May Hell Fire Fall.....GTA related.

Well I said that as a cheap comeback, I have no interest in SH at all.

As for GTA, I know it may not appeal to the purist taste of some of the GR members, but I was hooked at 11, so who can blame me? I got GTA 3 in '01 when there was nothing else around to grab my attention and it offered me a game with freedom, a violent plot and story, interesting characters, great voice acting and my first real free roam. I play a game and if I enjoy it, it becomes a favorite, simple as that. I don't care about the developers and what their 'cashing in on' because they gave me an entertaining game. The GTA games are just that, entertaining, and is well worth 60 bucks. I don't take interest in if a company is whoring themselves, etc. You give me an enjoyable game, thank you, here's my money, do what you please, I don't care. I'm not saying it's true here, but I sense a lot of people dislike GTA because it's so popular and mainstream now. If the GTA games were as low on the radar as 1 and 2 were, their wouldn't be half as many fans. But because it's such a cash cow that takes in millions, it gets shitted on, well that's just not fair. They figured out a formula that works, good for them, keep churning out GTAs so long as it stays fresh and innovative I say. The minute it gets repetative and stagnant, I'll hop aboard the I hate GTA, it's a mindless attempt at a video game, blah blah blah, train.
I stopped reading when you said you've been posting for two weeks on the website and now you're pissed, i just found that too funny. Oh, and when mC tells you to stay away from a Silent Hill game, for gods sake man, stay away.
You too.....?

I can't tell you guys how much I'm amused by your amusement.....awww. Is 2 weeks to little a time to be pissed about a game I was expecting for the last 5 months? And don't worry about me staying away from a SH game, I won't touch one.
I can't speak for NesMan, but I found particular amusement not in the shortness of the time you had been posting there, but in how I perceived you to be reeling from the setback of the release date as if it were a personal loss. Somehow made more personal - hitting you harder than most - because you were a poster on their webs.

I'm way pumped for GTAIV, by the way. Hope that more time helps the project.
Dark_Legacy said:
masterchris said:
If you're getting this worked up about a game like Grand Theft Auto... you need serious help. I don't understand how anyone can be so addicted to such a despicable, disgusting series of games that required something like the original post. Black Thursday? Get a f****** life.

I'm with Mc on this one. I don't see the appeal of this game series at all. In fact I think its a waste of money, manpower, and developer's brain power. It's controversial because it builds on exactly what some parents say is too violent and too numbing. I agree. A game series such as this takes away from any tasteful story telling or action and adds a "do what ever you want to do" quality relating to drugs and violence that any other self-respecting game wouldn't touch.

This mocks the real world problems we have to deal with and doesn't help the industry at all-does line R* pockets like their whores in the game though. Too bad you don't have the option to hit them with your car after their through and get your money back, right?


I wish people would stop focusing on the violence parts of GTA. And I'm just going to go as far as to say that if parents don't want their kids playing it, then don't buy it for them...its as simple as that. There are other things u can do that don't involve killing hookers and other members of society. such as doing the stunts and lots of mini quest things. But yes the main story is violent, i mean the name of the game is that of a crime what do you expect? And rockstar are brilliant. instead of giving people a moderately decent story line about a guy rising from the ghetto, or a wreck of a former life, they give them the option of basically doing whatever they want, and still be able to pick right where the left off in the story line.

And don't most game mock real world situations? isn't that what games are for? A bit of an escape and a distraction from all of our real world problems?

And GTA was a violent series back when it first came out on the PS1 if i remember right...just with bad graphics.

In response to the threads real purpose, i agree that id rather see it delayed and hopefully improved upon, then rushed and be full of holes and glitches.
People honestly expect a glitch free game? This is GTA, theres no way. The games been delayed because they couldn't finish it in time, the PS3 version anyway, and now we have to sit and wait for big brother to catch up. I hope the 360 version gets polished and made perfect, and that the PS3 version just gets done.

By the way, what difference does it make how long I posted on the site, geeZ....
NjNakedSnake said:
People honestly expect a glitch free game? This is GTA, theres no way. The games been delayed because they couldn't finish it in time, the PS3 version anyway, and now we have to sit and wait for big brother to catch up. I hope the 360 version gets polished and made perfect, and that the PS3 version just gets done.
I recall an article a few months ago about how Core versions of 360's will cause potential delays due to no HDD.
Thats why microsoft is payin so much money to rockstar for that extra content cuz they kno PS3 has the better graphics, to them it all is just is money game to all the corperations but theres one thing ppl dont focus on when there blaming the game or what ever. Parents need to look at one thing would they rather have there kids goin through all graphic content in the streets for real or at home in the comfort of there house doin it on a simulation. And for the kids and go out and do all that stuff then put the blame on the game DON'T do that its your fault you bought your kid the mature content game, if u kno ur kids a dumb f*** dont buy em the game!!!!!!!
I don't know why so many people rag on GTA.

Sure, each game is pretty much the same only highly improved with much more freedom and a longer story. But they're still fun to play!

When I play GTA, I don't think "Oh my mom would hate it if she saw what I was playing! OH I'M SUCH A REBEL!!!" Gimme a break!

San Andreas may appear to be a game about criminal activity. But anyone who has played it (like 95% of GR) will tell you there is so much in the game. You could play for hours racing, playing pool, basketball, skydiving, scavenger hunts, firefighter missions, police missions, paramedic missions, taking girls out on dates, hell it goes on and on.
Thats what everyones saying!!! this game is never ending thats why its worth the money ppl shell out for it, ppl dont wanna live their boring depressing life, they wanna break the law kill some people. Its human nature but its not right, but rockstar created a game to let ppl do this in their crazy simulation game. Thats why ppl love it
The bastards may they all rot in hell.Guess I gotta go all Splintercell on Rockstar AGAIN.Wish me luck people.Pray to god I don't get caught I sorta have a restraining order with them.
theres not a single day that goes by where I sift through a whole topic and think to myself

why in gods fucking name do I still post here
I cant wait til this game comes out to see how many idiots try n sew R* cuz there kid died or killed some one or just someone is so unexpected by the graphic and mature content on the game, LMAO commen sense isn't so common anymore!!

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