LOST: The Final Season [SPOILERS HERE]

New answers and new questions!

Who's the kid that Smokey was so afraid of? He really wants to get off the island. It reminds me of this:


Smokey is old and was a human it seems. And Jacob wasn't always the protector.

It keeps getting better!
I am thinking the kid was some sort of young Jacob. He looked quite a bit like him.

I am glad to see the numbers back. Did Kate not get one though?
She did not. Jacob never visited her, at least from what we've seen. He only visited those he chose as candidates to protect the island, and from what is anyone's best guess.

I thought the kid was a young Jacob, too, but we'll see. The show needs to stop raising new questions like this if its commercials are going to proclaim, "The time for questions is over!"

Also, was that the first episode in which Jack has absolutely no part, other than being said to be a candidate?
I think it's funny how many times Locke has come back to life. First he died then miraculously came back to life. Then we find out he never came back to life and really is dead. And now he's come back to life in an alternate timeline. I don't think there has ever been a show where a character goes back and forth from being dead to alive so many times. Lol
I have been watching the first season again and there are lots of details that you forget!

For example, does anyone remember the episode when Claire gets taken by Ethan? She visits a psychic in a flashback and he says that her child must only be raised by her and no one else. That her child is very important and will be surrounded by danger. Man, Aaron has some big role to play in this.
DocMoc said:
I have been watching the first season again and there are lots of details that you forget!

For example, does anyone remember the episode when Claire gets taken by Ethan? She visits a psychic in a flashback and he says that her child must only be raised by her and no one else. That her child is very important and will be surrounded by danger. Man, Aaron has some big role to play in this.
Also Desmond told Charlie that he saw Claire get rescued by a chopper. It was the main reason charlie sacrificed himself and drowned; saving everyone else. Speaking of Desmond who else thinks that's who jacob wants to come back? I hope it is cause he's a wicked character.
Desmond will have an episode this season, as will Richard.

#108's last name is Wallace. No one is sure if that's Desmond's real last name, or a brand new character.
It would be tough to bring in a new character. Who ever he/she is, they are important. 108 is a magic number on Lost.
Yup. It's on abc at the same time it airs on CTV. And if you missed last week's they play the previous show before the new one. I also thought the show was on hold for the olympics cause those beotches at CTV failed to mention it's still on the american channel.
Ya CTV is only airing the Olympics and I couldn't give a sh*t. Gimme Lost. I would watch online, but...f*cking dial-up.

I had to buy last season because, for some reason, CTV didn't air it. But all the previous ones. And the final one. Morons.
tigerlily521985 said:
Do you guys have access to abc.com up there? You should be able to watch the episodes there after they air if you missed them.

trust_no_one said:
... I would watch online, but...f*cking dial-up.

I connect at 31.2kbps, and can dl at 3, maybe 3.5kbps on a good day. Can get about 10MB in an hour. I suppose if I could find a torrent of the episodes I could span the dl over a few days so I don't tie up my phone line for 3 days straight...
Damn... You do know it's 2010 right? :P Well if you watch the previous episode on abc they take you by the hand and spoon feed alot of stuff so it's easy to catch up.
trust_no_one said:
Ya CTV is only airing the Olympics and I couldn't give a sh*t. Gimme Lost. I would watch online, but...f*cking dial-up.

I had to buy last season because, for some reason, CTV didn't air it. But all the previous ones. And the final one. Morons.
It's 2010, the dial up excuse died long ago.
Seriously, gang. That may have been the worst episode of any TV show I've ever seen.

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