Would you rather be a dog or a cat?

If you had the choice, would you rather be a dog or a cat?

  • I like pooping outside. Throw me on the dog pile!

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  • I like pooping in sandboxes. Put me in the cat house!

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The title pretty much says it all. If you had the choice of being a dog or a cat, which would you choose, and why? The conditions: You are a domesticated animal living the average life of a pet. So that means no feral colonies, no subject to scientific tests, you live with a family that loves you (or at least gives you the appropriate amount of care).

I would be a cat. My reasoning: You can't deny that dogs generally seem very happy, what with running around, sniffing butts, and defending the house from squirrels and the mailman. But have you seen how a dog acts when its "parent" (the owner) isn't around? They mope until they fall asleep! Whereas when a cat is alone, it will look out the window, lay in the sun, and sleep. Which is what it does when its "servant" (the owner) is around. So while a dog has higher highs, it also has lower lows, while a cat's life is consistent.

Remember: The topic isn't asking which you like more, so let's not turn it into that. It is asking about whose life you would rather live as.
Average? Do you know how terrible life is for the average American pet? Screw that, if I was a dog, I'd start biting everyone's crotches, or a cat, clawing everyone's crotches, until they sent me to the pound to put me down.

But all of this "average" nonsense aside, I'd be a dog. Alaskan Husky, of course. I'd be able to call my mate a bitch and everything would be perfectly normal. Ha, kidding. I think a dog's life is a lot more exciting than a cat's.
I would be a dog, if only because I could eat the people who say they are cats :p. But seriously, because dogs can run fast and can scare more people. Cats are just funny once you get so tall, whereas a Great Dane or Doberman... One of those would make a pro wrestler s*** his pants.
I would be a dog, I could use my nose for helping others...and licking my own balls!
Yes I said it because nobody else will
I'd rather be a cat. Assuming I was in a setting like where I grew up, in the country, I'd be more free to roam around and not limited to fences.
Dogs do all sorts of ridiculous shit, but need constant attention and all that.

Cats are self sufficient and adorable.

I'd be a Cat.
Why be an ordinary house pet when you could be a bird and fly... Or even better, an eagle... and fly... like an eagle...

I want to fly like an eagle
To the sea
Fly like an eagle
Let my spirit carry me
I want to fly like an eagle
Till I'm free
Fly through the revolution

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future

In real life that would've broken out into a musical with kicks and everything. Real High School Musical style.
De-Ting said:
MattAY said:
A cat, because a cat's the only cat....who knooows where it's at.


PS - Duchess is fit.
I knew someone was bound to post that. :p

Yeah, it's standard in a cat VS dog argument.

As is: I want to be cat-dog.

Bretimus_v2 said:
Dogs are loyal, cats use people.

Dogs are loyal because they use people.
Cats can survive on their own, dogs just die in the road.

Even though I'm a dog guy I'd have to choose cat.
Chris_Crime said:
Dogs are loyal because they use people.
Cats can survive on their own, dogs just die in the road.
I have to disagree with all of this.

Dog's just love people, not necessarily use them. Like the saying goes, if a dog sits in your lap, it loves you. If a cat sits in your lap, it's just because yours is warmer. :p And not only would my cat die of starvation if he didn't get his freakin' tuna and treats every day, even though he has plenty of food in his bowl, but I've seen more cats dead in the road than I have seen dogs.
Chris_Crime said:
Dogs are loyal because they use people.
Cats can survive on their own, dogs just die in the road.

When I see a dead dog in the road, I get upset.

When I see a dead cat in the road, I shrug.
Cat for sure. I grew up on a farm with a ton of barn cats. I always loved how easy it was for them to wander around hard to reach places.

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