The Walking Dead (spoilers inside) season 7 page 9

Agreed, Wicked. I don't know what makes me more mad. That or the way they vindicate Carol's actions in teaching the kids to defend themselves. Yay, they saved Tyrese...nvm that they left someone else much less capable of defending themselves sitting in the open.
Leaving the prison is going to be a good thing for the show, but damn that stressful episode.
Settling in one place even if defensible is great from a sustainability stand point but boring. Still, it was cool to see things from the Govn. side.
I really liked tonight's episode. Some great character development from both Carl and Michone and just an overall great aftermath to the prison demise.
Yay, a Karl episode just like no one asked for ever! I loved the Michonne stuff though and I liked the episode overall the more I think about it. Excited to see where the rest of the crew is next week.
Do you guy's think Rick is going to die? Also, nice to see it was an emotional episode. I know a lot chicks are crying "No Daryl?! C'mon!"
Rick is not going to die because the show and comic are written about his life during the zombie apocalypse so if he dies the comic ends or the show might go on and move to Carl but that would suck

Also why can't Carl learn to stay in a house and not look for zombies
WickedLiquid said:
Tyreese with the girls and a baby. It's like Telltale's walking dead on super mega hard mode.

Yeah..Lizzy...Creeps me the fuck out. Little sociopath serial killer in the making. I was pretty tense during that one scene. You know. That scene.
Its like what Carl could have become instead of him being a whiny kid who never learns that leaving the house by yourself is bad... mmkay
This episode reminded me of 400 days or whatever the Season 1 expansion for te game was called.

Agreed Lethean. SPOILER. I dream of a day where Lizzy will drive into a storm and become an Alaskan lumberjack.
Lethean said:
WickedLiquid said:
Tyreese with the girls and a baby. It's like Telltale's walking dead on super mega hard mode.

Yeah..Lizzy...Creeps me the fuck out. Little sociopath serial killer in the making. I was pretty tense during that one scene. You know. That scene.
Agreed. Like, I was waiting for her to toss Judith like Shane did to Otis.
Did anyone else notice the episode was actually backwards?

Darryl and Beth on the run for days. They see a bunch of dead walkers.

Next part shows Tyreese take down those walkers.

Then Maggie and company are talking about how they had just survived the prison demise which would have to come before Darryl story since it takes place over a couple days.

Finally Glenn's story which takes place just as the prison is being overrun by walkers. Making it the most recent.
I think all of us here wasn't confused by that. I loved going back, because it shows you how close each character could be from each other. Oh, and expect some awkwardness when Carol and Tyreese finally meet up with Rick.
The Walking Dead is one of those shows that I've now grown to dislike, but I'm invested in it so I have to keep watching. Like Dexter.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Yikes. I don't know if I'm quite ready to throw it under the bus with Dexter.

yeah.... i stopped watching dexter long before it ended. The walking dead is nowhere near as bad as that show became (and honestly, I think TWD is better now than ever before, except for maybe some of season 1).
I really liked the episode with Darryl and Beth. It was nice to get some character development going with Beth since she didn't really add anything to the show except for taking care of the baby.

I sort of liked how Beth transformed from a whiny brat into a mini Hershel at the end. All thanks to redneck moonshine lol.

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