Seize the day!

Dobby2244 said:
Yesterday I ran a marathon.

What a coincidence! Yesterday I watched a marathon!

Was it a home made veggie burger, or a Yves or something? I really like the veggie patties from Costco -- they don't try to be meat, which I greatly appreciate. Instead of tasting like spiced cardboard, it tastes like what it's made of, which is mostly rice and cheese, with some onions and spinach. Some of the other things get lost in there, like the beans and lentils, and mushroom bits I think?
Broken images.
There is no greater fail on the internet.

Sightless, it was a Nature Burger from Lick's Frozen burgers. I needed to double up on the ketchup in order to finish it LOL
Dobby2244 said:
does he get sponsored for the London marathon??? I would love to do it next year......

He does it for a charity...for Cancer Research since our friend passed away about 6 years ago because of it. And friends and family obviously do the giving money thing. I'm the one who gives him the pint at the finish line ie. the most important aspect of his day!
I was looking for a wetsuit in stores today. After 5 stores with no luck, I decided to fuck it, got a sixpack of beer and cleaned the house.

I have been planning river crossings to my hike/run trips and a wetsuit would make them a little more comfortable.
No idea what Lick's Frozen Burgers are, but it sure does sound delicious! You should try the ones from Costco! Good, I'm telling you. Someone back me up on this.

Eat it with hot sauce. Or chipotle mayo. Or pesto. Mmm...
You've never heard of the Burger Joint Licks? Ok, I'll make a deal, I'll eat one of those fake silicone veggie burgers from Costco and you find a Licks nearby and try their homeburger made from 100% cow.
What do they taste like, Longo?

Yesterday, I ate duck eggs. Well, duck fetuses to be exact. While I've eaten them before, I've never took a *really* good look at one. Long story short, when I look at the food I'm about to eat, it looked back at me. The look it gave me would make a hardcore meateater into vegetarians in a heart beat. So I kissed it on the beak and bit off the head. I'm a changed man because of you, Liquid. Thanks.
My friends have been tweeting out the hashtag #YOLO which means "You Only Live Once." I will try anything once, except have sexual relations with a guy. I should read what this topic is about, but seize the day!

Anyways, I told my boss, Sunday, "I'm only working here until I find a better job. Sh*t is hard to find work nowadays." He agreed with me and we ended are meeting. The meeting was about oil usage and how we're using too much.
Scorpion tastes like deep fried bug, except it sorta made my lips numb. Don't know if that's from the stinger or not.

Last night, while wandering the city, we got street vendor food. It was fried something chewy (tendon maybe?) and squid on sticks and covered in spices. It cost all of 2 bucks for 10 of each. And today I impulse bought an old army bayonet for about 40 bucks.

China is crazy.
I love squid, if it's not too chewy. I've never had scorpion, and I cry when I see duck foetus.

WickedLiquid: Deal. Be back in 45. Hours.

Edit: OH, Natureburgers are vegan burgers, it looks like. Well shit, I can't help you there, then. Sorry.

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