The Stalfros Experiment (Chat Thread)

My kids are going as a pirate and an elephant. I will be going as a migrant worker. It'll be fun because this will be the firs time I've gone Trick-or-Treating in some time.
i wanted to dress up my 18 month old as adolf hitler, but nooooooooooo, people seem to have a opion of him being a monster or something, i dunno. instead it'll be a ugly unicorn outfit that the poor child will be embarrased about when she gets old enough and see the pictures.
Trippysmurf said:
Longo_2_guns said:
I'm going as Cowboy from The Warriors. I'll post pics tonight or tomorrow.

While Longo in a sexy vest does sound appealing, I was kinda hoping for another go at Disgaea.
What, like dress up as Emperor, or Cecil, or Terra or something?

Maybe next year.

Also, Stal, my dad is going as Spaceghost. Just so you know.
Behold, a vaudevillian from the 1890's!


Or a bad Snidely Whiplash impression.
Wait...this got on the 2nd page? NO WAY! So has anyone noticed that underated music is so much better than the mainstream music? Seriously...The mainstreem music now days is just a guy talkin fast over some comptutirazed crap and almost all of then have the same lyrics. What happened to creativity?
Yeah, all the bollocks on the radio is the same. UK is going through a house phase right now, I personally hate it. But the country is loving it more and more...pisses me off haha!

I'm into trance and electronic music, so most of the music I like has always been underrated and better than mainstream ;)
Bazooka56 said:
Wait...this got on the 2nd page? NO WAY! So has anyone noticed that underated music is so much better than the mainstream music? Seriously...The mainstreem music now days is just a guy talkin fast over some comptutirazed crap and almost all of then have the same lyrics. What happened to creativity?
i won't call it underrated as much as I'd call it under-advertised. 'Tis why everyone that asks me what I listen to never has any idea what I'm talking about, but sometimes, when I make them listen to it, they think it's good.
the non-shoved-down-your-throat music is typically better.. that's why mainstream is mainstream.. and that's why they have to shove it down your throat.. cause they have to.. cause it sucks.. and most people alive today suck.. so they listen to sucky music..

but thank satan the same reason popular songs are popular are the same reason they're so short lived

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