Games you wish somebody would make


OK, we all have our wishlist for games. Some are actually in the works *cough*Portal 2*cough*, whilst others remain as just ideas.

Let's hear those ideas.

Me and my older brother have been talking, and we have two ideas that would be really cool.

The first is a game I'd call Cleansweep. Essentially, you play as a cleaning robot in the-'50s-version-of-the-future where robots are poised to take over the world. YOu choose whether you want to kill all humanity and help your robot bretherin, or work alongside your creators and defend them from the rogue 'bots.

The second can be described easily as 'Large scale Dead Rising in MMO form'. You're in a city with other humans. There are zombies. You must defend yourself, whilst also gathering supplies and stuff in order to survive. It's a sandbox MMO, where you don't get any quests, you don't have guilds, you're just surviving either on your own or alongside other people. There are no designated safe areas, which means that you must either create your own safe place from the zombies or join up with a group of human survivors and stay in their safe area.
Tyrranis said:
OK, we all have our wishlist for games. Some are actually in the works *cough*Portal 2*cough*, whilst others remain as just ideas.

Let's hear those ideas.

Me and my older brother have been talking, and we have two ideas that would be really cool.

The first is a game I'd call Cleansweep. Essentially, you play as a cleaning robot in the-'50s-version-of-the-future where robots are poised to take over the world. YOu choose whether you want to kill all humanity and help your robot bretherin, or work alongside your creators and defend them from the rogue 'bots.

The second can be described easily as 'Large scale Dead Rising in MMO form'. You're in a city with other humans. There are zombies. You must defend yourself, whilst also gathering supplies and stuff in order to survive. It's a sandbox MMO, where you don't get any quests, you don't have guilds, you're just surviving either on your own or alongside other people. There are no designated safe areas, which means that you must either create your own safe place from the zombies or join up with a group of human survivors and stay in their safe area.

Those both sound very good actually. I would definitely enjoy the second one.
Id be absolutely fucking ecstatic if Lunar 3 were to be announced, made by the original developers and adapted via Working Designs (I think thats what the company was called?).
-A James Bond game that plays like Metal Gear Solid.

-A Zelda: Four Swords game on the same engine used for Phantom Hourglass.

-A re-make of Zelda: Ocarina of Time with a comic-book style visuals (resembling a colored version of the manga, somewhat), with more in-depth Hyrule background and lore, and harder puzzles (or the option to play original puzzles or Master Quest puzzles).

-Pokemon MMO - Create your own customized trainer, pick a region, a starter pokemon, and set off in a world where all the other trainers you can face are actual people playing the game.

- Diablo 3. Enough said.

-A Sims 2 equivalent of The Sims: Makin' Magic expansion pack.
Squiggy said:
-A James Bond game that plays like Metal Gear Solid.



id personally like a Forgotten Realms MMORPG based on Icewind Dale that plays like guild wars..
Squiggy said:
-Pokemon MMO - Create your own customized trainer, pick a region, a starter pokemon, and set off in a world where all the other trainers you can face are actual people playing the game.

That's a really good idea, and seemingly a no-brainer. You think that should have been made by now.
I've posted my Alien Vs. Predator idea before, and shall post it again.

They should make a 3 part Alien Vs. Predator free-roaming game. Make it so like you can play as aliens, predators, or humans. You would be able to play in a city and jungle environment. Predators would be given all the cool predator powers, like invisability and heat vision. They would get basic weapons at first, but would get better ones as they grew in clan levels. You would gain clan levels in an RPGesque way by killing people to get expirience, and you would get bonus points for taking skulls and hanging skinned people upside down. You would also be able to jump far and grab on to the sides of trees and buildings.

Next, the aliens. Aliens will start as a faceclinger and work their way up. They would have only claw, tail and second mouth attacks. The attacks would grow in power as you age. You age through playtime. The more you play the older you get. Like you would age from a chestbreaker to an adult in very little time.Though you have short range attacks, you would be fast and powerful. You would also be able to climb most surfaces.

Finally, humans. You would be able to control all types of vehicles. You would use guns and other weapons like that, which you could get from other people, find, or buy. You would get money from doing jobs. You could choose between different careers, like Gang, Army, Police, or Mercenary. You will gain ranking and cash in each job by doing tasks, which mostly will involve killing things and delivering things, plus a few other things. When you get to certain levels there will be new weapons in the armory.

Now the whole thing would be done on a massive map with big special area's for each of the species. The rest will be just towns and wilderness which will be able to be taken over in a giant PvP kind of way. At any time any city can be taken over by any of the three species and turned into a new safe point. Each safe point will have armories for the Humans and Predators as well as a bunch of other stuff. Once you get to certain levels as humans and Predators and have certain items you can set up automated turrets to keep the other species away, while players who have reached the Alien Queen point of life can lay eggs that will force attacking opponents to become aliens for a short period of time before allowing them to go back to their other species.

More to come later maybe.
used44 said:
Squiggy said:
-Pokemon MMO - Create your own customized trainer, pick a region, a starter pokemon, and set off in a world where all the other trainers you can face are actual people playing the game.

That's a really good idea, and seemingly a no-brainer. You think that should have been made by now.

It would be if people were not total statistic whores and pick out the best pokemon they can get and build a killer team. And they everyone would have the same killer team of pokemon and it would become stupid.
I would like to describe all of my ideas, but I wish to be a game designer, and I don't anybody to steal my ideas, so i'll just give away these "secondary" ideas I have.

- a JRPG that dosen't bore me after playing for a couple hours

-an Action JRPG that borrows the gambit system from FFXII

-a Legend of Zelda MMO

-a "Heroes of Might & Magic" type of game that plays like an RPG

-a shootemup game that has RPG elements

-another shootemup that uses both vertical and horizontal viewpoints for added strategy

-an idea I have that dosen't contain the acronym "RPG", to become more original with my ideas

Also Lars, Working Designs has been disbanded since late 2005.
Lord_Fornelius said:
- a JRPG that dosen't bore me after playing for a couple hours
-a Legend of Zelda MMO
-a "Heroes of Might & Magic" type of game that plays like an RPG

I've always wished to see those types of games too. I didn't see much about it, only a few trailers, but Disciples 3 (I've played Disciples : Sacred Lands and Disciples 2 with all expansions and it's pretty much like Heroes, with RPG parties instead of armies, and you level units and your heroes like in a classic RPG, with turn based combat and stuff like that) really looks like a great game, with 3D units, heroes and a world that looks more than the one of an MMORPG than one for a strategy/RPG game. Seriously, try Disciples, it's exactly like Heroes with lots of RPG elements.

The Zelda MMORPG is my dream too, but it'll never happen. I also loved the idea of the zombies, like Resident Evil : Outbreak with a really good co-op mode. I've never played Resident Evil Outbreak online, but I know there's a co-op mode where the goal is to survive in Raccoon City, and it looks like a great game.

On my side, I'd love to see a strategy game with exceptionnal realism, with the fighting physics of the Total War series, the village-building aspects of Stronghold 2, an original unit/race design and things like that. I would also love to play a fighting game with really epic fight scenes, with orchestral music, trapped stages, stage interactions and, at last, actual wounds : we're able to make ultra-realistic shooters, but no one ever thought about making a fighting game where the fighters actually get wounder after being sliced in two by a blade.
eve online, just where you control a character, an actual walkable character

to log off, you dock your ship, your able to walk around the space station, single passenger crafts like fighters is what you start out with, but lets say you get a group, clan, coorp, whatever, it would take multiple people online at once to operate it, multiple gunneries, a pilot, a copilot

anyways back to real time, the ship never disapears, you can dock it in a secure station with police and security to prevent theft, or you can perform smugling and illegal activities, but have to dock ina less secure area, and some group with the right ammount of hacking skills or whatever could bust in while yoru walking the station or logged off and run off with your ship,

peices get placed on the ship, you dont just purchase one whole (although on the aftermarket you could sell your own ship you just built)

and even possibly outer spacecraft fighting, like on asteroids, or even the space stations,

I just think there needs to be a lot more depth into the MMO's
I always thought EVE should have a third person element to it, and I'm glad someone else out there agrees.

Good idea you have there Icepick.
Tyrranis said:
The second can be described easily as 'Large scale Dead Rising in MMO form'. You're in a city with other humans. There are zombies. You must defend yourself, whilst also gathering supplies and stuff in order to survive. It's a sandbox MMO, where you don't get any quests, you don't have guilds, you're just surviving either on your own or alongside other people. There are no designated safe areas, which means that you must either create your own safe place from the zombies or join up with a group of human survivors and stay in their safe area.

Wow, I've been planning out a similar game for a while now. I even have rough sketches done in my brain. Are you invading my thoughts? GET OUT, MY DREAMS ARE FOR ME ONLY.
Bipumaster said:
Lord_Fornelius said:
- a JRPG that dosen't bore me after playing for a couple hours
-a Legend of Zelda MMO
-a "Heroes of Might & Magic" type of game that plays like an RPG

I've always wished to see those types of games too. I didn't see much about it, only a few trailers, but Disciples 3 (I've played Disciples : Sacred Lands and Disciples 2 with all expansions and it's pretty much like Heroes, with RPG parties instead of armies, and you level units and your heroes like in a classic RPG, with turn based combat and stuff like that) really looks like a great game, with 3D units, heroes and a world that looks more than the one of an MMORPG than one for a strategy/RPG game. Seriously, try Disciples, it's exactly like Heroes with lots of RPG elements.

I have played Disciples: Sacred Lands, and i am aware of its RPG elements, but what I really had in mind was an HM&M game that plays similiar to something like Elder Scrolls or Final Fantasy. As in you directly control your character and recruit mercenaries and collect resources directly.
I'm all for the remake of any Final Fantasy on these next Gen consoles.

I envisioned a game once; it was a racer, and you could jump from car to car to hijack another player, of course you were in flying cars and attached to your car. You could set up a bomb if your car was hijacked and take them down with you. Trick is you can only do that once, as you miss your target your screwed. And if your car is left unattended and is better than someone else's than they have all the right to take it and advance further.

Monkey Island 5/Grim Fandango 2/Full Throttle 2
I want the good old Lucas Arts adventure games back.

We've seen movies based on games, and games based on movies, but I'd like to see a game based on something else. I'm thinking a game based off of the Kennedy Assassination, creates a great unknown underground government, with conspiracy, some detective work, and of course espionage.
Lord_Fornelius said:
I would like to describe all of my ideas, but I wish to be a game designer, and I don't anybody to steal my ideas, so i'll just give away these "secondary" ideas I have.

-a shootemup game that has RPG elements

STALKER: Shadow of Chernoybl comes to mind....
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Lord_Fornelius said:
I would like to describe all of my ideas, but I wish to be a game designer, and I don't anybody to steal my ideas, so i'll just give away these "secondary" ideas I have.

-a shootemup game that has RPG elements

STALKER: Shadow of Chernoybl comes to mind....

A shootemup is something like Gradius or R-Type, not an FPS. And I have STALKER

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