Being forced into Valentine's Day


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So I'm single, have been for as long as I remember and for me, Valentine's Day was always just another day. In particular, it's today, Thursday. I think it's Thursday. Everyone around me thinks it's Valentine's Day.

Now, my boss is actually forcing me into Valentine's Day. He is making me take my lunch break with him, so we can go and buy a gift of some kind and then hand it to a random girl. The idea sounds funny yet kinda urks me at the same time.

Admittingly I am interested in someone at the moment but it's complicated, so I think it would be best to not get them anything, it'd be weird, especially for me.

On the other hand, I'm tempted to buy something and give it to one of my mates as a joke present. A friend of mine suggested to go out and do it, and hand the gift to a random stranger working at a cafe or something.

What the hell do I do? I have less than an hour before Operation Get Super Embarrassed commences (OGSE).

Anyone else ever been in a similar situation? What did you do?
How complicated is your situation with this girl? Is she with another guy? Are you friend zoned? We need details lol.

You can't just get her a gift to show her you care? Seems like a good chance to make a move and if you get rejected it's better than never knowing what your chances were. You can also let her know your boss forced you into

I used to really hate valentine's day. Not because i would ne single but because you don't get the day off work or school. That's changed now due to "family day", a bs day made up around v-day to give us all a long weekend. :)
WickedLiquid said:
How complicated is your situation with this girl? Is she with another guy? Are you friend zoned? We need details lol.

You can't just get her a gift to show her you care? Seems like a good chance to make a move and if you get rejected it's better than never knowing what your chances were. You can also let her know your boss forced you into

Just do it.
that sounds really lame and creepy. your boss is lame and creepy.

have fun though

most guys avoid valentines day when they have a gf/wife. you guys are going out of your way to celebrate it when you're single...

i think he's going to make a move on you. it's the only logical explanation, he's gay. unless it's a she. i guess you didn't clarify this.

edit: nvm, yes you did. reading fail.
my coworkers arranged a bullshit date without giving me the heads up until yesterday, when they literally marched the poor young thing up to me to "confirm" plans

I fucking hate people so much, but if I play my cards right I could stick it in her ass and the result will be I'll never end up forced on another date again

wish me luck
De-Ting said:
You could turn it into an act of goodwill and give a gift to the most somber looking lady you see.

Oh God. I didn't do that. Does that make me an evil person? Probably...

WickedLiquid said:
How complicated is your situation with this girl? Is she with another guy? Are you friend zoned? We need details lol.

You can't just get her a gift to show her you care? Seems like a good chance to make a move and if you get rejected it's better than never knowing what your chances were. You can also let her know your boss forced you into

I used to really hate valentine's day. Not because i would ne single but because you don't get the day off work or school. That's changed now due to "family day", a bs day made up around v-day to give us all a long weekend. :)

Without giving too much info... I was talking to this girl for a while (mostly Facebook, texting and the occasional call), I asked her out, she said yes but it'd have to wait until later (apparently due to her work, working six days a week). A friend of mine (also friends with this girl) suggested I back off, because apparently this girl has a very religious family who want her to be with someone of the same religion. Since being told this by my friend I have kinda backed off and I do feel stupid and awkward. I feel like an idiot. I still talk to this girl but not as much as I used to.

Also, I hate the idea of "Family Day", mainly because we get no such day. :p

WickedLiquid said:
Just do it.

I did it.

intoTheRain said:
that sounds really lame and creepy. your boss is lame and creepy.

have fun though

most guys avoid valentines day when they have a gf/wife. you guys are going out of your way to celebrate it when you're single...

i think he's going to make a move on you. it's the only logical explanation, he's gay. unless it's a she. i guess you didn't clarify this.

edit: nvm, yes you did. reading fail.

I've been single for a very long time. Hell, I've never actually been in a serious relationship or had a girlfriend before, ever. Every Valentine's Day, I never "celebrate" it, I treat it as another day, but I do moan and groan a little because everyone around me is celebrating it - even single people.

As for my boss? He's just trying to get me to talk to girls. :p Admittingly, doing this "challenge" today was actually kinda fun and I feel better for doing it. I'll explain it shortly.

Icepick said:
my coworkers arranged a bullshit date without giving me the heads up until yesterday, when they literally marched the poor young thing up to me to "confirm" plans

I fucking hate people so much, but if I play my cards right I could stick it in her ass and the result will be I'll never end up forced on another date again

wish me luck

That does sound terrible, but I must say... good luck to you and godspeed.

So, my boss told me he wasn't really going to force me to do it, but he wanted me to try as a challenge, for "personal development" basically. Like I've said before, I've never been in a serious relationship, never had a girlfriend and when talking to girls in this manner, I'm horrible. So he sent me off on this challenge and he didn't come with me, as he originally said he would.

First I had to go buy a Goddamn flower, or something. I went to the place I thought it was at, but it wasn't there, it was a fashion shop. So I asked the old Chinese lady in there who barely spoke English about flowers. She thought I was talking about cooking flour, eventually she realised what I was on about and told me where to go. I wanted a second opinion, so I visited a mate at the cake shop he works at and he told me exactly where to go.

I went to this place and heaps of people, guys and girls were buying flowers and stuff. So I picked out the nicest looking single rose I could find. I then moved toward the outdoor mall to find, well, I don't know. Someone to give the rose to. My boss said to me, "Find someone you would be attracted to, someone you'd actually want to date."

Sure, the place is sprawling with a lot of young ladies. But they travel in packs. Or, they travel with a partner/boyfriend/husband etc. I honestly felt like the biggest creeper of all time.

I went into a book store and I saw a nice girl behind the counter, so I thought "bugger it" and I picked up a Batman graphic novel. I thought you know what? I'll buy this comic, make small talk, hand her the rose and that'll be it. But when I got to the counter, another older lady was there. Awkward. I walked away with a Batman comic at least.

I almost gave up and I stopped by a pharmacy to buy some strapping tape for Judo. While in there, I saw this beautiful blonde girl working in the beauty/makeup section. She was with a customer so I thought "meh" and left next door into an electronics store. Minutes after, the customer from before walked into this store. So I thought "okay!" and went back to the pharmacy.

Nervous as all hell because I suck with women - I approached this girl and said hello. She asked if I needed help, and that's when I awkwardly explained "This is going to sound VERY weird, but I'm on a mission." She laughs, "A mission?" and I'm like "Yeah. My boss has sent me out to buy a single rose, and give it to a girl of my choice for the sake of Valentine's Day, just to make someone's day a little happier. So, I'd like you to have this." and I handed her the rose.

She seemed happy, thanked me and was probably embarrassed. We briefly chatted, she was asking me where I work and what I do. Eventually she asked me, "So why me?" and I kinda panicked and said, "Well, I was told to give the rose to someone who I felt was genuinely beautiful." She went a little red and I'm pretty sure I further embarrassed her. She suggested as a joke - I tell my boss that the way it really went down was that she got angry, threw the rose in my face, I swore at her and stormed off... I told my boss this and he freaked out - the reaction was priceless, but I told him the truth very quickly after. :p

I realised the time and apologised as I had to leave (I was doing all this on an "extended" lunch break) and I said nice to meet you, bye etc. I didn't get her name or any details, nor did she get much of mine (other than what I do/where I work).

Now on one hand, I feel like an idiot for not attempting to ask for her name or details like a number. Yet on the other hand, a girl like her probably would of had a boyfriend or something. I also figured that from her own perspective, if she was to tell this story to people, it might be a better story to hear if she has little information to give about me, other than "this guy" or "this creepy guy" :p.

As for proof, all I've got is a receipt for one rose... and a Batman comic. :)

Uh... what do you guys think? Sorry for a long post.
Icepick said:
my coworkers arranged a bullshit date without giving me the heads up until yesterday, when they literally marched the poor young thing up to me to "confirm" plans
Are these the same friends who set you up on the date that went disastrously?

As for me, I sat in class talking to two girls about how they were just gonna stay at home and not care on Valentine's Day. Had one of them not been there, I would've likely suggested watching a movie or something with the one who was. But as it is, I simply agreed that I wasn't doing shit.

Next time, things will be different. Maybe.
I would have given the gift to the cashier I bought it from, then asked for her phone number. Seems like the best bet. Comic books, judo,a pharmacy, Chinese cakes? Your Peripheral Vision skill tree is maxed out, Craig. You should've spent those skill points on Tunnel Vision. But I have a feeling your boss was just living vicariously through you, so that's kinda humorous and no harm done. And "single rose"? So you're that guy holding a single rose in a swarm of people the day before Valentine's day. Your boss did you no favors, friendo. This sounds awkward; be thankful she was cool.
Happy Valentine's Day Longo!

When your thighs are so big that you live in constant fear of pancaking your testicles, I'd say you've gone too far.
Optimus-Crime said:
I would have given the gift to the cashier I bought it from, then asked for her phone number. Seems like the best bet. Comic books, judo,a pharmacy, Chinese cakes? Your Peripheral Vision skill tree is maxed out, Craig. You should've spent those skill points on Tunnel Vision. But I have a feeling your boss was just living vicariously through you, so that's kinda humorous and no harm done. And "single rose"? So you're that guy holding a single rose in a swarm of people the day before Valentine's day. Your boss did you no favors, friendo. This sounds awkward; be thankful she was cool.

Hey man. I'm not quite sure where Chinese cakes fits into all that. Although I did stop off at a Chinese fashion store (where I thought a flower shop was) before going into the cake store where my mate works? :p

My Peripheral Vision is off the chart. You're right though, I need to increase my Tunnel Vision a little. Need to pump some stat points into that.

Single rose? Yup. In all honesty I didn't want to buy a massive bunch of flowers or anything. I was being a little cheap... plus there were a lot of people running around with single roses. Today was Valentine's Day here in Australia and there were A LOT of people holding flowers, guys and girls alike. If I was actually buying for someone I know and care about, then I would have put a lot more effort and creativity into it. I drew a rose for a friend of mine at work. She asked me to draw her one and I drew a very bad, rough cartoony one... I felt bad, so later in the day I actually drew a very nice, realistic rose for her which she really liked. :)

Maybe my boss wasn't doing me any favours, but at the same time he did mean well. He knows I'm not the best in social situations and he knows I've been single for quite some time. I guess all he was trying to do was just give me a push to go talk to someone random, basically. Funnily enough, I actually enjoyed the challenge and just doing it. The girl at the pharmacy? I have no idea if she was weirded out or if she did appreciate it, I don't know and I probably won't find out... but it was still kinda fun and strangely, I feel happier for doing it in the end.
Glad you had bollocks. Ever watch "We Just Bought a Zoo"? 20 seconds of courage makes you feel better. Like Wicked said, It's better than never knowing.
Longo_2_guns said:
Icepick said:
my coworkers arranged a bullshit date without giving me the heads up until yesterday, when they literally marched the poor young thing up to me to "confirm" plans
Are these the same friends who set you up on the date that went disastrously?

As for me, I sat in class talking to two girls about how they were just gonna stay at home and not care on Valentine's Day. Had one of them not been there, I would've likely suggested watching a movie or something with the one who was. But as it is, I simply agreed that I wasn't doing shit.

Next time, things will be different. Maybe.

You should have invited them both over, dummy.
Longo_2_guns said:
Icepick said:
my coworkers arranged a bullshit date without giving me the heads up until yesterday, when they literally marched the poor young thing up to me to "confirm" plans
Are these the same friends who set you up on the date that went disastrously?

Negative, I keep my work and personal lives as separate as I can, that being said I can't ruin this girl, she's too sweet, almost sickeningly so, I'm just going to have to grind my teeth and deal with it :(

I spent my day in Ikea planning a kitchen. The worker who helped me kept providing me with an endless supply of chocolate. Valentines isn't really big here. Didn't even remember it until now.

But good on you Master Craig. Status quo won't change unless you take the risk once in a while.

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