I challenge you to pour a bucket of ice over your head

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Wes said:
intoTheRain said:
Wes said:
Honestly Rain, you're a fucking child. You complain how I'm negative yet you're the one who turned this personally by taking my opinion and turning it into "why Wes is an asshole."

Your post was the most condescending shit I've read on these forums. You're like Icepick mixed with Madster mixed with a women with severe PMS. Oh sorry, am I getting to personal? It's called looking in a mirror.

Now please continue to suck some more Hollywood dick, as I'm sure they care oh so much that you support them for giving 1% of their weekly cheque to a charity they know nothing about.



Intotherain tries to have a debate.

Resorts to personal attacks and Nelson's laugh. Real mature fuckin troll.

There is nothing else to be said. There is nothing to debate. All you did in your last post was attack me and tell me how terrible I am. I find it comical that you claim I'm the one who resorts to personal attacks. My post perfectly explained why I disagreed with you and in addition added what I would have done instead if I were you. Then you made a post with nothing but personal attacks, ignoring the subject at hand, and later go on to claim I only made personal attacks. I'm not even sure if you're serious at this point.

This is the last post I'm making about our little disagreement. Feel free to continue if you wish.

Or PM me.

I wish i wasn't on my phone so i could link the Rob Ford ice bucket challenge to lighten the mood. I love Rob Ford.
Ohhhh Caaaaaaaanadaaaaa!
intoTheRain said:
[. You are negative about absolutely everything, I don't think I've seen a post where you aren't being a jerk toward someone or something. So that would explain your negative opinion on the Ice Bucket Challenge.

Then after I swing that pendulum the other way you cry about how my post is a personal attack. You started it genius. Then you giggle in front of your computer because you made me upset... Like a true troll. Mission accomplished.

You completely ignored my post where I tried to get the debate back on track.

I think it might have to do with the fact that lifting a bucket and pouring it on your head is really only a challenge if you don't have use of your arms.

It just kinda taps into the dumbing down of society ... people are feeling accomplished because they did something practically everyone can do. And really, it's not even that interesting to watch. Oh look, you were dry, now you're wet and shivering. Woo?

Maybe it does have more to do with my extreme issues with 'awareness campaigns'. Great, people have been FORCED to become aware of an issue that they should have already known about if they weren't too damn full of themselves to learn things that affect other people. It's a false sense of awareness. You become more aware of an issue when it is something you care about.

I guess, though, I should be more happy that people are being forced to become aware of their surroundings and the plights that others have to deal with in life.

The donations are good, don't get me wrong ... but the concept and execution by idiot celebrities is what bothers me.

And instead, decided to rewrite my post to how you see fit. How pretentious is that?

Seriously, I thought Chris Crime was too hard on you but now I see why he disliked you so much. You don't fucking know me, so don't judge me and then resort to laughing like a troll.

I see through your bullshit, like trying to save face by saying "there's nothing to debate" by ignoring my post I just quoted. Fuck you man. We lost BlackStar and Chris Crime and now we're stuck with pretentious douchebags who are only funny to themselves instead of making everyone laugh like BlackStar and Chris used to do. Fuck this.
Wes said:
intoTheRain said:
[. You are negative about absolutely everything, I don't think I've seen a post where you aren't being a jerk toward someone or something. So that would explain your negative opinion on the Ice Bucket Challenge.

Then after I swing that pendulum the other way you cry about how my post is a personal attack. You started it genius. Then you giggle in front of your computer because you made me upset... Like a true troll. Mission accomplished.

You completely ignored my post where I tried to get the debate back on track.

I think it might have to do with the fact that lifting a bucket and pouring it on your head is really only a challenge if you don't have use of your arms.

It just kinda taps into the dumbing down of society ... people are feeling accomplished because they did something practically everyone can do. And really, it's not even that interesting to watch. Oh look, you were dry, now you're wet and shivering. Woo?

Maybe it does have more to do with my extreme issues with 'awareness campaigns'. Great, people have been FORCED to become aware of an issue that they should have already known about if they weren't too damn full of themselves to learn things that affect other people. It's a false sense of awareness. You become more aware of an issue when it is something you care about.

I guess, though, I should be more happy that people are being forced to become aware of their surroundings and the plights that others have to deal with in life.

The donations are good, don't get me wrong ... but the concept and execution by idiot celebrities is what bothers me.

And instead, decided to rewrite my post to how you see fit. How pretentious is that?

Seriously, I thought Chris Crime was too hard on you but now I see why he disliked you so much. You don't fucking know me, so don't judge me and then resort to laughing like a troll.

I see through your bullshit, like trying to save face by saying "there's nothing to debate" by ignoring my post I just quoted. Fuck you man. We lost BlackStar and Chris Crime and now we're stuck with pretentious douchebags who are only funny to themselves instead of making everyone laugh like BlackStar and Chris used to do. Fuck this.

Please don't leave man. I was just grooming a new Chris_Crime. Gets boring around here when everyone gets along. I don't know who else I would pick.

Oh and for future reference, the more curse words and F-Bombs you drop in a "debate", the more intellectually superior you appear. I think you have the hang of that though.

Edit: Sorry, forgot I promised not to respond to you again, this is the last, I swear. If I break my promise I'll dump a bucket of ice water on my head.

On PC now, here is my contribution to this lovely thread!

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