LOST: The Final Season [SPOILERS HERE]

All I know is that I post on this topic too much with too many short ones, and that Im excited for the extended pilot episode tonight.
It all comes down to this fellas....

LOST's final episode in a just a couple hours. Soon it will be over and I'm sure fanboys will flock the internets and attack IMDB with rage meters on FULL!
And Ill love every bit of it.
Hanging out with my closest friend and cuddling and eating gushers and a blooming onion.
I'm watching the pre-show "making of" right now and the actor who plays Jin seems like one of the coolest guys on the show. Well, besides Hurley.
The preshow is great so far, it's reminded me how sad I got each time a key character gets killed off. Charlie, Juliette, I think I may shed a tear when they recap Jin, Sun, and Sayid. This finale is going to be great!

Oh yeah, and why no segment on Mr. Ecko? Wasn't he the biggest badass of season 2?
schimmel said:
Oh yeah, and why no segment on Mr. Ecko? Wasn't he the biggest badass of season 2?

I don't think they had time to recap everyone. And the only actors who they interviewed were the ones who were still alive in season six. Probably because it was done on set.
LOL, my roommate's gf was about to go ballistic because she thought Locke was going to kill Vincent to show he's not messing around. And I'm also on my lap top all night because I know there will be another billion commercial breaks.
On my iPod touch for the same reason. It seems ad though Desmond has both timelines running simultaneously in his head
Notice how it looked like a cork? Crazy shit. Also when Clare had her baby and made her, Kate, and Charlie remember? God damn I was beaming with happiness
Me to, same with Locke.

I'm loving this but FFS there are far too many commercials. This finale was clearly 2 hrs long but the greedy network execs pushed it to 2.5 hrs so they can cram in as many commercials as possible.

I don't think of posted so much at GR in an hour and a half, loll.
lol, thanks for the heads up. I'm going to steer clear of this thread until it's over in case someone pops in and announces the end.
Hugo took over for Jack! I called that a long time ago, I don't know if I posted it here or not, but I KNEW he would! He'll yeah, my favorite character from the entire series is now the new Jacob!

My bad, it's 2.5 hrs here too. And JACK'S PLAN WORKED!!!

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