shanes behaviour and the terms of use

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shanes behaviour apparently seems to go unpunished here, let me bring up some recent offenses

*anxiously awaits Don_Gero's smartass and dickheaded reply*

an unprovoked attack on dongero before he even made an appearance in the topic Current/Future Generation of Gaming

Actually, I take back what I said about me meeting BBK.

I'd like to meet him and Jared at the same time, so I could pick Jared's skinny scene kid ass up and use him as a weapon on BBK.

threats of physical violence who made no notion towards him in the topic I'm bored so answer this

Shut up, minority.

in post your pictures

You can want in one hand and shit in the other, and see which one fills up fastest.

And you bet I'd spew racist comments, it doesn't stop me at the mall or in town anywhere

promise of racism should he meet a minority from gr, again, in post your pictures

BBK, please, remove the sandpaper coated dildo from your rectum, and shut the **** up.

There, I win. You lose.

seems like harassment and prejudism to me, again, post your pictures

Well, let's see here.

I was right about you being a wank stain. I was right about you being a fatass. And I was right about Singapore being a third world country.

Yeah, I win. Go somewhere else, lard cakes.

do i have to explain what's wrong with this? taken from the topic ghettos, directed at piracer

Hm, you must have known him before he came to Game-Revolution, then. Puberty's been 4 years, bro. I don't believe our pal TNO has been here 4 years.

I think your sand niggery ass needs to shut up.

model poster right there

It makes it pleasant for the niglets out on the street corners "beat-boxing" and "spitting lyrics", because they have no potential in life!

Or something.

more racism

piracer, go back to eating whatever you eat in your rundown third world country.

really it just goes on and on, unprovoked anger and racist comments, now shane agreed to the terms of use, one of which

3. Rules of Conduct

You shall not post on the Service any Content which (a) is libelous, defamatory , obscene pornographic, abusive , harassing or threatening , (b) contains viruses or other contaminating or destructive features, (c) violates the rights of others, such as Content which infringes any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or violates any right of privacy or publicity, or (d) otherwise violates any applicable law.

You may not post on the Service any links to any external Internet sites that are obscene or pornographic. You shall not use the Service for any commercial purpose, to distribute any advertising or solicitation of funds or goods and services or to solicit users to join competitive online services

so why isn't he banned yet?

by the way, i merley skimmed over his large post count, if i were to pick up everything, i'd be pulling an all nighter
I agree, he's managed to single handedly de-rail a number of topics and drive them into a never ending flame war. He's been warned about posting in certain topics and told to shape up his attitude, but he ignores it. He's like a kid in a candy store, but less with less "aww" appeal. (Kid burning the candy? :s )
lol how many topics will it take in here for you all to realize this is not for the GM's to handle.
Wow, Hellfire is right about something.

Just contact TNO about it guys, even though I'm pretty sure TNO doesn't even need more warnings about shane's behavior.
Wow Icepick, Im impressed you sat there and found all those quotes.

I agree. Shane really needs to learn that foul language and insults do not make you the bigger man. Its actually pretty sad when I have to read quotes like those in an otherwise decent thread. Its just not needed.
You know, you're right. He has evolved from being a merely annoying poster into a rather offensive one, and yes, he is clearly breaking most of the terms and conditions. The problem is that, alas, he isn't the only one breaking those. I'd actually wager that if we were to ban everybody who had broken the terms and conditions more than once here we'd get rid of about half of the population of these boards(Including, I fear, myself). Simply because Terms & Conditions pages on message boards don't get read, or at least not taken in, I mean why would there be so much spam, slander and stupidity on the internet otherwise? The First Ammendment is a bit of a double-edged sword no?

That said, it's clear that Shane is a much more serious case than most in this area. And I suppose a perminant IP ban could be issued towards him with perfect reasoning. But, although we'd win the battle, I must say I think it would be a bit of a Pyrrhic victory. I mean, do we really need to go to such extreme lengths over one poster, even if he is overtly offensive? And besides, I bet that if we did ban him, about a month later there would be people wanting his return because, apprantly, without him Gamepost is boring. Yes, because of course, if people aren't incessantly flaming each other for no reason it means the boards are boring. I've never quite understood the logic there, but people have said that in the periods where he's been away, so I guess he does have his fans.

Also I get the feeling that, even if the GMs banned him "perminantly", he'd be back. He always does come back, he's like a cockroach, he'll survive anything. Seriously I think the only way we'll get him off the boards for good is by completely ignoring him, because since he craves attention if we don't supply him with that attention, he has no reason for coming here anymore. It'd work I think. However people have said they've tried this concept before about 4 years, or whatever, ago and it didn't. I must say though, I've been here for nearly 4 years now, which is as long, if not longer than Shane and I can safely say that, from the "I Can Bench Pass 50,000 Pounds" incident onwards, nobody has ever really ignored what Shane had to say!

Still I'll trust that theory, for now, but I still think ignorance is the way to go. At least that#s what I'm going to do from now on at least. It won't make a difference but, hey, the very least I can do is follow my own philosophy right?
To everyone who has posted in this topic, Gary Coleman is very disappointed in you.

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