Haha nah it's not what I was going for. I was aiming for a punk-ish girl, hence the strange hairstyle. I've never been good at getting the correct "biology" of a person when drawing them. It's one of the things I've been working on.
I don't really have a 'style'. They're MEANT to be manga drawings. The cel-shaded effect in the first is something I'm actually trying to veer away from. But practise is practise. And I don't think any artist will be first to admit they've drawn the PERFECT drawing. Good thing about our hobby is that we can always find something to work on.
My story is mainly about standard battle manga. But instead of having the best "ninja"...or best "wizard....best "swordsman" etc, I'd like the thought of the characters being the best at more conventional things. So for instance, there's a character who aspires to be a great reporter. And her "battle" capability is that she's an incredibly fast-learner, much like when she would have to do an emergency article on, say, horse-riding so she'd have to learn to ride a horse in 5 minutes to project a great story...shit like that! And her weakness would be that there is always a 5 minute "analytical" period where she basically cant do anything! I want to use these normal, everyday jobs in use at battle. Instead of having ridiculous, over-powered attacks behond belief - which is what a lot of the manga out there have. That's the PREMISE of the story. I have a lot more details within.
But I'm a lot like you, all I've done is jotted down notes in PC notepad. There's nothing majorly substantial in there haha!