The Social Network

Not a documentary, a movie based on the life of Mark Zuckerberg and how Facebook began.

I liked that trailer, looks cool.
So it's a movie about a guy who created a website that is just like a dozen others that came before it, and will eventually be replaced by something else that allows people to be even more self absorbed than they can now, and will then fade into obscurity with its creators coasting off of it until they die. Fantastic.
Longo_2_guns said:
So it's a movie about a guy who created a website that is just like a dozen others that came before it, and will eventually be replaced by something else that allows people to be even more self absorbed than they can now, and will then fade into obscurity with its creators coasting off of it until they die. Fantastic.

Why must you be so pessimistic Longo? :p

Facebook's a pretty big deal and will be looked back upon with great nostalgia. Trailers can be misleading but now I think the movie has some potential.
So it's a movie based on the life of a 25 year-old? I mean he created the biggest site in the world and sold it to some bigger corporation, and now he lives in his gold-plated mansion, wiping his ass with $100 dollar bills, scratching his back with an ivory back scratcher, swimming in his pool of water from the purest lakes in the world, all while petting his liger on one side of him and his albino crocodile on the other.

Other than Facebook did this guy have a life worth making a movie on? Was he one of us nerds until he made his millions? I mean 22 minute TV special, yes. Movie? No.
Do you know the story of Facebook?

Are you aware he probably stole the code in the first place?

Are you also aware that the writer of this movie is one of the greatest writers in modern television/film?

You probably aren't aware of these things...
WickedLiquid said:
Why must you be so pessimistic Longo? :p

Facebook's a pretty big deal and will be looked back upon with great nostalgia. Trailers can be misleading but now I think the movie has some potential.
Just like Myspace was. And Xanga before that. And Live Journal before that.

Face it, this is just an attempt to cash in on the Facebook fad before it fades into obscurity.
West Wing is officially one of my fav shows of the last few years. I could have cared less until you mentioned Sorkin's name.
StalfrosCC said:
Do you know the story of Facebook?

Are you aware he probably stole the code in the first place?

Are you also aware that the writer of this movie is one of the greatest writers in modern television/film?

You probably aren't aware of these things...

actually, yeah I am aware of the fact that he probably stole the code. I've been a member of facebook since it was college students only. I've seen the changes they've made and been against most of them, I miss the old days before it became what it is today, the site used to be much better and much less stalker-esque.

As for the writer, he kicks serious ass. I love his work, I just don't think Mark Zuckerberg deserves a movie
Longo_2_guns said:
WickedLiquid said:
Why must you be so pessimistic Longo? :p

Facebook's a pretty big deal and will be looked back upon with great nostalgia. Trailers can be misleading but now I think the movie has some potential.
Just like Myspace was. And Xanga before that. And Live Journal before that.

Face it, this is just an attempt to cash in on the Facebook fad before it fades into obscurity.

Meh, perhaps we don't see eye to eye because I never used a social networking site before Facebook. A lot of people didn't. Hell, I've never even heard of Xanga. And the only people I knew who used MySpace was to promote their band.

Regardless, Facebook brought it into the mainstream and reconnected millions of people who probably would've never seen each other again. I've gone out for drinks with some people I knew in Elementary school because of Facebook.

And if they're able to turn it into an interesting story then why not.
I'm not that into movies to watch this. If there was a choice between this, and say a story of a bear who discovers the disease for Alzeimers, I'd definately watch the latter.
God damn facebook. I hope people tweet thoughout this entire movie since I always have to put up with people breaking out their cell phones during movies once their 20 minute attention span wares out.

On the plus side, nobody talks on the phone anymore so you don't have some douche on an elevator going "Yeah I just walked in the elevator, yeah I just pushed the button, yeah I'm standing in it now, yeah it's moving up. Hello? Hello??? Yeah I thnk it might cut out cause I'm an in elevator... what? Hello?? Yeah, I'm still here. Yeah I'm still in the elevator".
Green_Lantern said:
Wes said:
Not a documentary, a movie based on the life of Mark Zuckerberg and how Facebook began.

Kinda sounds like a documentary.

Were these movies documentaries....

The People VS Larry Flint
United 93
Cool Runnings
Man on the Moon
and so on


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