LOST: The Final Season [SPOILERS HERE]

Wicked, your third point is probably your best. The brother (for fucks sake they should have named him) was apparently special in his ability to feel evil well before being sucked into the light or whatever the hell. So the theory of the smoke/evil being a part of the island before he got there does make the most sense.

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WickedLiquid said:
I would agree with you guys, but my roommate pointed out some things that suggest the smoke monster became jacob's brother, not the other way around.

i dont like block quoting so i quoted a small part of this to make my point:

So smoke monster manipulates mib into killing his mother (who is the original protector) AFTER she passes on the roll to jacob. what would be the point of this when the jacob is now the protector. This makes no sense and pretty much undoes everything as soon as jacob sipped that cup.
Wicked, I don't think that (point 3) is right - isabella came to hurley...and michael did. Obviously the island's genuine dead (as opposed to smokey) can speak to those who are sensitive to it. I expect she just wanted him to see his people - not like she suggested he stab his fake mother.
Yeah, it's quite possible that she actually was his real mother. But what connection does MiB have with Hurley? Hurley is the only one who can communicate with the dead. Not even Miles can seem them, only learn who they were and how they died. And the way she expressed to him the truth just seemed shady to me, like it was an imposter, but maybe she was just a bad actor. :?

lokness said:
WickedLiquid said:
I would agree with you guys, but my roommate pointed out some things that suggest the smoke monster became jacob's brother, not the other way around.

i dont like block quoting so i quoted a small part of this to make my point:

So smoke monster manipulates mib into killing his mother (who is the original protector) AFTER she passes on the roll to jacob. what would be the point of this when the jacob is now the protector. This makes no sense and pretty much undoes everything as soon as jacob sipped that cup.

His mother talks to MiB when they are children, Jacob was not the protector then. MiB doesn't kill his foster mother until 30 yeasrs later and if the smoke monster is eternal then it's definitely got patience. Although I'm sure it didn't want to wait around too long until it was too late. Besides, The Smoke Monster got Ben to kill Jacob after the candidates were selected to replace him.

I find it confusing to, but I think the writers wanted us to think MiB becomes the smoke monster then they reveal at the end as a twist that ti was the other way around.
I think smokie is the evil as opposed to the light of Jacob, like a lot of people do. But I have other theories.

I think that sipping from the wine made Jacob immortal, seemingly like his "mother" and Richard. MiB didnt sip it, but is still here because of smokie.

The importance of that? Fuck if I know, but oh well.
Well wicked i'm not entirely convinced that Michael couldnt speak to the dead, as christian shepherd has always kind of furthered Jacob's aims...is he just the smoke monster? I dont know, but it's possible he isnt, as he appeared off-island.
Last night's episode was by far the most exciting of the past couple weeks, but one main disappointment is that Jack is taking over for Jacob. Throughout the series I've thought Hurley was the coolest of the group, and when he started seeing and helping Jacob I had a feeling he would be taking over. Oh well, whiney doctor boy who didn't want to accept destiny gets it.
So Jacob confirmed that the MiB was just a guy who got super powers... just like everyone else on the damn show. And I was wrong... again!

I think that's like the fourth theory of mine in this thread that has been proven to be false. For some reason, I feel like Ugh :?

Last episode was pretty cool but what's up with Richard? Did he die??? I hope not because that would be a pretty cheap death for a fully developed character. I'd like to think he's alive but I have a feeling that regardless of what I say I'll be wrong, lol.
Richard will probably show up as a ghost or not at all. They might just have wanted to get him out of the way now.

Im loooving Desmond in this. . And welcome back for the last time Ana Lucia!

Also, Im gonna wager if Locke dies and there needs to be a new MiB, it will be Sawyer. Although not really, because I dont think they have time for that, and I really thing Jack and Locke are bigger opposites.
1) The writers have consistently stated time and again "If you don't see a main character die on screen, it doesn't mean they're dead." This applies to Richard and Frank, and to an extent Claire, Miles and Cindy (the stewardess with the two kids, Zach and Emma).

2) Ben is not working for MiB. Ben hates to be used; he's just doing this to bide his time. Remember, he gave Miles the walkie-talkie and the bag full of C4.

3) Sawyer will not be the new MiB. As much as Sawyer wants to get off the island, he feels like shit for killing Sun, Jin and Sayid. No one blames him but he blames himself. He will probably die trying to stop the MiB.

4) Alt-Desmond is awesome, and I like how Alt-Hurley knows everything now.
"Dude, I didn't know Ana Lucia would be here."
Wicked, I was hoping for Hurley to take the job too. I found it interesting that he said something along the lines of, "I'm glad it wasn't me". He really didn't want it.

I'm excited to see how it ends!
Trippysmurf said:
1) The writers have consistently stated time and again "If you don't see a main character die on screen, it doesn't mean they're dead."

They should've added "and if you see an alternate reality on screen, it still doesn't mean they're dead".

And when LOST ends, not to worry peeps. I started working on a spin-off show staring Walt called WALTZIN' THROUGH THE HOOD.

It takes place after John Locke meets teenager Walt in the city. Walt starts remembering about the island and Vincent and plans to head back to the island to rescue his dog. Accompanied by his new friends; Shanikwa Latifah and Glock 9 they set out on their quest.

Along the way they meet the old lady with the white hair who seems to know everything. She tells him he can magically appear on the island at random points in time and fill in plot holes.

Him and his friends then head to the island via the plane that drops off mysterious Dharma food. Thus solving another plot hole.


Ah? Ah???
If there is a spinoff, its about Detectives Ford and Straume, solving crime in LA, with the help of their piano virtuoso/temporal physics genius informant Daniel Widmore.

I like the sound of blackstar idea, but the name should be changed to ;WALTZIN' THROUGH THE WOODS.

BlackStar said:
And when LOST ends, not to worry peeps. I started working on a spin-off show staring Walt called WALTZIN' THROUGH THE HOOD.

It takes place after John Locke meets teenager Walt in the city. Walt starts remembering about the island and Vincent and plans to head back to the island to rescue his dog. Accompanied by his new friends; Shanikwa Latifah and Glock 9 they set out on their quest.

Along the way they meet the old lady with the white hair who seems to know everything. She tells him he can magically appear on the island at random points in time and fill in plot holes.

Him and his friends then head to the island via the plane that drops off mysterious Dharma food. Thus solving another plot hole.


Ah? Ah???

LOL, that was a good read but it brought up some good points. Seriously, WTF was up with Locke seeing Walt? It wasn't the smoke monster because Walt's not dead. And WTF was with that Dharma food? None of that was ever explained...
Does there have to be a new MiB?

And can we all safely assume at this point that Juliet is Jack's kid's mom in bizarro LA? That would kick start the "Jack and Kate were always meant for eachother only" plotline.

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