 ft statue made of stone then perhaps I didn't want to know why it was there and what it represented, LOL.

Still though, really bummed about that. If they weren't going to answer it they should never have shown it in the season six promo with Radiohead and Locke talking about how men are pawns.
I must say it was a good finale.

It wrapped up the flash-sideways well, it wrapped up the main timeline well, and it was a fitting end to the series if you ask me. I am definitely going to miss the show though.
I have to say, it was a let down! Not up to the expectations I had set for it. I was dissatisfied with the "reveal all" moment with Jack and Christian. The questions that Jack was answering were all the ones that we the audience had and the answers were as vague as ever! To many things left hanging. I did like that it ended with Jack's eye closing. Everything came around full circle.
WickedLiquid said:
One thing that I don't get...
If they were all in purgatory then why was Kate, Sawyer, Hurley and Ben still alive?

Christian tells Jack that some died before him, and some long after he died, and that the place they were in doesn't really have "time". For instance, Hurley tells Ben that he was a great number 2, even though in the show he had just barely asked Ben to be his adviser. It implies that they had lived out their lives past what was shown in the show. So in the place they're in doesn't fit in with a chronological timeline, or time in general.
Eh, I feel like it did a good job of wrapping up seasons five and six, but seasons one through four still kind of stand on their own.

It's kind of like two different shows, and I wish it hadn't gone in this different direction so long ago.

Pretty good for what it was, though.
used44 said:
Eh, I feel like it did a good job of wrapping up seasons five and six, but seasons one through four still kind of stand on their own.

I agree. One thing that has kept bugging me was how Walt never returned. He had a big part in the beginning seasons but faded away for five and six. I didn't see him in the big reunion too. Have I just missed the story with Walt? Does someone know?
DocMoc said:
used44 said:
Eh, I feel like it did a good job of wrapping up seasons five and six, but seasons one through four still kind of stand on their own.

I agree. One thing that has kept bugging me was how Walt never returned. He had a big part in the beginning seasons but faded away for five and six. I didn't see him in the big reunion too. Have I just missed the story with Walt? Does someone know?

I think they cut walt out of the show because of the hiatus and he grew too fast and didn't look like a kid anymore. I think it would be weird to see him at the church without his father too.
Plus triple A didn't show up because he asked for too much money for the episode.

Still, the whole purgatory thing made sense in the kind of philosophical way it was supposed to, like a lot of the show was.

It was about ideas, about changing psyche's and finding inner answers that are complex over being simple. Nothing is concrete in the end, which is why it feels like it still has dangling plot threads, but I really feel like the show had great closure.

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