The thread of self dissapoint.


Today i just relised i was 5'7, all this time i thought i was 5'8. Feelsfknbadman.

Post your similar moments.

i.e That time you found out your dad wasn't your biological father.
I found out Paul Revere never existed, Raptor had feathers, viking never had horns, Ninjas were mostly peasants in black clothing, Guy Fawkes wanted to blow up Parliament not to promote anarchy but to make a catholic pro-Spain dictatorship, Edison mostly stoled other people's patents, the U.S did practically nothing in the European theater while the Russian did most of the job, the U.S went to war more then 128 times between the year 1840 to 1952, Socialism works, Obama is awesome and Santa clause doesn't exist, growing up sucks!

Just finding out raptors had feathers
Pluto isn't actually a planet. Triceratops never existed.
The 20GB PS3 has the highest failure rate.
Lien said:
Socialism works More?

The one thing I can't agree on. :)

Also: people are still trying to chug down pills against fatness instead of working out or eating more healthy. :?
Lien said:
the U.S did practically nothing in the European theater while the Russian did most of the job,

I'm not surprised more people don't know that. It's kind of the same thing that happened in WWI, actually. A large portion of American casualties from WWI were from disease and infection.
Kijan said:
Lien said:
Socialism works More?

The one thing I can't agree on. :)

Actually, in theory, Socialism works really well...The problem is having leaders who end up taking too much power in the process and turning socialism into a dictatorship.
Green_Lantern said:
Kijan said:
Lien said:
Socialism works More?

The one thing I can't agree on. :)

Actually, in theory, Socialism works really well...The problem is having leaders who end up taking too much power in the process and turning socialism into a dictatorship.

I know socialism very well in theory and I've seen it fail in practice too. :) Many, many times. :D
Green_Lantern said:
Actually, in theory, Socialism works really well...The problem is having leaders who end up taking too much power in the process and turning socialism into a dictatorship.

If the right person were in charge, a Dictatorship can work too. It actually has worked twice in Roman history. Cincinatus was twice given full power over Rome to defeat an invading army, and both time he returned the power after the Romans had declared victory.

The problem with politics isn't how it's structured or the ideals, it's the dickheads in charge and the leeches who want without limit that ruin it or everyone.

I guess my moment of self-disappoint came when I realized that a bed sheet was not an adequate parachute. Too bad I learned that lesson from twenty-five feet up (just glad it wasn't more!). Luckily nothing broke.

Lien, take everything Cracked says with a grain of salt. They're a comedy site, not a legitimate information resource.

But to answer the question, when I found out "cold" is just an absence of heat. My shit was rocked.

Oh yeah, and cracked said Luke Skywalker died a virgin, fuck them.
Bretimus_v2 said:
I guess my moment of self-disappoint came when I realized that a bed sheet was not an adequate parachute. Too bad I learned that lesson from twenty-five feet up (just glad it wasn't more!). Luckily nothing broke.
You must have done it wrong, because a good quality one with ropes at all 4 corners would slow you down significantly. Not well, of course, but enough to make sure you didn't suffer too much damage.

crazycracker22 said:
Oh yeah, and cracked said Luke Skywalker died a virgin, f*** them.
But he was an ugly nerd who likely would have gone dark side after being rejected too many times.
crazycracker22 said:
That may be true, but let's look at various recent drawings of the very breed they used in Jurassic Park, The Velociraptor mongoliensis:
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

Even if you are right, this is still a huge let down...

Also, back on the list, Caribbean Pirates were democratic, under payroll, rule abiding citizens, China is better then everyone, in every art (even penis size), Cowboys only existed for less then 20 years, Wyatt Herp was never a sherif but a criminal, Pretty much everything in this video... oh and Socialism still works despise your testimony, sorry Kijan.
Lien said:
This whole thing is close, but a little off. It is true that most pirates were successful democracies and even the captain was picked democratically, but this was disregarded in several occasions. Next, most of those rules applied only to Black Bart, who ran a ridiculously tight ship. Hell, he didn't even allow his men to drink. Now for some this would've led to a mutiny or replacement of the captain, but in Bart's case it came out the exact opposite. He did all of this because he was a genius, and in his time serving on British naval vessels and trade vessels he realized that this shit was what ruined ships. So when his ship was captured by pirates (that's right, he didn't even CHOOSE to be a pirate in the first place) and after he led a successful mutiny of their captain some time later he put these rules into place.

These are part of what helped Black Bart become the single greatest pirate of the Golden Age, and the second best pirate ever, following only Captain Henry Goddamn Morgan himself, who is a story all in itself. Black Bart was only caught by surprise a handful of times due to his strict shift schedule done on the crew, and his crew were never overly exhausted or hungover, making them almost impossible to truly ambush with their pants down. His crew worked in perfect harmony, and respected Bart to an insane degree.

Blackbeard, however, defied all of these rules. He was brutal, savage, remained in power by fear, and kept all of the treasure for himself. He also let his crew pretty much do whatever they wanted. He was also seven feet tall and would burn hemp and incense behind his beard to make it look like he was breathing smoke when you fought him. He shot a pistol under the dinner table "just to see what would happen" and killed his first mate. He is also where "Dead Men Tell No Tales" came from, because when it was time to bury his treasure he would bring a handful of men with him, have them dig a hole, shoot them and bury them with the treasure so only he would know where it was.
Ah Lein, you poor blind man at the cliff's edge.

Socialism doesn't work. Ever. :lol:

Just look at the shit piling up in the streets of France and Italy.

For me, the lack of a good archaeology major in my region.
lokness said:
Today i just relised i was 5'7, all this time i thought i was 5'8. Feelsfknbadman.

Post your similar moments.

i.e That time you found out your dad wasn't your biological father.

Every time i visit GR, and realize its becoming more and more like 4chan every day...


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