The Stalfros Experiment (Chat Thread)

Yeah, I guess I would have to say thought is what makes a board game casual or not. If the most though I need to put in is "should I buy that space", then its a casual. Or totally dice dependant. I like games that require strategy and thought, not just roll the dice and "hey, look at that. I won"

As far as tabletop RPGs, I never got into D&D, but I am a big Runequest fan. I love the d100 system. I would love to play Deadlands more often, but as I said earlier, its extremely difficult to get somebody to run that damn game. Its a nightmare
Yeah, Risk isn't dice-based at all.

I'm just saying Monopoly has as much strategy as any of the others you listed. Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's automatically Sorry! or Life or whatever.

/monopoly apologist
In my opinion, it's more than a casual board game. IT has a strategy, even if parts of play are decided by the lucky roll of a dice. In the same sense, Catan's resource production is the same way.

Carcasonne! That is a frustratingly fun game! Also, some other enjoyable ones...Risk 2210, Acquire, and RoboRally.
Oh, RoboRally. I don't know how many times my bot was destroyed on the first move thanks to another bot. And my friends won't play Risk with me anymore because I'm notorious for pitting everyone against each other.

For Tabletop RPGs, I've played DnD 3.0, 3.5 and 4e. I played Deadlands, which was a lot of fun, but did require someone who knew what was going on (especially during character creation). Used to play OWoD and Exalted, but the guy running those didn't know how to use a mat, and that killed most of the games when combat happened. I really enjoyed Savage Worlds due to its simplicity, but sadly most people would rather play DnD than that. Also played at least one game of Champions and d20 modern.

Also Monopoly is not fun, no matter what you think. Each game takes way too long, and it usually ends when one person suckers another into giving them a game breaking piece of property and then its the slow, agonizing defeat for the rest of the players.
I once worked in a table-top game store (RPGs, miniatures, boardgames, etc), so I've played a lot of the games out there at one time or another. I find that the people you play with is more important than the actual game itself, as to how much fun it will be.

If you want an epic boardgame experience, check out Twilight Imperium.
I once played a table-top RPG...I fell asleep.

I used to love collecting and painting the Warhammer minatures though.

I think we all know the best board game is Absolute Balderdash!
Chutes and Ladders is too mainstream for all y'all haters!

This whole boardgame thing really deserves it's own topic. Is that the point of the Stalfros Experiment?
It's just a topic where you can talk about ANYTHING. Like a continuous chat in a bar.

PS - SNAKES and Ladders mutha trucker! You Yanks and Alaskans are crazy with your chutes.
LawnGnome said:
the people you play with is more important than the actual game itself, as to how much fun it will be.

This is the absolute truth, I get together with old roommatess every other Tuesday to play 4.0 or a boardgame and if a certain guy shows up, it always ruins the the night for the rest of us.

My favorite game from back when I was little...UNO!!!
I've actually never played an original board game.

I've played Lord of the Rings Risk, Simpsons Clue, Star Wars Monopoly, but never the originals.
You know, with all the board games I have played, I have never played Risk....ever. I have played monopoly enough to not exactly hate it...but refuse to play.

Couple more great games just came to mind.
Iron Dragon: My friends tried for so long to convince me that this game was cool...and I judged too quickly. I saw the crayons and the instantly-confusing looking board and I thought "lame". Boy was I wrong. I had some good fun with that one.

Valley of the Mammoths: Here was a quirky one...such a fun game, as long as you only have 3 people. Of course it works for four people, as long as one person doesn't mind getting attacked, overran, and eliminated right away. *chuckles*

Porto Rico: Fun little game, this along with Catan is our "old faithfuls". Whenever there is fighting about what to play, it always ends up being one of these two. Good times.
Why would you go down a Snake? Does it eat you and shit you out or something?

Chutes make 100 times more sense.
Well, I think it's aimed more at kids and you're supposed to slide down the snake.

Which now brings me to my next question? How do snakes poo? They dont have an o-ring do they? If so, where?!

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