The Stalfros Experiment (Chat Thread)

No, I say that knowing you come from the land of Lucy Pinder and Sophie Howard and god damn those girls are gorgeous.

Curse your nation and their superior periodicals!
I just woke up to some bad news....(why I was sleeping now is another matter in itself.)

Basically, I had a vacation planned this week, and now it is not going through, after months of anticipating and calling off work to go somewhere, it just got canceled at the last minute, which means that, even with all of my work done and school starting up in 2 weeks almost, I am basically, officially doing nothing this summer.

^ That really sucks man, if I were you I'd make the most of it and take the week off of work and do some fun stuff, like take a quick road trip or something.

Why were you sleeping?
Rough day at work...with autistic children today, non-verbal and low functioning....I pretty much had to deal with a kid who kept trying to run away from the teachers and kept slapping me and the other teachers in the classroom...

Fun times. It's a lot better than someone attempting to stab me, but it is still tiring as hell.
LinksOcarina said:
Rough day at work...with autistic children today, non-verbal and low functioning....I pretty much had to deal with a kid who kept trying to run away from the teachers and kept slapping me and the other teachers in the classroom...

Fun times. It's a lot better than someone attempting to stab me, but it is still tiring as hell.

Sounds like he hadn't had his licken yet today.
Yeah, kids can be a pain. We just started a new session at the camp I work at, which means new kids. I've got a pretty great group, but one kid who is special needs (not too sure with what) keeps crying, literally, about everything. It gets frustrating, and I can tell that it makes all the other kids feel REALLY awkward. Not too bad, but I can tell it's going to get annoying real fast.

But ya Links, I feel your pain.
So what... it's all relative. I'm sure anyone doesn't want to be around 10-11 year olds when they're 15.

My story is I've been getting high off anti-diarrheal medicine for the last 3 days. Yea, I'm going no where fast.
Krowsnose said:
So what... it's all relative. I'm sure anyone doesn't want to be around 10-11 year olds when they're 15.

My story is I've been getting high off anti-diarrheal medicine for the last 3 days. Yea, I'm going no where fast.

No, dumbass cracker, he said a few were as old as he was. I was stating that he is still younger... like he isn't 18 or 21, so it makes since that there would be campers his age at a summer camp.
I always liked when the 14 year old campers realized they were older than some of our volunteers, and then their parents realized "hey, our kid can go to camp for free."

Then they became our bitches.

And Krow: Do you have Krone's or IBS?
Trippysmurf said:
No, I say that knowing you come from the land of Lucy Pinder and Sophie Howard and god damn those girls are gorgeous.

Curse your nation and their superior periodicals!

Lucy Pinder I know well.

Spohie Howard though? Time for some research to be done.
Lucy Pinder is a goddess. I just like that you have topless women in your newspapers.

I hate this sexually repressed country.
Dont forget Jo Guest.

She was a goddess growing up, and had a peach of an ass.

(I'm an ass man)

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