Comic Book Reading Club - PLANET HULK

Sorry I've dropped the ball, guys. My wife is having some pregnancy issues so I've been away from home for the last few days. I've got my iPad though, and things are slowing down, so I'll try to catch up to issue #3 soon, probably today.

Longo asked some great questions about issue #1 so I want to re-read that too.
Just finished helping my bro-in-law for two days of moving. I hurt everywhere.

I'm going to get back into this today.
In regards to the 2nd volume. It was much better, the art was more recognizable. I still liked the way that they twisted genetic mutants into social mutants. Although the "call me Iceman" and Beast being pseudo-intellectual got played out a bit more than 90's cartoon Gambit's drawl.

Also, a cliffhand should be a story plot element. Especially in this case, it should be a mystery cliffhanger not a character reveal.
used44 said:
Sorry I've dropped the ball, guys. My wife is having some pregnancy issues so I've been away from home for the last few days.

I hope everything is ok. We can wait on you. Also, congrats on fulfilling your genetic imperative.
:bigup: all is well, thanks.

Damn do I hate the art! So much copy-pasting. It's like he traced over reference images, which is a real fun thing that I like to do on my computer, but I'm not a professional comic penciler.

The story is much less muddy after 3 issues. Completely easy to follow, but maybe a little clichéd. I know that's kind of the hallmark of noir/pulp fiction but it's still a little grating. Fun though. All the introductions of familiar X-Men characters in their noir roles have been fun. I guessed Iceman before they even said "Bobby." It's a fun little guessing game.

The evolution of the mutant gene instead being sociopathy is pretty amazing. Rogue's powers translate in an especially interesting way.
Hitting back to what Longo asked, in a way...I would say that noir comics are more about the psychological. It's not the murder, it's the lead up, it's the fall out afterwards. It's the way the killer preps, it's the way the cops react.

The normal X-Men are all based in biological science while the noir X-Men are based in psychology.
Having not read this book and probably never getting to, it seems like this was a decent, inexpensive start to the club, but maybe some with a little more taste for comics can choose our next selection.
It's not that bad. I'm just better at picking out flaws than I am at intellectualizing the good ideas. Typical Internet commentor. :p

Need Longo to prompt me on some topics.
Well... I went ahead and finished it. While I still find myself a little confused on just what the fuck was going through most of the story, I think I got it mostly figured out.
I... didn't really like this book. I read through it when the post office finally delivered and... meh. I think our next selection will be much better. I hope I didn't turn anyone off with this pick.
yeah, it wasn't great. The dark art style made it doubly hard to figure out what was going on because half the time you can't tell who is on the page and talking. The frequent jumps every other page also don't help with the continuity all that well.

Don't worry Daniel, there are far better comic books out there for us to choose.
Ok, fuck that comic. TIME TO PICK A NEW ONE. Who's interested in trying again?

My first suggestion:


50 Girls 50
I thought that was completely made up until I googled it. I don't think I've read anything from Image comics, so I'd try it. Let's see what other ideas are introduced in addition to this one.

I'd also like to suggest Avengers vs. X-Men. I haven't read them yet, and the intro (It's Coming), main story, and epilogue (Consequences) are all out in paperback now.
AvX is absolutely terrible.

Honestly, I've read some of it, and it was painful, PAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIINFUL to read.

I was talking to Dan about doing the Aquaman New 52, but I've already read that.
Really? I've heard nothing but good things about it. Still going to read it though regardless. And you've judged it by just reading 'some'?
I've also read only some (though I think I own it all) and I wasn't too interested in it.

Lets try for something again that is short. Like 3-6 issues. Just as another trial run. Then we can go larger. If everybody agrees to go for a big series now, that's fine, it was just a thought I had.
I read the first issue, friend read through the whole thing. First issue was bad, and I heard it got worse.

It says a lot that I couldn't get past that. The only other comic I couldn't finish was Ultimatum, which was awful.

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