LOST: The Final Season [SPOILERS HERE]

used, did you laugh at the scene of Sayid at the end when he said "It's too late"? I think that put the cherry on the top of a pretty poor episode.
I'm never nominated for my non sequitur ramblings. There's a Panda in the jungle, down in a hole. We'll find out next episode. PAY ME DAMMIT
Ted_Wolff said:
I think that put the cherry on the top of a pretty poor episode.

What episode did you watch?

Sayid being badass in both timelines? check
Sayid's redemption going completely out the window? I may give this to you, but we knew he was fallen to the dark side the second he arose.
Dogen and Lennon dying without any real background? Wait til the Richard episode.
Lapidus and Miles having great one liners? check
I make good eggs? check

Its one of the better episodes this season. It didn't help answer any questions, but it was far better than the Kate and Jack episodes.
I don't understand why Jacob told Hurley they had to take Sayid to the temple to save his life. After what's happened either Jacob has no clue what he's doing or the writers have no clue what they're doing. I mean why bring Sayid to the temple if he's going to join the dark side, let the smoke monster in and kill Dogen and his right hand man? Doesn't make any sense, even for lost standards.
It's either that Jacob knew that fate of Sayid and did his part to make sure it happened or he was taking a chance on the fact that he could actually be cured.
Probably. I wish the show would get less confusing and become more epic. It's building slowly but so far there's been no explanation to much of what's happened in the show. Like what was the whole point of going back in time besides creating a time paradox.
Trippysmurf said:
Ted_Wolff said:
I think that put the cherry on the top of a pretty poor episode.
Lapidus and Miles having great one liners? check

Definitely the best part. The image of Sayid when he sat by the water just looked incredibly cheesy. And any episode that emphasizes too much of the "this character as a caricature for an obviously moral/immoral choice" is a poor one, which happens far too often unfortunately.
I'm loving this season, except for Sayid's rapid switch to evil. I thought that was a bit poorly done and didnt treat him with the respect that a character we've been watching for 6 seasons deserves. HOWEVER! Dogan or w/e his name was did say that sayid had been 'claimed', so perhaps that's the result of that process.

Either way i'm excited! Specially as the next episode is a Ben one.
I think the last episode was incredible and is proof enough that Ben is one of the most interesting characters on the show. I take back what I said about the writers because when you're able to feel compassion for a villan then that's smart writing. But where the F is Desmond???
^Yeah, not to mention the fact that Ben is acted absolutely brilliantly. He's consistently been one of my favourite characters in any show.
Agreed with the last two posts, for the most part. Not sure if we're maybe viewing the last ep as "incredible" because the prior two were so bad, but it was good and Ben is great.
It's true the previous episodes were kinda poor. But I still think this is one of the better episodes. Ben is a manipulative, selfish, lying murderer. I've wanted to see him get killed off many times during the show. And now when it appears all hope is lost for him, we feel sorry and don't want him to die. Because we learn there are no super heroes and saturday morning cartoon villans, all of us are capable of being as good or as evil as we want to be. So yeah, kudos to the writers and the actor who plays Ben.
Sorry for the double post. Just wanted to say how happy I am to finally see the Richard episode I've been waiting for. I think they did an excellent job on his back story and now we finally know how he got to the island, how he met jacob, how it is that he's never aged and how long he's been that way.
I agree, I've been waiting for Richards story since Ben mentioned that he's "had the job for a very long time". I thought it was told very well and explained his overall mellow personality, I've had mancrush on his character (due to it being so mystique) for so long!

The whole hell thing they were talking about and already being dead is something my wife and I thought of long ago and that the black smoke was some sorta gatekeeper. Well I guess Jacob was the gatekeeper really, but we were close. So man in black is trying to gather up the chosen few to kill them so he has nothing standing in his way.

Only thing I hope they don't do is then in turn change the whole 'hell' thing simply into a metaphor for something else entirely ... wouldn't put it past them.

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