would you punch a pre-op transexual?

danielrbischoff said:
I can't wait for the day someone submits a GR thread to a court as evidence. If I'm not there, laughing, then I'm already dead.

we should get a pool going, all wager on who will be the one involved in a court case
Used is on the ball here. If you hit a woman, even if it's completely deserved and you have witnesses and the whole thing is on film and the cops were standing right there the whole time, you're the one who's going to be arrested. That's just how it goes.

And hitting a transgender is a hate crime.
Longo_2_guns said:
And hitting a transgender is a hate crime.

FINALLY SOMEONE SAYS IT! Jeesh why would anyone even suggest doing that...

"She totally deserves to be punch" ...buddy... normal people would walk away, jerks would punch people.
Lien said:
Longo_2_guns said:
And hitting a transgender is a hate crime.

FINALLY SOMEONE SAYS IT! Jeesh why would anyone even suggest doing that...

"She totally deserves to be punch" ...buddy... normal people would walk away, jerks would punch people.

I believe strongly in treating everyone equally, be they transgender, homosexual or straight, so if you get shit faced at a bar and start physically harassing me, expect a punch in the face, I didn't punch them because of their sexual orientation, I punched them because they were being a tool

this idea of holding them on a pedastle above others is stupid, if there's no hatred towards their lifestyle involved in the conflict, it's not a hate crime. But bleeding hearts see it as "omg that person doesn't get along with someone else who is different, clearly a hate crime." whereas a logical person would see it as, "wow that fucker sure was a tool and got what was coming to him"

The whole process is retarded, I got suspended from work over a situation like that. I had a very open homosexual flamboyant coworker, and I'll admit, I didn't care for him constantly talking about how he goes home and dresses up in corsets and stockings. However that's his lifestyle and more power to him. I did have a problem with him being such a shitty worker that he would constantly put me an hour behind and I'd have to finish his tasks just so I could carry on with my duties, so when I went outside as he was on his 8th smoke break on his 4 hour shift, I told him to get his ass in gear. He went to the union and it was called a hate crime, it's bullshit

women on the other hand, call it sexist but i couldn't hit one
Icepick said:
Lien said:
Longo_2_guns said:
And hitting a transgender is a hate crime.

FINALLY SOMEONE SAYS IT! Jeesh why would anyone even suggest doing that...

"She totally deserves to be punch" ...buddy... normal people would walk away, jerks would punch people.

I believe strongly in treating everyone equally, be they transgender, homosexual or straight, so if you get shit faced at a bar and start physically harassing me, expect a punch in the face
Lien said:
normal people would walk away, jerks would punch people.

I didn't punch them because of their sexual orientation, I punched them because they were being a tool
Lien said:
normal people would walk away, jerks would punch people.

this idea of holding them on a pedastle above others is stupid, if there's no hatred towards their lifestyle involved in the conflict, it's not a hate crime.
Lien said:
normal people would walk away, jerks would punch people.

But bleeding hearts see it as "omg that person doesn't get along with someone else who is different, clearly a hate crime." whereas a logical person would see it as, "wow that fucker sure was a tool and got what was coming to him"
Lien said:
normal people would walk away... bah i give up...
Wait, Icepick. You were suspended for telling a co-worker to get their rear in gear? Wtf? You should've went to the same union this guy went to and fought the suspension. Unless I missed the part where you called him a "fruit loop" or, yes, punched him in his face.
But telling someone to get to work doesn't seem like proper grounds for a damn suspension.
Oh, Canada.
Optimus-Crime said:
Wait, Icepick. You were suspended for telling a co-worker to get their rear in gear? Wtf? You should've went to the same union this guy went to and fought the suspension. Unless I missed the part where you called him a "fruit loop" or, yes, punched him in his face.
But telling someone to get to work doesn't seem like proper grounds for a damn suspension.
Oh, Canada.

it was as simple as that, the coworker felt "threatened and unsafe" and felt the reasoning behind it was due to his sexual orientation

and lien, a normal person would punch someone if they grabbed or hit them, I don't care what fantasy world you live in, you're not a psychotic individual for defending yourself, just not a big soapy pussy, but go ahead and repeat the line with even larger font

and you still didn't explain how a fist fight turns into a hate crime just because a guy gets surgery to add breasts
Yeah, well, that's bullshit. That he went to the union and not management, and that the union agreed is even more bullshit. The union =/= management, so how the union got you suspended is even more bullshit.

basically, it's bullshit. all of it. I would've fought it. Taken it to union hall. but whatevs man.
Having breast implants makes her "post-op." This topic title is bullshit!

Or does the "op" only refer to the genitals? DID YOU SEE THE GENITALS?!
Can't hear you, Icepick. I am overboard and distant from all them offensive topics in here

used44 said:
Having breast implants makes her "post-op." This topic title is bullshit!

Or does the "op" only refer to the genitals? DID YOU SEE THE GENITALS?!
It might not have been a case of seeing it. It might have been one of those things where he spotted her across the dance floor. A slow song comes on. He strides over to her full of confidence. He pulls her in close and she smiles. They begin to sway back 'n forth to the music. Suddenly, he feels a pulse against his thigh. His eyes widen in shock as the terrifying realization sets in that that isn't her lipstick case in her pocket that is poking him and she most certainly is happy to see him...
I assumed it was pre-op given what started the argument in the bar, apparently a popped-collar bro offered to buy "her" a drink, trying to score on someone clearly already hammered, and she flat out told him, or so I'm guessing given how things escalated
Kudos to the man/woman for telling him. He/she could've just rolled with it until the popped-collar received a big surprise in bed.
So wait... he was a transvestite then? Or was "She" a trans-man in a dress? How do you know that's even pre-op? Or is Icepick just making it up as he goes to hide another story?
I dunno. The only thing I've gleaned for this thread is that Canadian unions work against the workers, not for them.
Where's Eyebrowsbv31 when you need him?
Lien said:
Man you are right... is he sick? he usually jumps on threads like this...

you figured me out lien, I was the one who got drunk, than put on a dress and galavanted through town trying to get my mikshake to bring all the boys to the yard. Unfortunately it lead to a confrontation and even though the chance of GR finding out was slim, very slim, I thought I'd get ahead of it and come up with a rouse to throw you all off the case

I'd of gotten away with it to if not for you and your meddling dog

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