Did anyone start playing GTA IV only to stop part way thru?


Well I have spoken with several friends and co-workers and there seems to be a phenomena of starting GTA IV playing until between 30-50% then stopping and playing something completely different without returning to GTA fot weeks at a time. Everyone agreed that it is a great game but we have come to the consensus that maybe the mission length and total length of the game detracts from wanting to sit and complete it in consectuive gaming days. Not sure, but has anyone else started playing GTA and just kind of stopped and not gone back to it for a while?
well, i'm upto the Jimmy missions (third island),
and my xbox decides it doesn't want to read the disc, even though it has the smallest scratches i have ever seen.
i've seen discs with literally 50x more scratches than GTA IV that play fine.
Well, my Xbox broke, so I haven't even finished the first island yet. :(
madster111 said:
well, i'm upto the Jimmy missions (third island),
and my xbox decides it doesn't want to read the disc, even though it has the smallest scratches i have ever seen.
i've seen discs with literally 50x more scratches than GTA IV that play fine.

Don't forget about the sheer amount of data being streamed almost constantly.

As for me; I haven't switched between games any more than usual. A lot of the time I start playing a game and give it a small break and GTA has been no different when I switched to GHIII for maybe a day before going back to GTA. In fact I've complete the story and have just finished collecting all the hidden packages in pursuit of 100% completion. Next is the stunt jumps.

maca2kx said:
madster111 said:
well, i'm upto the Jimmy missions (third island),
and my xbox decides it doesn't want to read the disc, even though it has the smallest scratches i have ever seen.
i've seen discs with literally 50x more scratches than GTA IV that play fine.

Don't forget about the sheer amount of data being streamed almost constantly.

As for me; I haven't switched between games any more than usual. A lot of the time I start playing a game and give it a small break and GTA has been no different when I switched to GHIII for maybe a day before going back to GTA. In fact I've complete the story and have just finished collecting all the hidden packages in pursuit of 100% completion. Next is the stunt jumps.

no, this happens when it is trying to load up the game (the part after the chick sucking on the candy thing.)
^ That sucks. I have it for PS3 and before the last PSN patch my game wouldn't get pass that loading screen every other time I turned it on. I started a new game and turned auto save off and it has been working fine. Hopefully you don't have to restart.
I have actually done exactly that. Have gotten to about 44 percent or something and suddenly just stopped wanting to go back and play it and have yet to do so for more than a few minutes. Heck the last time I was on it I turned it on, started shooting stuff in the apartment, somehow managed to get a 6 Star rating and ran out to the top of the stairs and hid there with the machine gun and killed anyone that came around the corner. :p Easiest achievement, although, :( I did turn it off after because I'm just no longer interested in the story, at all.
I think for me it might be because at this point, Niko does not have to do anything whatsoever, he's already got hundreds of thousands of dollars, he could just leave the city and use the money to start a better more carefre life away from the retarded threat of, oh nos, Russian mobsters. Meh, it's just too flimsy in logical reasons to stay even if there is somebody he's trying to find in the city, he never actively does it and it's boring as hell waiting for that to randomly pop up in one of the missions.

So, yeah, the story and missions lack staying power after a while and now I'm wanting to go back to playing Assassin's Creed even though I know how repetetive it can be. Hell, finding all the templars sounds more exciting than playing GTA 4 some more. :( I'll probably sell it to my friend soon if I can't get back into it.

(Although I even noticed that I haven't been on XBox Live for any game in a month's time... maybe I'm just tired of playing games. :O)
^ I switched to Assassin's Creed and I am on the sixth assassination of my first playthrough. It is a good way to change up the monotony. I actually stopped playing GTA IV a few weeks back now and I beat Devil May Cry 4 and I am planning to beat Assasssin's Creed this weekend. I guess I will try GTA again after that but if not I still need to beat CoD 4 single player, Halflife 2 + Episode 1 & 2. The single player experience of all the games I have listed above just seem to keep me interested longer/long enough to beat.
I only stopped playing becuase of school and other things. Oh and i started playing all the MGS again - so that may account for GTA absence. That aside, i would gladly get back into it, although i'm not itching for it like i was a few weeks ago.

I'm currently near the end, or so i hear. The last major mission that i can remember is deciding on whether to kill one of the MCreary brothers.
That's exactly what I did. It was so good in the beginning, but later I just lost interest and started to play something completely different - Mass Effect. It's still the same old GTA - go meet someone, talk, kill your target, repeat. But It's getting really old and repetitive now. The story failed to impress, Niko is not charismatic enough and there's nothing to do really other than aimlessly fool around. I don't even care about GTA 5 anymore. Maybe Saints Row 2 will be more fun...
Started playing it, loved it then got about 50 percent through and dropped it and havn't gone back yet. Thought I was the only one out there.
I am not alone...I got to 40% then stopped to beat Assassins Creed, Metal Gear Solid 4, Devil May Cry, and Dragon Ball. I finished MGS4 last week so I figured I would try to go back to GTA but no luck. I think the damn game is just too repetitive. I want to play MGS4 again but I am waiting to get an HD tv. It kind of sucks because I keep hearing about an awesome bank mission in GTA but I can help but think it will end up being= drive here, kill X, kill everyone protecting X, then drive away. Wash, rinse, repeat.
shandog137 said:
I am not alone...I got to 40% then stopped to beat Assassins Creed, Metal Gear Solid 4, Devil May Cry, and Dragon Ball. I finished MGS4 last week so I figured I would try to go back to GTA but no luck. I think the damn game is just too repetitive. I want to play MGS4 again but I am waiting to get an HD tv. It kind of sucks because I keep hearing about an awesome bank mission in GTA but I can help but think it will end up being= drive here, kill X, kill everyone protecting X, then drive away. Wash, rinse, repeat.
I quit playing after that mission, i realised that there is nothing that could possibly happen next in the game that would top it.

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