The Walking Dead (spoilers inside) season 7 page 9

Big time spoilers!!!

The group Darryl met at the end of tonight's episode is the same group who entered the house Rick was sleeping in. Which means Darryl was actually downstairs with those men while Rick was escaping. The man talking to Darryl is the same guy on the porch Rick is about to take out until there is a distraction in the house.

I thought the distraction was they found the guy in the bathroom Rick killed but it could have been caused by Darryl possibly making his own escape?
Pic of the guy dead in Rick's episode and alive when the gang finds Darryl.

Gunner37 said:
I thought that guy didn't die just got choked out
Yeah, you can still see him snore.
WickedLiquid said:
Big time spoilers!!!

The group Darryl met at the end of tonight's episode is the same group who entered the house Rick was sleeping in. Which means Darryl was actually downstairs with those men while Rick was escaping. The man talking to Darryl is the same guy on the porch Rick is about to take out until there is a distraction in the house.

I thought the distraction was they found the guy in the bathroom Rick killed but it could have been caused by Darryl possibly making his own escape?
You're assuming way too much, especially with the time frame. Those guys were the ones on the porch, but that doesn't mean Daryl were with them. This just means those guys escaped and found Daryl . Even what I'm saying is an assumption, but that's more and likely what happened. I predict they're all going to find each other at Terminus.
Lol i thought that was the guy Rick killed. I forgot what they looked like.

So you're saying i'm a better writer? Cool.

Rick goes to kill man on Porch. Suddenly he sees Daryl. Cue LOST trumpet as Rick looks as confused as the audience and then cut to black.
I so did not recognize that it was the same guy until the Internet told me. Feel so ashamed of myself :(
Anyway. I just hope Daryl gets away from those dudes ASAP. They're bad news. Though knowing how the writers love to torture us, probably won't be soon...
Listened to some podcast with the creator and he said that there is a lot of overlapping timeline. Plus judging by the smoke fire from the moonshine shack in the distance, I would say that there is definitely some overlap.

This episode was downright upsetting. I mean you knew it was going to go bad for Tyrese and the Little Women, but...ugh. Also, I absolutely loved last week's episode and Bob and Tyrese continue to get better.

I wet on IGN to look at their review for last night's episode. I just skip to the bottom usually to see their score and read the pros and cons. Usually they don't place spoilers in there and if so not major ones or they're kind of vague. Not last night! And I hadn't watched the episode yet :(. That'll teach me!

Despite having read the spoilers it was still an incredibly tense, heartbreaking episode. Every time Lizzie was left with Judith I got this nervous, tense feeling as well.

Now for the spoilers....

Carol killing Lizzie. Man that must have been hard for Carol to do. I also felt like the episode was very reflective for Carol and her mental state. Her desire to see Mika have a mean bone in her body and not be so nice and caring contrasted with how she seemed proud of Lizzie for toughening up and being able to do what was necessary, despite her inability to kill walkers. Carol herself has been more hardened but perhaps too much so and I feel as though these events showed her or at the least the audience that. She valued toughness so much that she saw more weakness in Mika for her inability to kill other humans but was only mildly concerned with Lizzie for being able to kill humans so easily as opposed to walkers. She even claims she couldn't see Lizzie for who she had become where Mika could.

Best quotes:

"Don't worry. She'll come back. I didn't hurt her brain."
"But Judith can change too. I was just about to..."
"Just look at the flowers."

Comic book spoiler:

In the comics, the group includes a boy I think around Carl's age who shows signs of being a sociopath and Carl kills him. I feel this is a more fleshed out re-imagining of that story line.

Next week looks intense. I hope Darryl meets up with Rick and he can move on from that group. I can't hep but feel they're setting up an introduction to Negan. It feels a little soon to be introducing him but you never know. I'm looking forward to seeing Rick, Carl and Michonne in the next episode as well as more Abraham.
Lol Ugh.

I love how everything is slowly connecting. Like how Tyreese and Carol spotted the smoke from the cabin on fire that Darryl and Beth set ablaze.
In response to where this is all heading I feel like they will get either to the gates of Terminus or just inside them before we cliffhanger for the season.

Also let's start taking bets who will be the first to cross paths?
I binge-watched all three March episodes last night. Reading this now, I'm a little surprised that some of you had trouble following along with the timeline. I really dig what they're doing with it.

Last night's ep was the strongest in a while. I feel like someone could watch that episode having never seen the show and still appreciate how good it was. Probably because it had the two best actors in the cast (Carol and Tyrese) for the majority of the show.
Eugene is now my favorite Walking Dead character, but he'll most likely die. He's too unaware of his surroundings.

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