The Walking Dead (spoilers inside) season 7 page 9

Yeah I was reading the IGN review and people's comments and for some reason TWD was getting a lot of hate. It's a great show and I actually am enjoying them being on the go again. The show falters when they spend too much time at one place.

Having said that, I think the season finale will serve as a prologue to season 5 which is expected. I'm a little nervous as to who will die. Someone will most likely. A lot of people think Rick or Carl will be killed off but honestly I cannot see that happening. Rick has gotten a lot of flack from fans and someone suggested Carol would be a better leader but I find Rick is a great leader and a sort of anchor character.

If I were to place beats on who will die next episode I'd say it will be any of the following:

I really don't want to see any of them die and I read someone say that either Scott Gimple or Robert Kirkman said only 2 people will die in the second half and that happened two episodes ago so I don't know...
I never understood the scare factor in these Zombie shows. Just build your house on a mountain, zombies can barely climb stairs and they've never climbed ladders without the writers taking some serious artistic license.

Want to foolproof it? Build a fucking moat with crocodiles in it. Zombies can't swim. And they're slow as fuck.

So basically Zombies would get their asses handed to them in Game of Thrones. Easily.

having said that

this is now
Game of Thrones Season 4 Thread [OT]

Zombies are weak and gay. Mother of Dragons would just fly over them, and her dragons would burn and eat them. Zombies are the most beta of all monsters. Dragons can fly and shoot fire from their snouts.
Oh shit, a 5'6" zombie is walking down the street. It's gonna take him 30 minutes to walk 14 feet.
Oh shit, there's a dragon in the sky the size of a walmart supercenter. And by the time i finish my sentence i'm d--

Why would I fear the manlet of the monster world again?
My prediction is Terminus is full of cannibals. The comics had the hunters, the game had St. John's Dairy and now the show has Terminus. I think perhaps Beth was kidnapped and taken to Terminus to be served as food.
I don't want to spoil the finale with my comic knowledge. I really hope it doesn't follow the main storyline, but I think there was some good foreshadowing too in the last episode. Kirkland has often said that TWD is Rick's story, but with the way they've played this season I think he could be phased out. Carol would be a horrible leader, just saying.

With the addition of Bob and Sasha, there may not be enough room for too many lovers.
This will be the first season finale of all four seasons that I'll be watching the night it airs. Usually I've grown bored midway through the season and don't bother finishing the last few episodes until sometime in the summer. This has been a great season.
I know what you mean Used. Season 4 did a good job of keeping me hooked all the way through. I'm in the minority who loved season 2 but the first half did have some terrible and incredibly boring episodes while the second half was significantly better. Season 3 was the opposite, incredible first half and incredibly boring second half.
The dear Lori.

This season has been really entertaining. I feel like there has been a much better sense of continuity with the characters this season and that makes it easier to stay engaged in their stories not just something that is jumping from here to there.
Loved the finale. My roommate hated the fact it had a cliffhanger ending. But I watched LOST for 6 seasons, I can handle it.

Also I'm pretty sure I called it with the cannibal thing.

And that confrontation with Joe's group... Man... That was more disturbing than the skeletons at Terminus.
Jeez, that episode had some intense moments. And I'm seriously going to miss having this show to entertain for the next couple months.

And Joe thought he was willing to take it to the limit.
Well the scene with joe and his group is in the comics so they took the neck biting thing straight from that the stuff with lizzie is also from the comics although if i remember right it was with two brothers instead and carl killed the kid in his sleep or something like that
I was sitting there thinking, "man that lady just stands there and cooks meat all day? Where's it all coming from?" And then I saw the glimpse of bones and went "oh my".

Rick's hardcore. He's like, fuck your neck, I'll show them walkers how it's done.
Well I lied about watching it live and just watched it today. Still better than my usual lateness.

Setting up the canibal stuff has been pretty goddamn disturbing. Taking down Joe's group was perfect.
I enjoyed it quite a bit. But there's something about the past two seasons and I don't know what it is, that makes me enjoy them a little less than the first two.
So what did you guys think of the premiere i actually enjoyed it because spoiler! It won't be a season about staying in a small space with a bunch of cannibals that all blew up in a hurry

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