GTA IV = A-? Something wicked this way comes...

I think it was a biased and a negative review. The game was judged for what it isn't rather than for what it is. If this is the approach GR wants to take, it's fine with me, but do it with all other games, would you? BioShock seems to be the only game that got a clean A for 360 from GR ... I absolutely loved it, but if I start to analyse its shortcomings, the things the game isn't, then it would clearly be worse than GTAIV ... and COD4 should become B grade material at best ... Assassin's Creed got an A- ... the game that had probably the worst level design recently as well as completely WASTED potential of its mechanics.

My point is, if GTA IV is A-, then you have to absolutely downgrade all other games to remain consistent. Also, imagine someone who never played videogames before and has decided to start ... reading GTA IV review, what impression would one get? - First, one wouldn't even understand what GTA IV is about, since the review rarely bothers to talk about the complexity and extensiveness of the game (it's like it's being taken for granted), second - the review consists of shortcomings and flaws ... reading it one gets a sense that GTA IV is an overhyped game with nothing really worthy in it ... "Everyone must play it" is a formality, it doesn't save it. A- was the lowest score GR could have given, if it had been a B+, it would have lost tons of credibility as a serious gaming site.

People like to bitch ... it's their nature and I can bitch as well about ANY game, no matter how great it is. But that's the difference between a gamer who can have a biased opinion (be that a fanboy or a hater) and a reviewer whose job is to carefully evaluate the game for what it is. GTA IV deserves a solid A and a good review for what it is by itself and even more so for what it is compared to other games ... and I never actually was a fan of the series to begin with.
AINTD said:
People like to b**** ... it's their nature and I can b**** as well about ANY game, no matter how great it is. But that's the difference between a gamer who can have a biased opinion (be that a fanboy or a hater) and a reviewer whose job is to carefully evaluate the game for what it is.

I thought they reviewed the game for what it is...In there mind? Are you saying that unless GTA 4 gets an "A", the reviewer didn't review it for what it is? Are you basically saying his "opinion" is wrong?

That's vibe I'm getting.
LetheanDreams said:
AINTD said:
People like to b**** ... it's their nature and I can b**** as well about ANY game, no matter how great it is. But that's the difference between a gamer who can have a biased opinion (be that a fanboy or a hater) and a reviewer whose job is to carefully evaluate the game for what it is.

I thought they reviewed the game for what it is...In there mind? Are you saying that unless GTA 4 gets an "A", the reviewer didn't review it for what it is? Are you basically saying his "opinion" is wrong?

That's vibe I'm getting.

No, I'm saying, that if the game really was reviewed for what it is and not what it isn't, there's absolutely no way it would have gotten anything less than an A (and it almost seemed like the reviewer would mind giving a B something grade, but just wouldn't dare). OR, I'm saying that if that's the way you want to judge it, then ALL "solid A" games can be taken apart and downgraded (I used BioShock as an example). A- is very different from solid A for the latter is a symbol of excellence and achievement, it's more that "somewhat better than A-". But it's not only the score that's bothering, it's the review itself, it's very one-sided, after reading it, I kind of was "What? And where's the good stuff???"
Quite obviously I didn't take the time to read through the entire thread, or the posts on this page for that matter.
But an A- is nothing to complain about, a A- from GR is something to hold sacred. We all know all the good stuff about GTA IV from al the other sites, but GR focuses on what they might miss, the small bits of imperfection, the things that make it imperfect. And as the review and others said, the A- is partially due to it being a sequel in a long-running franchise. A poster mentioned Bioshock, and that got an A due to it representing the genre in it's finest and being totally original, not only in concept but how it plays out.
Just remember, this is GR, A's aren't just given out randomly, it takes one hell of a game to recieve a grade higher than a B+.
GTA IV deserves an A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Anything who disagrees should die.

Seriously guys, an A- is the second best rating on GR, get a grip.
6 pages to discuss wether GTA IV is A- quality or better...? It is so strange that we do not have universal consensus of opinion regarding this game. It seems so often in the past that we all agree on the grading of a given review.

EDIT: Get over it, A- is set in stone and in the anals of GR history. There is no chnaging it now. going forward we must learn to live with this or we will only be shocked by the GR review of Metal Gear Solid 4.
I agree with the review for the most part, except for comparing it to games like Assassins Creed, saying that game did open world enviorments better. I disagree; AC had better graphics, but the details of the world were lacking compared to GTA4. I think GTA4's less than perfect graphics are reasonable when considering the amount of life put into the city.
LinksOcarina said:
Which will likely get an A- as well.

I will start this now...Metal Gear Solid 4 is obviously going to be the first A game at GR. It is going to be sooo incredible that anything less than an A review is bound to get several threads started as to why it is the perfect game. I'm 100% sure of this and I don't even need to look at the screens or play the game. I just know.
shandog137 said:
LinksOcarina said:
Which will likely get an A- as well.

I will start this now...Metal Gear Solid 4 is obviously going to be the first A game at GR. It is going to be sooo incredible that anything less than an A review is bound to get several threads started as to why it is the perfect game. I'm 100% sure of this and I don't even need to look at the screens or play the game. I just know.

1) There is already a number of A games at GR
2) Even if it did get an A, there would still be threads about why it's the perfect game because an A isn't perfect, an A+ is.
TheNesMan said:
shandog137 said:
LinksOcarina said:
Which will likely get an A- as well.

I will start this now...Metal Gear Solid 4 is obviously going to be the first A game at GR. It is going to be sooo incredible that anything less than an A review is bound to get several threads started as to why it is the perfect game. I'm 100% sure of this and I don't even need to look at the screens or play the game. I just know.

1) There is already a number of A games at GR
2) Even if it did get an A, there would still be threads about why it's the perfect game because an A isn't perfect, an A+ is.

I almost think he was being sarcastic

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