The Walking Dead (spoilers inside) season 7 page 9

Did anybody watch Fear the Walking Dead? I have all the episodes sitting on my DVR unwatched.
I also saw it and thought it was great. Like Sourdeez said the last 3 episodes are much better than the first 3, especially the pilot. I understand the slow pace because they really wanted to show us the world before the apocalypse but it does take awhile before the series gets up and running.
I'm not going to lie. My girlfriend watched the first 3 episode sped up because I told her they are boring.

She loves to watch things sped up though including anime. A genre with soundtracks and timing nuances that are lost when sped up.

Season 6 premiers tonight! It's Thanksgiving weekend in Canada so I won't be able to catch it but I'll most likely be seeing it Tuesday night.
The first two episodes have been great! Surprising how many characters and storylines I care about still. Morgan and Carol out-badassing each other!

I was certain "JSS" was going to end with the woman in the armory, who was literally holding Chekhov's gun, blowing away Enid or Morgan or maybe Ron. I still think the next episode might end with some sort of tragic accident there. The setup was so dangerous I'll be surprised if they don't pay it off.
Carol is the master of camoflauge. Her character arc since season 1 has been awesome. I really liked the first episode. As awesome as Carol is, she is kinda scary. But then you have Glen. The scenes with him and the guy who tried to kill him finding the road back were awesome.

Did anyone else catch what Carl missed?
There's definitely going to be conflict between Carol and Morgan. One person wants to kill while the other doesn't. Since I haven't read the books, I would like to know more about how Morgan started becoming a sane person again. Next episode will likely be how they're going
to escaped that army of walkers heading their way.
I feel like that conflict has been played out a dozen times before with different characters.
He met Dwayne who was a psychologist before the outbreak. They had a couple of sessions and now he's in a really good place. Also Dwayne has some kick ass bo staff skills that he passed along as well.
Having Morgan a regular on the show has helped tremendously. I love the actor and the character.

I doubt there will be much Carol/Morgan conflict seeing how most of the 100,000 walkers are now heading their way. Also Morgan did have to kill a member of the Wolves at the end there.

And when that first Wolf attack happened.... holy shit.
Big debate whether Glenn died. People are saying he didn't die, because he wasn't on The Talking Dead, which I don't ever watch. A part of me says he went down and Nicholas was on top of them. Guess we'll find out in the next episode.

Loved how the last scene with Glenn's last words to Rick on their two-way radio was pretty much how Rick first encountered being surrounded by the walkers.
I was wondering the same thing, Glen or Nicholas's body. Of course, with that swarm, I don't see any way out either way. I didn't get to watch it until about an hour ago, but I already knew what was going to happen thanks to one of my asshole Facebook friends posting 'I can't believe they killed Glen! #TheWalkingDead' about 9pm last night.
If you watch The Walking Dead you don't go online until you're caught up. I had Lori's death spoiled for me and since then I learned you don't use social media after The Walking Dead airs.

This episode really pissed me off but the theory that Glenn isn't dead has made me feel better. Glenn isn't my favorite but I really don't want to see anyone from the original 6 die (Rick, Darryl, Glenn, Morgan, Carol and Carl....Ok maybe Carl can die)

I heard another theory that not only is Glenn alive but so is Nicolas. Nicolas didn't shoot himself in the head, he was just imagining the whole thing in his mind. He was pretty zoned out and just from the way his gun shot to the head was a first person view facing Glenn, it felt like it may not have actually happened at all.

Kind of a long shot I know but it is something to think about. Of course if it was all Nicolas zoned out and imagining this then you would assume the camera would cut from Glenn on the ground to being back on top trying to make Nicholas snap out of it. But who knows...
WickedLiquid said:
If you watch The Walking Dead you don't go online until you're caught up. I had Lori's death spoiled for me and since then I learned you don't use social media after The Walking Dead airs.
Yep, it's exactly what I do to avoid spoilers. The Walking Dead official Facebook page spoiled Beth's death, angering many.
Yeah, the Beth spoil from the official page really frosted my weenie.

With this being the last season, I don't think anyone is truly safe anymore. I've always thought the only two people who couldn't die were Rick (cause he's the main character), and Daryl (cause the fans would riot). But it wouldn't surprise me if at least one of those two did a hero's sacrifice or something in the final episode.

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