LOST: The Final Season [SPOILERS HERE]

The back story was nice but I would have been willing to watch a whole other episode on it! I felt that it went by quickly and perhaps glossed over some points.

The final scene with Hugo and Richard was my favourite.
What the hell? Now we'll never find anything out about Illiana.

And the island is some kind of ghost prison? C'mon.
I'm suprised nobody said anything about desmond's episode. Another great episode and not just because it had charlie and daniel but because it opened the gate between dimensions.
I think it's less of a "ghost prison" and more of a place where your soul cant find rest on.

I think the past few weeks have been great.
But i agree that illiana shouldn't have been killed off like that. It seemed very 24ish where characters are suddenly killed off out of nowhere in an attempt to keep the show entertaining. Also you'd figure the mib is fully capable of killing desmond so why didn't he? Besides the fact it would piss us all off. Hmmmmmm...
1) It was just showing that once the Island no longer needs you, or you no longer need the island, you die. Examples include Charlie, Boone, Shannon, Mr. Eko, Juliet, Charlotte, etc.

2) MiB may not be able to kill Desmond, so he took him out of the picture by tossing him down a well. The fall doesn't kill Desmond, as seen in next week's trailer, but it does take him out of the game, at least for a while.
I hate how revealing the preview for next weeks was.

I wanna know when and how Michael died -they didnt show it, did they?-
And also, predictions on who will be featured next week?
Hlallu said:
I wanna know when and how Michael died -they didnt show it, did they?

He blew up on the freighter. Keamy, the lead mercenary, had a dead man's switch attached to his heart. When he died, it triggered the bomb. Michael stalled the bomb long enough for the helicopter to get airborne and then let it go kaboom. He wanted to die by that time, anyways.

Predictions: Its a multi-centric episode, meaning everyone is involved. The week following is a flashback episode that only has MiB and Jacob. Maybe we'll learn who the jungle boy is? Then the two part, 3 hour series finale.

I have a bad feeling Team Richard is going to get killed since it doesn't appear like the island needs them anymore, but I hope I'm mistaken since I like them all.

I think there will be drama between Jack and Sawyer and Kate; maybe the ghost of Illanna will talk to Hurley; Sun will want to know where is Jin; Lapidus will protect her like he's done for the past 2 seasons. They won't leave the main island yet.
Is nobody focusing on how Hugo is becoming more and more of a leader? I've been waiting for him to take the spotlight since the first season. He's always been one of my favorites (and the living ones are getting fewer and fewer... *cough* Eko, Charlie, Michael *cough*). What I think will happen in the end is Hurley will take Jacob's place, Locke already has the MiB spot, and Jack will take Richard's place. That of course means Richard has to die, but he's gone from really cool guy (two weeks ago) to blind insistent idiot (this past week), so unless he redeems himself I really won't care too much about what happens to him
Desmond apparently weighs the same amount as an a4 sheet of paper, as smokey changed his status from 'comfortably stood by well' to 'rapidly descending well' in about a second.

Also who are the kids that keep making smokey uneasy?
I'm pretty sure it's just one kid. And the only possible explaination i have of who he is is god... But i've been wrong about this show many times.
Desmond episode was really good. The way the universes are seemingly linked through love is a little corny, but I'll take it.

This week's episode was not so good. I'm glad Ilanna died though.
used44 said:
The way the universes are seemingly linked through love is a little corny, but I'll take it.

Which is why Desmond had to hit Locke with his car: to remind Locke of his love with walking.
Haha. Hey, I don't write it.

I'm just talking about Charlie having visions of Claire, Daniel having visions of Charlotte, Desmond eventually having visions of Penny, and now Hugo having a connection with Libby (and visions of their time together on the island).
My Prediction: They end the serious in a way that really pisses everyone off, and they do it on purpose!

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