GR Survivor: Team Rick Roll - Night 5

I like to think HK did a heroic walk back to camp with the boar over his shoulder....I will cook the meat of boar for soon as I get my fire. (do I need fire/firewood to cook?) It's gonna be raw for now fellas!


Kingy, you have a bow and arrow - hunt some wabbits!!

Would anyone like me to fashion some sort of spoon for extreme berry gathering? I have no more tools to make...
In the cool evening air I await in the high brush of the fields stalking my prey. But then a growl breaks the silence having the other animals run. I quickly realized the hunter was the hunted. Out of the woods it came a fierce creature indeed the size of a big dog.

The cougar pounce at me, dodging out of its way preventing full impact of its razor sharp claws. I armed my bow waiting for the next strike. The cougar began to run towards me again, letting go of the string, the arrow found its mark in the cat's brain. Walking back to camp with the cougar swung around my shoulders, and dripping blood from the wound on my gut I felt a certain is of mind.
Well, i guess i should fix up the minimal rain damage on the shelter. I'll add some pots and pan. But I'll especially build an altar for whomever is going to be sacrifice.
MattAY said:
I like to think HK did a heroic walk back to camp with the boar over his shoulder....I will cook the meat of boar for soon as I get my fire. (do I need fire/firewood to cook?) It's gonna be raw for now fellas!

I most certainly did, with me war paint on.
With it's blood.

Wait, I could use the tusks and teeth to make me a shaman doctor...
I'm going bear hunting next.
I fashion MattAY a spoon of epic proportions, with a sieve to catch the berries but allow the leaves to slip through, so that he may go gathering for us. Also, I smoke the cougar Kingg hunted, allowing it to be preserved for another day, when we have not been fed yet :p. Also, I eat and drink the required amounts of water and food.

Sorry for the late post guys, we had an all-day band trip to a theme park... Only just got back now. :oops:
No worries Squirrels. To be honest I was out all evening until just now and I have some stuff to do followed by going to bed. I'll let you know who got voted off and update to night tomorrow morning. For all intensive purposes it is Night 2 now, but seeing as I'm not updating until I wake up go ahead and treat it as still Day 2
Because I have one action left for the day, I skewer us a fish from the river.
Tomorrow, it'll be the bear, as I'll probably need more than a spear to take that bad boy on.

And since nobody's hurt, all I can do is kill.
I heard ya HK! For my last move, i'll make you an Epic Bear-killing weapon!

First, i'll gather up the fable red mana stone from the core of the earth (i had some in my pockets) then i'll summon Thor's fabled Mjöllnir hammer to my aid by sacrificing a goat (it's actually a doll made of wood but he won't notice) and use it to hammer down the magic stones with the flames straight from the city of Dis itself! At each hit, the earth would tremble and the bowels of passerby would emptied on the spot by the shear awesomeness of the scene.

And after many sweat and many hardship, HK-47 weapon is ready:
I bring you... The triple bladed sword

I can die in peace knowing I've made a legend come true

"Wow! Gee Lien! That's awesome! Man with this we can take on anybody! Screw the volcano god!"
"Yeah... actually there's a catch..."
"It only works on bears."
For action number 2 I will make kingg5 a sword! Get slash happy my friend! (not on us, sheath it near us)
After careful deliberation, and much thought, Team Rick Roll has come to a decision on who to sacrifice. It wasn't easy, and the team already feels a bit traumatized for it, but they are ready for Thomas to return, and return he does. At dusk he walks out of the jungle with rope in one hand and a machete in the other. He looks at Hlallu, who he designated to be the official spokesman for the day and asks, "so have you made your decision?"
Hlallu nods, and motions towards Kingg5.
Without a second's hesitation, Thomas hits Kingg on the forehead with his machete hilt, knocking him out. He then ties him up with the rope, and begins to leave, Kingg's limp body thrown over his shoulder. As Thomas is leaving, a few of his fellow villagers come out, placing food and water at the edge of your camp. For sacrificing a member, you have all eaten and drank for the day, and all your members are well for the night. Enjoy your evening, Team Rick Roll. Try to sleep through the screams coming through the jungle...

To compensate for the loss of a doctor/hunter, Squirrels has gained the knowledge of hunting as well as his two other skills, and Hlallu has gained the knowledge of medicine.

1000_Squirrels - Blacksmith, Cook, Hunter
Hlallu - Gatherer, Cook, Doctor
Kingg5 - Deceased

Night 2

You are free to PM strategy at this time, as well as post out of chracter in this topic. Remember, any PMs have to include me just so I know what's going on in your tribe.
Hmm, well, I think since we're all set on food and drink for today, I gather plant materials to make-
my doctor action, bandages.
Alright guys, due to the fact that I've noticed a lot of inactivity on the forums during the weekend, and the fact that I have a busy day today followed by a semi-busy weekend Night 2 will stay up until Sunday night. Sorry for the inconvenience, but at least now you don't have to be checking back here all Saturday and Sunday.
The sun rises on the Eastern side of the island first, illuminating your camp. The embers from the fire last night have since gone out, leaving nothing but ash and charred logs. The events of the night before are still fresh in the memories of Team Rick Roll, some are still in a state of shock from the screams. Everyone is on edge, blaming each other for actually killing Kingg5. He did volunteer to go, but in retrospect that changes nothing. It's time to start the day...

Day 3
Do I get kingg's hunting implements?

If so, I hunt down a wild Pumba, and then cook it to allow for all of my delicious teammates to gorge themselves upon :p If not, then I craft myself a Halberd, and then hunt a wild Pumba for one of our wonderful chefs to cook.

Also, can we hunt members of the other team? Just out of curiousity... I think some people would be rather delicious. :twisted:
Stealing from the dead is allowed, you want Kingg's hunting supplies just raid his equipment. He didn't take it with him to be killed. I'm gonna null the Halberd because of this. Everyone can now eat

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