I try to play at least one round of any minigame I encounter.
Longo, what is your screen name? I'm friends with Dan, but haven't played any games with him yet. I just spy on him ;)
Had a go at the first triathlon yesterday down on the beach. Started off thinking, "this is so boring compared to everything else I could be doing in the game."

By the end of it I was swearing at the tv . . . lost by an inch if that :p
1 week away for GTA Online! I haven't beat the game yet. Work. I have put a lot of time into it. I'll get a router, this week so I can use the bawsaq stock market, register the social club, and what not. Then I'll get a Headset then my xbox live expires on the 10th of october.

This is how much I have spent/spending to play GTA.

60 for the game
130 for the HDD
Router cheapest one I saw was 30. That's hella cheap is it any good? It's linksy's :| only kind I've ever had. Lets say 30.
Then l want a headset which will be 20.
Finally Xbox Live definitely need a year 3 months is bullshit, so 60.

300 dollars. GTA makes our economy well. :P

Also as I asked above is this 30 dollar router a POS, or is that what they cost now/usually cost? I thought routers ran 60 bucks.
The game is fucking incredible. And I also loved Trevor until the mission where you violently and graphically tortue that guy. Seriously WTF? I guess RockStar just had to amp up the controversy but I really didn't enjoy the character at all after that. The tooth pull still haunts me.

And if you thought that scene was funny or awesome go see a psychiatrist and a therapist.
That tooth pull was seriously gruesome. I find it funny people first thought Trevor would catch the guy on fire after pouring gasoline on him. I know that's what I was expecting.
What I hate is it's a mandatory mission to complete the story. If it was part of an assassination side quest or whatever I'd still be as equally disturbed but at least I'd have a choice not to do it.

I should expect controversy with GTA but the graphics in games today are so realistic and I feel they just went too far with how interactive it was. Maybe I'm just getting old but I would hope that it disturbed everyone else.

Other than that the game is awesome.
Is it really that unexpected with a character like Trevor though? He basically personifies everything GTA gets flack for in the media for but ramped up ten fold. Though I'm honestly surprised nothing has been in the media about it yet...

But I didn't really have a problem with it, nor did I have a problem with the MW2 airport mission. Why? Because it's a video game.
Wes said:
The game is fucking incredible. And I also loved Trevor until
The wrench to the nuts was too much for me. Horrifying scene and kind of unnecessary after the way they introduce him. Guess they really wanna drive the point home that he's a terrible person.
The scene with Trevor combined with the topless strippers and no media attention goes to show how little of a shit anybody gives these days.

Oh, really? What game

"But when he stands up you can see blood on his pants and smoke rising from his nipples"

No media attention because they don't know about it yet. Just wait, once it gets out to the news stations people will petition to change the rating to AO or ban it like with Manhunt. Manhunt was released as an M rated game for a couple months before the media got a hold of it.
Ugh posted this selfie on FB an hour ago.

Just thought you guys should know.
So I bit the bullet and bought this game even though school is kind of kicking my ass but I thought why cant I take out my frustration on some random pedestrians in GTA 5 also Trevor is fricking hilarious

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