LOST: The Final Season [SPOILERS HERE]

Ah, well in the sopranos the last scene was leading up to something big and just as the tension was rising it cut to black and the credits rolled. It pissed off everyone but after endless debates on what people thought happened they realized how brilliant it was because people would always talk about what they thought happened. I think people would go crazy with rage if lost ended that way.
Holy shit!! Jin, Sun, Sayid, and Lupedis die? Looks like writers are starting to tie up loose ends with who will and won't be the new island lineup.

And what was with Sayid telling Jack he was the one? I want Hurley to be the one. He's more deserving than a self-centered doctor who thinks it's his mission in life to fix whatever's broken.

A sad episode but I'm really looking forward to seeing how they end it
Okay, at least Lapedus isn't dead. He has definitely been more of a minor character for the past few years but I still think he's interesting. Really bummed about Jin and Sun though, they JUST got back together and they die? I guess the island was done with them
Just watched the first few episodes, and I was dangerously unimpressed. I admit I had high expectations, but it seriously underwhelmed. And no, I won't keep watching a show I don't like to see if it gets better, that's a stupid idea.
The key though is that this is two of the three sacrificing themselves to save others, selfless acts in the end.

It was the most disturbing and sad deaths since Charlie...and it definitly wittles down who is left.

As for Jack being the one, it makes the most sense, mainly because of his entire transformation since the beginning. He went from the cool science guy, with hints of real heroism and a drive to never give up, to a man who is more inclined to do leaps of faith, it is a complete 180 because he is becoming the new, real Locke, before Locke was killed.
Sawyer definitely isn't the Candidate anymore. He fucked up big time on the sub, killing three of his friends. I have a feeling Sawyer will become the new MiB with Jack and the new Jacob.
I almost cried when sayid bit the dust even though he was a tad loopy. Jin and Sun moment was pure baaaaww. I would have liked to see them speak korean though.

I also wasnt suprised to hear desmond was still alive - this shit just got real.
I try.
Really though, I've never watched Lost and don't have the patience to try and catch up to what any of you guys are talking about soo
So I actually cried. I'm not the most 'manly' man at the best of times, but that episode tugged my heart strings a little too hard.
Trippysmurf said:
lokness said:
you trolling me or brah?

No, you're just an idiot. They clearly spoke like 2 lines of Korean to each other, before Jin said in English "I'm never leaving you again."

There were subtitles and everything.

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