The Walking Dead (spoilers inside) season 7 page 9

I want Glen to live because my girlfriend reads the comics and tells me naughty spoilers.

I actually love spoilers. I guess I am a rare breed.
No this isn't the last season. That would have been big news.

The show is a cash cow for AMC and there is still plenty of source material to work with. According to Google the show hasn't been renewed yet for season 7 but it also hasn't been cancelled.
I swear I saw an article on IMDb a couple weeks ago saying this was the final season, but perhaps it was false and pulled or maybe I'm just plain wrong and misread something. I don't want the show the end anytime soon, so I'm glad to be wrong on this one. I still think Rick and Daryl are the only safe ones (at until the series finale), but anyone else is fair game.
Imdb strangely links to a lot of garbage.

I think it's pretty obvious that Nicholas was on top of Glenn, but I don't know how Glenn survives either way.

Is rick bit on his hand? Or was it sliced by that blade sticking out of the walker's skull?
Yeah it was from the machete. The OMG face Rick has at the end of the episode is due to the fact the guy he killed has Judith's baby food.
That season finale was some serious bullllllll shit.

And you notice how none of the main characters would be in this mess if that idiot doctor in training didn't insist on going out and getting killed. That was one of the dumbest episodes this season with the except of Glenn's dumpster shelter.
I liked how Steven Ogg was part of Negan's group. Negan was pretty hilarious. I had a feeling they were going to end it on a cliffhanger with all these hints about Daryl being killed off.
I looked up Steve Ogg to see who that was and holy crap that was Trevor! I knew I recognized him from somewhere but couldn't place it.
Ugly waste of a cliffhanger. Felt super corny. Robs that moment of any potential emotion and just makes it about selling fans on the next season. It feels like a marketing stunt more than good story-telling.
These last two episodes were over by the time anything started happening. I liked this season, and Javier Bardem as Negan, but that last scene was going so well until it ended.
Bretimus_v2 said:
and Javier Bardem as Negan,


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