Game worlds you would actually want to live in.

i think i would like to live in anvil, in the oblivion world

I always thought that was the best town in oblivion
Good topic!

I actually wouldn't mind living in Junon harbour of FFVII. Think about it, your city has a big fuck off cannon for defence and it actually seemed like a fairly nice place to live, especially when you consider how Midgar came across. (The only area outside of the slums we saw were an office building and mako reactors. Never saw much of the upper plate. Unless you count the highway)

I practically fell in love with Rapture when playing Bioshock, send me there in the era before everything went crazy and I'd be in heaven. But the minute things start to go south, I'm on a sub straight to the surface and finding a new place to live... after stocking up on ADAM and plasmids of course.

Actually, number one place to be would be Balamb garden in FFVIII. That place was sweet. :D
Fallout universe, Oddworld: Strangers Wrath, Thief, or Condemned.

I'd crap my pants in any of those for any number of reasons.
Manaan from SWKotOR 1, it's such a nice utopian type water world, and lots of chrome surfaces. my kinda place.....
If I could move to Hyrule, I'd want it to be either Ocarina of Time Hyrule, post-Ganon Adult timeline, or Hyrule in Twilight Princess, also post-Ganon. Those were my two favorite generations of Hyrule (even if Twilight Princess itself didn't exactly live up to expectations).

How about the world in Viewtiful Joe? Imagine the awesome things you can do if you get a V-watch!
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
the silent hill world. yeah, i know, freaky has hell, but since i don't have a guilty concious i'd be alright.
Yeah. Until you get killed by somebody who does have a guilty conscious seeing you as a demon or something.
Balamb Garden would be cool, but it is basically a giant boot camp school.

However, just living in Balamb would be pretty sweet. Or in Esther.

Oh, and the place in Crimson Skies. The big island-volcano- type town right at the beginning of the game. Plus, flying around all day, shooting people would never get old.

I'd consider Fallout, but then I realized how ghetto it is. If I had a life of luxury, like, sex in Tenpenny Tower all day (no ghouls please), then I'm all for it, because it would be pretty sweet.
Man, most of these places you guys pick don't have any video games...You would all die of withdraw in a week....

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