GR Survivor: Team Rick Roll - Night 5

Eating and drinking are free actions that must happen every day. Because of the short amount of time you can spend on each one they do not count towards your two actions per day
There are berries all over the island, green ones, red ones, purple ones, tons of different colors. Because you have no knowledge of botany you pick some of each...
After a long day the weary members of Team Rick Roll feel tired and accomplished. They have a beautiful shelter to sleep in that is raised off of the ground to avoid rain and animals that may come by in the night, they’re healthy, and they have full stomachs from the boar that was caught. Life for them couldn’t be better. Sitting around the campfire the veterans of the Boards begin telling stories of GR in years past while the younger members sit eagerly and listen. Stories of N**y_S**l, Grey, and Dobbie fill others’ ears, all of them thoroughly enjoying a good time together. When all the tales had been exhausted, they climb up into their shelter amongst the trees for a good nights’ rest.

During the night a thunderstorm occurs, and it wakes everyone up. They glance up at the roof to their shelter and notice that Keepithowitis actually did a fantastic job building it because not only are they staying dry, it’s also high enough above the ground to avoid flash flooding. A number of them simply sit up and enjoy the lightning happening over the ocean, listening to the booms of thunder overhead. After a few hours the storm dies down and they all go back to sleep, not quite happy to be in their situation, but still enjoying each others’ company.

Night 1
You awake to the sound of birds chirping. Your shelter has held steady for the night, showing minimal rain damage. All your gear, stowed safely in the shelter, is intact, and you are ready to start your day. There is food to be gathered, and fire to be made in order to keep your camp running well. You hear a rustling in the trees, and out emerges a strange man…

He introduces himself as Thomas, and says that his tribe has been living on this island for years. He notices you have done quite well for yourself but offers you some survival tips in exchange for a favor. His tribe has not been doing well in their religion lately; each day someone else must be sacrificed to appease the gods of the island into being kind to them for the next twenty-four hours. His tribe is quickly becoming much smaller than they had wanted, so in order to make this trade to help you out, you must offer one of yours up sometimes. He says he will return later for your decision.

A few hours later, he does in fact return. He mentions he met another tribe while he was gone and offered them a similar deal, one that they accepted. After thinking it over, you accept, but declare that you will not offer your members up without a competition against the other group. He tells you the other group said the same thing. Thus, the third tribe will award nightly immunity to either Team Trololol or Team Rick Roll.
The first challenge is a riddle: two coins add together to make 30 cents. One of them is not a nickel. What are they?
For this challenge, Hlallu is your team’s spokesperson. Feel free to discuss it with your team mates via PM so the other team can’t cheat. I expect your answer before Night 2.

Day 2
Dear Team,

Ive seen this riddle on Scrubs. Someone PM with an answer, or Ill just use that answer.

-edit- Ill also use my actions to gather fruits that look familiar, and eat and drink
Hlallu, you're the spokesman. It's your job to PM it to me. You better beat Bretimus because he's seen it too
*I eat and drink my provisions* I believe it's wrong to sacrifice anyone, let my statement be on record. professor out
Team Rick Roll has been deliberating for quite some time now. Suddenly, they see Thomas emerge from the jungle looking disappointed. He regretfully informs you that the other team, geniuses that they are, has already figured out the riddle and that one of yours will be sacrificed to the island tonight, and you have the remainder of the day to tell him who that will be.

Please PM me your votes to see who's the first to go. I know this will be hard, you all love each other so much, but it has to happen.
kingg5 said:
I do not condone to sacrifice so I will not vote against none of my friends

You have to vote... this is Survivor. The sad thing is you're the only one who has cast your vote and it was to abstain...
This is day 2 people, GO GO GO! I need food! YOU HAVE YOUR TOOLS OF DESTRU- I mean.......FUCK IT!

Because I'm still awesome, I hunt another boar and skewer him with my spear.

I bring him back to camp for lunch.

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