LOST: The Final Season [SPOILERS HERE]

LinksOcarina said:
Plus triple A didn't show up because he asked for too much money for the episode.

I know he was only ever supposed to do one season (that's what he and the producers agreed on) but it's not like he's been doing much in recent years, in fact on his imdb page since Lost he really doesn't have much at all. He's a fantastic actor, and I know imdb doesn't do stage work or anything like that but even though he's so good he's not worth the money he demanded. I think he should have come back just to make the fans of him happy. Him, Charlie, Jin and Sun were the four worst deaths in the show
I don't know. Neil Frogurt and EVERY OTHER SURVIVOR THAT WASN'T MAIN CAST had a pretty terrible death.

"LOL, we don't want to deal with 60 no-names anymore, so lets arrow them all and be rid of them. Not like any of them had their own stories/dreams/hopes/goals/families"
Trippysmurf said:
I don't know. Neil Frogurt and EVERY OTHER SURVIVOR THAT WASN'T MAIN CAST had a pretty terrible death.

"LOL, we don't want to deal with 60 no-names anymore, so lets arrow them all and be rid of them. Not like any of them had their own stories/dreams/hopes/goals/families"

Well....there stories were not focused on, like Elliot Maslow or Fogurt or Steve/Scott or whoever you wish to discuss.

Maybe someday they will be.
How about this: A Lost spinoff series focusing on the Others before the plane crashed. I'm not talking about the 1970's Dharma Initiative, I'm talking about the Others maybe like 5 years prior to the crash up until the crash its self. But then again who am I kidding, I just like seeing Nathan Fillion (Ethan) on TV, yeah he's on Castle, but Castle ain't no Lost or Firefly
I honestly couldnt care less about Walt. He was a weak plot point and i'm glad it dropped out of the show as a whole.

Oh man I miss lost so much already. :(
Trippysmurf said:
I don't know. Neil Frogurt and EVERY OTHER SURVIVOR THAT WASN'T MAIN CAST had a pretty terrible death.

"LOL, we don't want to deal with 60 no-names anymore, so lets arrow them all and be rid of them. Not like any of them had their own stories/dreams/hopes/goals/families"

I always hated how there were 20 something extras that were totally useless. Their whole purpose was to die every now and then to make things more intense. But I just thought it was stupid, lol.
Speaking of spin-offs, I would watch a sitcom about the hilarious odd couple of Hurley and Ben. With catchy opening eighties music and everything.
Funny, Jimmy Kimmel actually asked Ben and Locke (Michael Emmerson and Terry O'Quinn) if they were thinking about doing a show together and they said they were half-assing ideas but nothing stuck

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